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Fluid and Electrolytes. Body Fluids and Fluid Compartments The percentage of total body water: 45-75% Intracellular compartment –2/3 of body water (40%

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1 Fluid and Electrolytes

2 Body Fluids and Fluid Compartments The percentage of total body water: 45-75% Intracellular compartment –2/3 of body water (40% body weight) Extracellular compartment –1/3 of body water (20% body weight) –the blood plasma (water=4.5% body weight) –interstitial fluid and lymph (water=15% body weight) –transcellular fluids: e.g. cerebrospinal fluid, aqueous humor (1.5% BW)


4 Body Water Content Infants have low body fat, low bone mass, and are 73% or more water Total water content declines throughout life Healthy males are about 60% water; healthy females are around 50% This difference reflects females’: – Higher body fat – Smaller amount of skeletal muscle In old age, only about 45% of body weight is water


6 Fluid Compartments Intracellular fluid (ICF) Two thirds by volume, contained in cells Extracellular fluid (ECF) Two major subdivisions – Plasma – the fluid portion of the blood – Interstitial fluid (IF) – fluid in spaces between cells Other ECF – lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, eye humors, synovial fluid, serous fluid, and gastrointestinal secretions

7 Fluid Compartments


9 9

10 Fluid compartments are separated by membranes that are freely permeable to water. Movement of fluids due to: – hydrostatic pressure – osmotic pressure Capillary filtration (hydrostatic) pressure Capillary colloid osmotic pressure Interstitial hydrostatic pressure Tissue colloid osmotic pressure


12 Balance Fluid and electrolyte homeostasis is maintained in the body Neutral balance: input = output Positive balance: input > output Negative balance: input < output

13 Water Balance and ECF Osmolality Water intake sources – Ingested fluid (60%) and solid food (30%) – Metabolic water or water of oxidation (10%) Water output – Urine (60%) and feces (4%) – Insensible losses (28%), sweat (8%) Increases in plasma osmolality trigger thirst and release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

14 14

15 Water Steady State Amount Ingested = Amount Eliminated Pathological losses vascular bleeding (H20, Na+) vomiting (H20, H+) diarrhea (H20, HCO3-).

16 16

17 Principles of Body Water Distribution Constant total body water Constant total body osmolarity Osmolarity is identical in all body fluid compartments (steady state conditions) – Body water will redistribute itself as necessary to accomplish this


19 Disorders of Water Balance: Hypotonic Hydration Excessive H 2 O enters the ECF 1 2 ECF osmotic pressure falls 3 H 2 O moves into cells by osmosis; cells swell (b) Mechanism of hypotonic hydration

20 Renal insufficiency or an extraordinary amount of water ingested quickly can lead to cellular overhydration, or water intoxication ECF is diluted – sodium content is normal but excess water is present The resulting hyponatremia promotes net osmosis into tissue cells, causing swelling These events must be quickly reversed to prevent severe metabolic disturbances, particularly in neurons Disorders of Water Balance: Hypotonic Hydration

21 Figure 26.7a Disorders of Water Balance: Dehydration Excessive loss of H 2 O from ECF 1 2 3 ECF osmotic pressure rises Cells lose H 2 O to ECF by osmosis; cells shrink (a) Mechanism of dehydration

22 - Renal sympathetic nerve activity - Intrarenal blood flow distribution - Plasma atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) - Aldosterone - Renin-Angiotensin system - release of renin - renin formation of angiotensin II - angiotensin II: - blood pressure - synthesis and release of aldosterone; - stimulation of the hypothalamic thirst centers; - release of ADH Response

23 Too Much

24 24 Response

25 Net reabsorption of salt and water occurs at proximal convoluted tubule  peritubular capillary hydrostatic forces  colloid osmotic pressure Atrial natriuretic peptide  Released in response to an increase in blood volume (distention atria) Release of (ANP)  increase sodium excretion by increasing GFR and inhibiting sodium reabsorption Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

26 Atrial natriuretic peptide

27 Too Little

28 Principal cells & aldosterone

29 Decreased blood pressure stimulates renin secretion

30 Pathway of RAAS

31 Influence and Regulation of ADH Hypothalamic osmoreceptors trigger or inhibit ADH release ADH release trigger prolonged fever; excessive sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea; severe blood loss; and traumatic burns Water reabsorption in collecting ducts is proportional to ADH release Low ADH levels produce dilute urine and reduced volume of body fluids High ADH levels produce concentrated urine

32 Mechanisms and Consequences of ADH Release

33 Clinical relevance Too little malperfusion Shock Too Much Malperfusion Shock Edema Pulmonay hepatic systemic Heart arrythmias Heart failure

