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PCS900 AccuGrade 3D Paving Training UTS May 2009 Phil Jackson CTCT Training Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "PCS900 AccuGrade 3D Paving Training UTS May 2009 Phil Jackson CTCT Training Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCS900 AccuGrade 3D Paving Training UTS May 2009 Phil Jackson CTCT Training Manager

2 Why Do We Care? Paving needs to be Accurate The PCS / AccuGrade system relies on the position of the MT900 The MT900 Position is determined by the UTS Any error in the UTS is directly transferred to the screed

3 Nudge We have seen how you can use the Nudge factor to take out minor height differences But how do we know to take them out? – By other UTS measurements Fundamental Truth – To check a system you need something more accurate – Or at least as accurate Can improve accuracy by multiple measurements Do NOT use GPS

4 Where to start We will *ASSUME* that the survey control is good So start with the set-up of the UTS First part of the set-up is the legs

5 Legs Important because they support the UTS Do we ever use Aluminium (or aluminum) legs? – NO ! Always use top quality, well maintained heavy duty legs – Needed to stabilize high speed Trimble MagDrive™ servo mechanism 

6 Extend the Legs Tip: Extend them to the bottom of you chin – Now they will be at the correct height when set up

7 Check The Screws Are Tight When extended a leg should slowly fall under its own weight – Should not drop – Should not stay in mid air These Screws Tightens the Hinges This Screw Holds the legs in the hinge These Screws Tightens the Hinges

8 Set The Legs Should be about 30° from vertical 30° Too WideJust Right Too Narrow

9 Set The Legs – Always push parallel to the legs – NEVER vertically On a slope two legs should be downhill On hard ground set the legs in cracks or joins On soft ground push the legs in until they are firm 

10 Two Ways To Setup At an Arbitrary Location Over a Known Control Point

11 At an Arbitrary Location Pros – Easy to set up the legs – Freedom of where to place the instrument Cons – Must visit two known marks to establish the position – Takes extra time Need another shot to check setup

12 At an Known Control Point Pros – Only need a backsight to one known mark to establish the position Need another shot to check setup – Quicker setup as you don’t have to visit two other marks Cons – Harder to set up the legs Only if you don’t know how – Restricted as to where to place the instrument

13 How To Set Legs Over A Known Mark Zero the tribrach footscrews Focus the Optical Plummet Place legs approximately over the mark – Tripod head level Drop a stone to test position Should be <50 mm (<2 inches) – Tip: Always zero the footscrews just before you put the instrument away

14 How To Set Legs Over A Known Mark While looking through the optical plummet, aim the crosshairs with the footscrews to move them onto the mark – Tip: Move the front two footscrews equal and opposite to more the crosshairs sideways – Then move the back footscrew to move the crosshairs back and forward

15 How To Set Legs Over A Known Mark Now Level the instrument with the legs – Should be less than a few minutes of arc each axis – Tip: Keep your foot on the leg to make sure you don’t pull it out of the ground Move the leg that makes the biggest difference first

16 How To Set Legs Over A Known Mark Leveling the footscrews will have moved the crosshairs off the mark Hold the tribrach & loosen the tribrach from the legs WithOUT rotating the tribrach, slide it until the crosshairs are over the mark You are now ready to observe the backsight

17 6 Steps To Setup Legs 1.Zero the tribrach footscrews 2.Focus the Optical Plummet 3.Place legs over the mark 4.Aim crosshairs with footscrews 5.Alter the leg height to level the tribrach 6.Level the instrument with the footscrews 7.WithOUT rotating the tribrach, slide it until the crosshairs are over the mark

18 Trimble SPS730 and SPS930 Universal Total Stations How to Setup for Machine Control By Trimble Training

19 Agenda Using Trimble SCS900 Site Controller Software to setup for Machine Control – Setup the SPS730 or SPS930 Total Station Establish and orient the instrument – Set the search window – Set the Trimble MT900 target ID – Edit the machine list – Hand off to Trimble GCS900

20 Setting up the Total Station Use a heavy duty tripod – Trimble recommends p/n 571126275 – Needed to stabilize high speed Trimble MagDrive™ servo mechanism – Plant legs firmly in the ground, using a wide stance – Mount and level instrument

21 Setting up the Total Station Using either a Trimble TCU or TSC2, start SCS900 – TCU or TSC2 will auto connect when attached or cabled – TCU or TSC2 will not auto connect over Bluetooth or radio From the Main Menu, tap System Setup (6)

22 Setting up the Total Station Next, tap Connect Instrument (1)

23 Setting up the Total Station Next, tap the method by which you want to connect. Connect via Radio is used here (1)

24 Setting up the Total Station Next, set the radio channel and ID of the controller – This is the channel and ID stored in the instrument for later SPS use – Radio channel 1-30 are used for SPS, 31-60 for MC – Network ID is a value from 0-255

