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Honors Enrichment Allison Jolley.  Energy: atomic energy or typical coal burning plant  Both heat water into steam (sent through the steam generator.

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1 Honors Enrichment Allison Jolley

2  Energy: atomic energy or typical coal burning plant  Both heat water into steam (sent through the steam generator - D) to turn a turbine (H). The turbine turns the generator (G) which sends a spark through a connected transformer (L).  Only difference between coal burning vs. atomic energy is how the water is heated.  Coal burning plants use fossil fuels  Modern nuclear plants uses nuclear fission ENERGY PRODUCTION

3  Nuclear fission: splitting one atom splits into two electrons and releases energy. Nuclear fission occurs naturally.  Uranium-235 is most common  Uranium-235 decays naturally through alpha radiation  Uranium-239 is used for nuclear bombs  Plutonium-239 is created by bombarding U-238 with neutrons ATOMIC ENERGY: NUCLEAR FISSION

4  2009: 14 percent of world’s electrical production.  March 2011: 443 operating nuclear plants in 47 countries.  U.S. alone: 104 power plants supplying 20% of electricity over all. IMPORTANCE OF NUCLEAR POWER

5  CO 2 emissions are minimal compared to the emission from coal and natural gas plants.  Uses Uranium opposed to fossil fuels, therefore isn’t affected by fluctuating oil and gas prices.  Releases less radioactivity into the atmosphere than a coal-fired power plant.  Produces roughly a million times more energy per unit weight than fossil fuel alternatives.  High contamination risk.  2,200 tons of nuclear waste, classified as high-level radioactive waste. Spent nuclear fuel decays to safe radioactive levels, but this process takes tens of thousands of years.  High cost of disposing of waste and of building nuclear plants. ProsCons NUCLEAR POWER

6  Energy is a basic requirement for economic growth, but 1.5 billion people don’t have access to basic electricity.  Almost all of the 1.5 billion live in developing countries.  Need the energy to grow in population and economically.  Lack of energy will extend the current energy shortage in the countries.  50 non-OECD countries approached IEA with plans to install nuclear reactors in their own countries. NUCLEAR POWER IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES

7  Specific to developing countries, nuclear power is important for political stability.  Ex. Protests in Nigeria over volatile fuel prices show possibility of political breakdown and possible stunt in economic growth  Nuclear weapons.  Economical obstacle keeps most developing countries from installing their first nuclear reactor. Requires a huge upfront capital cost that most developing countries might not be able to afford. GDP below $50 billion dollars aren’t able to install a nuclear plant.  The size of the national electric grid is also a determining factor. Countries must meet the minimum requirement of a 10 Gigawatt size electric grid. Why?Why Not? WHY OR WHY NOT?

8 Internal Atomic Energy Association: formed in 1957 to guide Member States in producing Nuclear Energy  Provide: advisory missions, training courses and study tours, fellowships, guidebooks, meetings, maintenance of data banks, provision of opportunities and channels for worldwide information and data exchange, and the development of planning tools IAEA’S CONTRIBUTION

9  Manpower and financing: usually the most crucial constraint  IAEA can only offer advice on financial planning but cannot actually set up a plan  Must prove to be financially sound  Nuclear Power and Energy Planning:  Required planning and prep. studies to establish a basis for sound decision to launch nuclear project  Set up a definite schedule for implementation to permit building to avoid unnecessary delay CONSTRAINTS

10  Prepare for planning: establish planning group, prepare legal framework, plan execution/operation/regulation  Establish the desirability of launching a nuclear power program: perform national energy market analysis and electricity market analysis, perform an electricity generating system expansion study, assess and evaluate the pros and cons/requirements/constraints of introducing a nuclear power program in the developing country  Define nuclear power program: establish time sequence of project, develop program for manpower, and proceed with project-oriented studies  Define first nuclear power project: perform project feasibility study and sitting study, establish regulatory requirements and procedures. PLANNING

11 Brain, Marshall, and Robert Lamb. "How Nuclear Power Works" 09 October 2000. Chowdhury, David. "Nuclear Energy for Developing Countries." Diss. Stanford, 2012. Web. Csik, B.J., and Kurt Schenk. International Atomic Energy Association. Nuclear power in developing countries: Requirements and Constraints. 1987. Web. SOURCES

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