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The cycle present in mythology as well as popular culture today.

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Presentation on theme: "The cycle present in mythology as well as popular culture today."— Presentation transcript:

1 The cycle present in mythology as well as popular culture today

2   Archetype : the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype  Pop Culture (or popular culture): cultural activities or commercial products reflecting, suited to, or aimed at the tastes of the general masses of people  Status Quo : the existing state of affairs or condition  Mentor : a wise and trusted counselor or teacher Terms to know:

3   The idea of the hero is a theme in all media – books, music, art, even video games! American author Joseph Campbell is best known for his work with the myths of the world and how they connect us.  He applied the term “monomyth” to refer to the pattern that myths around the world typically follow. His basic argument is that heroes in all cultures share a pattern that is predictable and recognizable.  Campbell outlined the steps taken by heroes in virtually all cultures in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Joseph Campbell

4   Status Quo : Beginning/End of cycle  Call to Adventure : hero receives a mysterious message; an invitation/challenge  Meet the Mentor/Assistance : hero needs help, usually from someone older and wiser  Departure : hero crosses the threshold from his normal, safe home and enters the special world and adventure The Heroic Archetype

5  Trials : hero solves a riddle, slays a monster, escapes from a trap, etc.  Helpers/Approach : the point where the hero faces their biggest ordeal—the hero’s worst fear  Crisis : the hero’s darkest hour where he faces death and possibly even dies in order to be reborn  Treasure : as a result the hero claims some treasure, special recognition, or power

6  Result : this can vary in different stories from conquering fear to barely escaping the special world  Return : hero returns to ordinary world  New Life : hero has grown and changed from the journey and therefore has outgrown his old life  Resolution : all of the tangled plot-lines get sorted out

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