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2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 1 Some aspects of the Code of Conduct on the.

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1 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 1 Some aspects of the Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors implementation in the Rostechnadzor regulatory practices FederalEnvironmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia Vladimir Bondar Head Division for Safety Assessment and Licensing of Nuclear Research Installations Department for Safety Regulation of Nuclear Power Plants and Nuclear Research Installations Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor)

2 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 2  Introduction  Legislative and Regulatory basis for periodic safety review (PSR):  Federal Law "On the use of atomic energy”  RF Government Statement “Provisions for Licensing in the field of the use of atomic energy”  Administrative Procedures for the Licensing Activities in the Field of Atomic Energy Use  Safety standart “Periodic safety reviews of NRI”, NP- 092-14  Documents with the PSR results for NRI  Safety factors  Ageing management  Conclusion Сontents Rostechnadzo r

3 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 3 Introduction The presentation considers aspects of regulatory activity of the Rostechnadzor related to: implementation of “Code of Conduct on the Safety of RR’s” para 20 (c) of Chapter VI. “Role of the regulatory body” of the Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors: implementation of “Code of Conduct on the Safety of RR’s” para 20 (c) of Chapter VI. “Role of the regulatory body” of the Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors: - Require the operating organization to undertake periodic safety reviews at intervals determined by the regulatory body and to make proposals for upgrading and refurbishment arising from such reviews as necessary. normative regulation of the issues of ageing management in terms of life-time extention beyond the projected by the design life-time for the RR’s systems, structures and components, important to safety (SSC). normative regulation of the issues of ageing management in terms of life-time extention beyond the projected by the design life-time for the RR’s systems, structures and components, important to safety (SSC). The active work on the harmonization of the RF legislation in the field of atomic energy use with the IAEA recommendations in carrying out the PSR was started from 2011 on the basis of the results of the IAEA mission held in the RF in 2009 with follow-up post-mission in 2013. Rostechnadzo r

4 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 4 Legislative and Regulatory basis for periodic safety review (PSR) 1. Federal Law "On the use of atomic energy” (Federal Law # 170-FZ) The Federal Law # FZ-170 was supplemented by Article 26.1. “Periodic Safety Assessment of a Nuclear Installation, Storage Facility” in 2011. Main provisions of Article 26.1: PSR is carried out, if a licence has being granted by Rostechnadzor to the operating organization (OO) for activity on the Nuclear Installation, Storage Facility (NI&SF) for the time of more than 10 years; PSR is carried out, if a licence has being granted by Rostechnadzor to the operating organization (OO) for activity on the Nuclear Installation, Storage Facility (NI&SF) for the time of more than 10 years; regulatory authority defines: regulatory authority defines: the procedure for submitting by the OO of documents with the PSRresults; the procedure for submitting by the OO of documents with the PSRresults; requirements to the structure and contents of these documents. requirements to the structure and contents of these documents. the period between every subsequent PSR - 10 years. the period between every subsequent PSR - 10 years. The Federal Law No.FZ-170 does not provide for restrictions on the duration of the requested license for OO. Rostechnadzo r

5 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 5 2. RF Government Statement “Provisions for Licensing in the field of atomic energy use” # 280 of March 29, 2013 Main provisions of Statement # 280 in terms of PSR : para 13: The Licensing Authority (LA)establishes: … requirements for the structure of the set of PSR documents and for their contents. para 13: The Licensing Authority (LA) establishes: … requirements for the structure of the set of PSR documents and for their contents. para 33: The LA suspends the current licence in cases : para 33: The LA suspends the current licence in cases : licensee (OO) failed to provide the results of PSR upon expiration of a 10-year period of operation of a NI&SF; licensee (OO) failed to provide the results of PSR upon expiration of a 10-year period of operation of a NI&SF; OO provided the results of PSR untimely; OO provided the results of PSR untimely; the results of PSR show that the safety of a licensed NI&SF is not substantiated by documents or ensured. the results of PSR show that the safety of a licensed NI&SF is not substantiated by documents or ensured. para 46: Documents with the results of the PSR provided by the OO to the LA: -12 months before expiration of the 10-year period since date of the previous PSR. para 46: Documents with the results of the PSR provided by the OO to the LA: -12 months before expiration of the 10-year period since date of the previous PSR. Rostechnadzo r