25 Setting up the Total Station Once you set the correct channel and ID, tap Next and the controller will connect to the instrument

26 Setting up the Total Station At the next screen, tap OK once you are satisfied with the leveling of the instrument Make your selections on the next screen and adjust temperature if necessary, tap OK – PPM is automatically computed based on the values input for Pressure and Temperature

27 Setting up the Total Station When returned to the System Setup menu, select Setup Total Station Position (2)

28 Setting up the Total Station Tap (2) to setup over a known point Tap (1) for a free station setup – You must be able to see 2 or more known points for this setup CP1 CP2 BAD SETUP! Resection angle <30 degrees

29 Setting up the Total Station Tap (2) to setup over a known point Tap (1) for a free station setup – You must be able to see 2 or more known points for this setup CP1 CP2 GOOD SETUP! Resection angle 30 – 150 degrees

30 Tip Change the height of the Prism Pole between shots This checks the pole height and will give a bust in SCS900 if one of the heights is wrong

31 Good vs Bad Setup First setup, instrument and control points are in a line – Bad geometry for a re-section – No intersection angle could result in poor computed position of the instrument Second setup, instrument and control points form a decent triangle – Good intersection will result in a good computed position of the instrument Avoid free station setups where intersection angles are very narrow ( 150 degrees)

32 Setting up the Total Station Follow prompts in measuring to control points to position and orient instrument Setting up over a known point requires measuring to at least one other known point Setting up over an arbitrary location requires measuring to at least two other known points – The more points measured, the better

33 Setting up the Total Station Once you’ve measured to either one (known point setup) or two (arbitrary location setup) control points, you are brought to this screen Choose Complete Instrument Setup (2)

34 Setting up the Total Station You are now given two options – We will choose Setup for use with machine control (2)

35 Set the Search Window Define your search window Tap the Set button after aiming to each location – Either top left/bottom right, or top right/bottom left – You will see green circles once the corners of the search window have been recorded Tap Next once both corners have been set

36 Search Two searches instrument performs – Quick search Small search window based on last tracked position of target and a horizontal / vertical window defined by angle values in SCS900 – Full search (search window defined in SCS900) Should be looked at as the extents of your working area If quick search does not reacquire lock, instrument goes into full search

37 Set the MT900 target ID The next screen allows you to set the target ID of the Trimble MT900 Machine Target – If aimed in the vicinity of the target, tap the Check ID button, and SCS900 will retrieve the target ID the MT900 is currently set to – If you know which ID the MT900 is set to, select it from the drop down and tap Next – If you wish to change the target ID, select the number from the drop down, and tap Set Target ID

38 Changing the MT900 Target ID Only necessary for SPS use with the MT900 If you wish to change/set the target ID of the MT900, you must be connected to the MT900 via the MT900 Junction Box Can also be changed later via the Trimble CB430 Control Box and GCS900 IDs 9-16 are used strictly by the MT900 IDs 1-8 can be used by either the MT900 or the active target ID box for SPS use – 1-8 should be used for MC only as last resort

39 Edit the Machine List Once you finish setting the MT900, you are brought to this screen If the machine list was previously loaded to the instrument, tap Get Machine List and it will be retrieved by SCS900 and will populate this screen If you are creating a new list, tap Add…

40 Create an Entry in the Machine List Radio channels 31-60 are reserved for MC use, 1-30 for SPS use Give the machine a specific name and assign a radio channel from the drop down list, and tap OK Load up to 5 separate machine names / radio channels

41 Edit the Machine List Once you’ve loaded all the machines that you need, tap Save Giving the machine a unique name that the operator can remember will help in cases where multiple machines are used on site Name the instrument (not shown), tap Next

42 Hand off to GCS900 Point the instrument in the area work will start and tap OK The instrument radio is configured for MC use Now disconnect from the instrument at the next screen – If connected via radio or Bluetooth, the connection will be terminated for you

43 Hand off to GCS900 The Face 2 display on the instrument shows the instrument scanning one SPS channel, and then the machine control channels loaded earlier from the machine list Station setup information is written to a memory location in the instrument – GCS900 then calls that information from the instrument

44 Summary Setting up with SCS900 takes the normal time to setup and orient an instrument, plus a very short amount of time to go through the Machine Control wizard MT900 – Target ID 9-16 reserved for MC only, 1-16 available (use 1-8 as last resort only as these are the only IDs available for SPS use) Radio – Machine use, channels 31-60 – SPS use, channels 1-30

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