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조영태. 사전적 정의 The statistical study of human populations What aspects of human population? size, composition, distribution, changes … caused by fertility,

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Presentation on theme: "조영태. 사전적 정의 The statistical study of human populations What aspects of human population? size, composition, distribution, changes … caused by fertility,"— Presentation transcript:

1 조영태

2 사전적 정의 The statistical study of human populations What aspects of human population? size, composition, distribution, changes … caused by fertility, migration, and mortality


4  Themes that 2013 International Population Conference deals with...  Sexuality and reproductive health  HIV/AIDS and STDs  Health, mortality and longevity  Fertility  Marriage and union formation, families and households  International migration  Internal migration and urbanization  Population ageing and intergenerational relations  Children and youth  Gender and population  Society and culture  Population and the environment  Biodemography  Population and human rights  Population and development  Education and labour force  Spatial demography

5  주요인구현상의 보건학적 함의를 탐구하는 학문  주요인구현상 ? 출생, 인구이동, 건강 및 사망 등 인구요소들의 변화 및 이 변 화를 가져온 주요 원인들  보건학적 함의 ? 주요 인구현상의 변화가 인구집단의 건강 및 사망에 미치는 영 향 인구집단의 건강 및 사망으로 인해 야기되는 인구특성의 변화

6  Causes and consequences of fertility transition in a country or in the world  Demographic understanding of maternal and infant/child health  Social risk factors of adverse birth outcomes, infant mortality, and child health and mortality  Social aspects of maternal health and mortality  Differential effects of biological and social risk factors by social environments

7  Social determinants of health (SDH)  Individual level determinants  Area level determinants  Policy level determinants  Health/non-health sector determinants  Unequal or inequitable distribution of health/mortality across population, regions, and countries  Social epidemiology

8  Health of migrant populations  Internal/international  Impact of migrant populations on public health environments in both sending and receiving countries International Health 와 겹치는 부분이 많음  Risk factors unique to the characteristics of migrant populations Economic migrants Refugees Temporary workers Marriage migrants

9  Fertility  한국 초저출산 현상의 원인 분석  출생 시 성비 불균형 완화 현상의 원인 분석  현재의 인구변화의 결과로 나타날 미래의 한국사회 조망  Optimum age of maternal/infant health 변화에 대한 연구  Health/Mortality  Economic globalization 과 건강불평등  Smart(mobile) technology as SDH  한국사회 자살현상에 대한 인문, 보건, 재활의학의 융합적 접근  SDH 로서의 대기오염 및 건강영향  Migration  이주와 건강수업

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