6 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 6 Rostechnadzo r 3. “ Administrative Procedures for the Licensing Activities in the Field of Atomic Energy Use ”, Rostechnadzors order # 453 of Oct. 8, 2014 (Administrative Regulations - AR) The AR is the basic document which defines the practical implementation procedures for licensing in the field of atomic energy use. AR in terms of PSR defines: para 37.7, 191-210: the procedures of adjusting the license conditions (LC) in accordance with the results of PSR;para 37.7, 191-210: the procedures of adjusting the license conditions (LC) in accordance with the results of PSR; Appendix # 5: requirements to the content and composition of a set of documents with results of PSR (for NPP units, SF, nuclear research installations (NRI), fuel cycle facilities).Appendix # 5: requirements to the content and composition of a set of documents with results of PSR (for NPP units, SF, nuclear research installations (NRI), fuel cycle facilities).

7 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 7 Rostechnadzo r 4. Safety Standard “Periodic safety review of nuclear research installations” NP-092-14, Rostechnadzors order # 412 of Sept. 12, 2014 NP-092-14 establish requirements for activities of the PSR of NRI implementation. Contents of NP-092-14: general provisions;general provisions; requirements to the contents of PSR program and to the stages of the PSR program implementation;requirements to the contents of PSR program and to the stages of the PSR program implementation; the data and sources of a information for an NRI safety status estimation;the data and sources of a information for an NRI safety status estimation; comprehensive check/inspection of a NRI safety status;comprehensive check/inspection of a NRI safety status; the actions (corrective measures) performed by the results of comprehensive check/inspection of a NRI;the actions (corrective measures) performed by the results of comprehensive check/inspection of a NRI; the estimation of a NRI safety status;the estimation of a NRI safety status; requirements to the PSR report.requirements to the PSR report.

8 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 8 Documents with the PSR results for NRI Requirements to the structure of a set of justifying documents with results of PSR defined by para 3.1 Appendix # 5 of AR. A set of the PSR documents for NRI includes: PSR program;PSR program; PSR report;PSR report; safety analysis report (SAR) adjusted to the PSR results report;safety analysis report (SAR) adjusted to the PSR results report; NRI certificate (analog to Safety Limits and Conditions);NRI certificate (analog to Safety Limits and Conditions); NRI research program (experimental program);NRI research program (experimental program); list of nuclear-&-radiation hazardous operations at the NRI and administrative and technical measures to ensure NRI safety at their implementation.list of nuclear-&-radiation hazardous operations at the NRI and administrative and technical measures to ensure NRI safety at their implementation. Requirements to the content of PSR program and PSR report defined by para 3.1 Appendix # 5 of AR. Rostechnadzo r

9 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 9 From para 2.8 of SSG-25: “…some States apply routine comprehensive safety assessment programmes that deal with specific safety issues, significant events and changes in safety standards and operating practices as they arise. Such programmes can, if applied with appropriate scope, frequency, depth and rigour, achieve the same outcomes as the process recommended in this Safety Guide”. In Russian regulatory practice for NRI a comprehensive safety review is conducted at every license renewal period (from 5 to 10 year period). The main document justifying the safety of NRI during comprehensive safety review is a Safety Analysis Report (SAR) of NRI. The observance of safety factors is based on the provisions of the safety standard: “Requirements to the Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations” (NP-049-03). NP-049-03 requires an OO to consider in SAR all safety factors of NRI, which recommended by SSG-25. Rostechnadzo r Safety Factors

