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Unit 2 Language. How do we communicate with one another? What language do you speak? Can you speak any other language?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Language. How do we communicate with one another? What language do you speak? Can you speak any other language?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Language

2 How do we communicate with one another? What language do you speak? Can you speak any other language?

3 How many languages are there in the world? 6,000 languages are used in the world now.

4 Chinese Russian

5 English Spanish

6 Japanese Tibetan

7 French Arabic

8 Greek German

9 Do you think that language is the only way people communicate? What other methods of communication can you think of?

10 Emoticons emotion + icon = emoticon Eye contact communication with people’s eyes Gesturesmovements of the hands, arms or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling Facial expressions Feelings are reflected on the faces

11 :-) smiley face :-( sad face :'(:'( :-| crying face disappointed face What do these emoticons stand for?

12 :-O Wow!/surprise 8-| bookworm/A man who is wearing glasses is smiling. =:O frightened :}{:kisses

13 sign language

14 What does this sign mean? Be quiet ! victory

15 Who needs to use sign language in daily life? The deaf.

16 whistle

17 nurse

18 house

19 Louis Braille was born in 1809 in France. When he was young, he had an accident. Then he became blind. It was he who invented Braille. Who is he?

20 Braille Braille is the system of six raised dots created in 1821 by Louis Braille. It’s the only way through which the blind can learn to read and write.

21 Do you believe there exists animal language? What animal languages do you know?

22 Language study 1. broad adj. ① large in size from one side to the other; wide 宽的,阔的 a broad street ② (of land or sea) covering a wide area; extensive 辽阔的,宽广的 ③ (of ideas, opinions, etc) tolerant; liberal 宽宏的,胸怀开阔的 a man of broad views 豁达大度的人

23 2. transmit v. ① transmit sth. (from…)(to…) 传输,传播(信号,节目等) e.g: The World Cup final is being transmitted live to over fifty countries. ② transmit sth./ itself (from…)(to…) 将某事物传送,传递或传染给对方 e.g: Transmit knowledge from generation to another.

24 3. exchange v. exchange A for B; exchange sth. (with sb.) e.g: She exchanged the blue jumper for a red one. Ali exchanged seats with Ben. 4. stand for represent sth.; be in favour of; tolerate 代表,主张,容忍 e.g: What does UK stand for? The gentleman always stands for hardworking. She says she’s not going to stand for being treated like a child.

25 1.Music is not like most other art _____. 2. I ________ her mother __ her safe arrival. 3. Where can I _________ my RMB for dollars? Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the box below. broad, transmit, exchange, form, inform…of, in circle, stand for forms informed of exchanged

26 4. They have __________ the news by radio. 5. The letters “x” and “y” often ________ unknown numbers in mathematics. 6. His back is _____. 7. Look, the children are dancing ________. transmitted stand for broad in circles

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