10 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 102-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal 10 In the conclusion on this section, it has to be said: SAR is included in a set of justifying documents for PSR to be presented by an OO to LA;SAR is included in a set of justifying documents for PSR to be presented by an OO to LA; the procedures of conducting a comprehensive safety analysis during PSR and at every license renewal are the same.the procedures of conducting a comprehensive safety analysis during PSR and at every license renewal are the same. Thus, at every license renewal period analysis of all above mentioned safety factors during PSR is fulfilled. Rostechnadzo r

11 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 11 Ageing management Rostechnadzo r Rostechnadzor draws a special attention to Ageing problem due to the fact that almost all our RRs have a long period of operation. Specifically for resolving this problem in Russia in 2001 was issued a safety standard - “Requirements to Nuclear Facility Life-Time Extension” (NP-024-2000). The document establishes the basic criteria and safety requirements for the possibility of life-time extension (LTE) of NRI over a designated period or 30 years of operation. Main provisions of NP-024-2000: In order to justify the LTE of NRI, the OO : a)prior to the LTE works shall develop: General Programms of works & comprehensive surveys of NRI; General Programms of works & comprehensive surveys of NRI; Methodologies of survey for the different types of structures, systems and components (SSC) important to safety; Methodologies of survey for the different types of structures, systems and components (SSC) important to safety; Test and inspection programs for SSC important to safety of NRI; Test and inspection programs for SSC important to safety of NRI; Quality Assurance Program for LTE works. Quality Assurance Program for LTE works.

12 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 12 Rostechnadzo r b) shall perform works in accordance with the above documents c) after the completion of LTE works OO shall develop: Report on results of comprehensive survey; Report on results of comprehensive survey; Safety Analysis Report based on actual data of LTE works; Safety Analysis Report based on actual data of LTE works; LTE Management Program for SSC important to safety;LTE Management Program for SSC important to safety; Peer Review of the safety of NRI during LTE period for SSC important to safety; Peer Review of the safety of NRI during LTE period for SSC important to safety; decision on the LTE period for NRI. decision on the LTE period for NRI. After the completion of all the above works all justification documents of LTE of NRI shall be submitted to LA for review and approval. On the results of this procedure a decision is made by LA: to continue operation of NRI in the time frame of the current license; to continue operation of NRI in the time frame of the current license; to continue operation of NRI with some conditions to be fulfilled in the established by LA time frames; to continue operation of NRI with some conditions to be fulfilled in the established by LA time frames; to shutdown a NRI until elimination of shortcomings identified during LTE reviev. to shutdown a NRI until elimination of shortcomings identified during LTE reviev.

13 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 13 Rostechnadzo r Conclusion The Rostechnadzor legislative and regulatory system related to the Periodic Safety Review of NRI is in line with the IAEA recommendations, established in SSG-25 “Periodic Safety Review of Nuclear Power Plants” Safety Standards. The Rostechnadzor legislative and regulatory system related to the Periodic Safety Review of NRI is in line with the IAEA recommendations, established in SSG-25 “Periodic Safety Review of Nuclear Power Plants” Safety Standards. The Rostechnadzor conducts a comprehensive safety review of NRI at every license renewal period in accordance with the requirements of Safety Standard “Requirements to the Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations” (NP-049-03) with the same depth and rigor as recommended by the IAEA. The Rostechnadzor conducts a comprehensive safety review of NRI at every license renewal period in accordance with the requirements of Safety Standard “Requirements to the Content of a Safety Analysis Report for Nuclear Research Installations” (NP-049-03) with the same depth and rigor as recommended by the IAEA. For the NRI, having an operation license for the period of over 10 years, the Rostechnadzor issued Safety Standard “Periodic safety review of nuclear research installations”, NP-092-14, the statements of which are also in line with the IAEA recommendations. For the NRI, having an operation license for the period of over 10 years, the Rostechnadzor issued Safety Standard “Periodic safety review of nuclear research installations”, NP-092-14, the statements of which are also in line with the IAEA recommendations.

14 2-6 November 2015 Lisbon, Portugal Regional Meeting on Applications of the Code of Conduct on Safety of RR's 14 Thank you for attention! Rostechnadzo r

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