34 Edema is the accumulation of fluid within the interstitial spaces. Causes: increased hydrostatic pressure lowered plasma osmotic pressure increased capillary membrane permeability lymphatic channel obstruction

35 Decreased plasma osmotic pressure: ↓ plasma albumin (liver disease or protein malnutrition) plasma proteins lost in : glomerular diseases of kidney hemorrhage, burns, open wounds and cirrhosis of liver Increased capillary permeability: Inflammation immune responses

36 Fluid accumulation: increases distance for diffusion may impair blood flow = slower healing increased risk of infection pressure sores over bony prominences

37 Continuous Mixing of Body Fluids

38 Continuous mixing yet body fluids are: – Electrically neutral – Osmotically maintained Specific number of particles per volume of fluid

39 Water Intake and Output

40 Movement of fluids Where sodium goes, water follows Diffusion – Movement of particles down a concentration gradient. Osmosis – Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane Active transport – Movement of particles up a concentration gradient ; requires energy

41 Solutes – dissolved particles Electrolytes – charged particles – Cations – positively charged ions Na +, K +, Ca ++, H + – Anions – negatively charged ions Cl -, HCO 3 -, PO 4 3- Non-electrolytes - Uncharged Proteins, urea, glucose, O 2, CO 2

42 Electrolyte (Na +, K +, Ca ++ ) Steady State Amount Ingested = Amount Excreted. Normal entry: Mainly ingestion in food. Clinical entry: Enteral and parenteral

43 Composition of Body Fluids Water the universal solvent Solutes broadly classified into: – Electrolytes – inorganic salts, all acids and bases, and some proteins – Nonelectrolytes – examples include glucose, lipids, creatinine, and urea Electrolytes have greater osmotic power than nonelectrolytes

44 Electrochemical Equivalence Equivalent (Eq/L) = moles x valence Monovalent Ions (Na +, K +, Cl - ): –1 milliequivalent (mEq/L) = 1 millimole Divalent Ions (Ca ++, Mg ++, and HPO 4 2- ) –1 milliequivalent = 0.5 millimole

45 Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids Each fluid compartment has a set pattern of electrolytes All Extracellular fluids are similar (except for the high protein content of plasma) – Sodium is the chief cation – Chloride is the major anion In general intracellular fluids have low sodium and chloride – Potassium is the chief cation – Phosphate is the chief anion

46 Extracellular and Intracellular Fluids Sodium and potassium concentrations in extra- and intracellular fluids are nearly opposites This reflects the activity of cellular ATP- dependent sodium-potassium pumps Electrolytes determine the chemical and physical reactions of fluids

47 Summary of Ionic composition Interstitial H2OH2O Plasma H2OH2O Cell H2OH2O

48 Regulation of Anions Chloride is the major anion accompanying sodium in the ECF 99% of chloride is reabsorbed under normal pH conditions When acidosis occurs, fewer chloride ions are reabsorbed Other anions have transport maximums and excesses are excreted in urine

49 Electrolyte balance Na + (Sodium) – 90 % of total ECF cations – 136 -145 mEq / L – Pairs with Cl -, HCO 3 - to neutralize charge – Low in ICF – Most important ion in regulating water balance – Important in nerve and muscle function

50 Regulation of Sodium Renal tubule reabsorption affected by hormones: – Aldosterone – Renin/angiotensin – Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

51 Electrolyte imbalances: Sodium Hypernatremia (high levels of sodium) – Plasma Na+ > 145 mEq / L – Due to ↑ Na + or ↓ water – Water moves from ICF → ECF – Cells dehydrate – Free water deficit 0.6 x patient’s weight in kg x (patient’s sodium/140 - 1)

52 Hypernatremia

53 The regulated variable affecting sodium excretion is effective arterial blood volume Changes in effective arterial blood volume can elicit the appropriate renal response by three possible mechanisms  a change in blood volume  glomerular blood flow and capillary pressure  GFR  a change in blood volume detected by an intrarenal baroreceptor  release of renin  a change in blood volume could change peritubular capillary Starling forces

54 Other factors affecting sodium excretion include:  glucocorticoids  estrogen  osmotic diuretics  poorly reabsorbed anions  diuretic drugs

55 Hypernatremia Due to: – Hypertonic IV soln. – Oversecretion of aldosterone – Loss of pure water Long term sweating with chronic fever Respiratory infection → water vapor loss Diabetes – polyuria – Insufficient intake of water (hypodipsia)

56 Clinical manifestations of Hypernatremia Thirst Lethargy Neurological dysfunction due to dehydration of brain cells Decreased vascular volume

57 Treatment of Hypernatremia Lower serum Na+ – Stop Na loading – Isotonic salt-free IV fluid – Slow reduction – rate of 0.5 to 1 mEq/h with a decrease of no more than approximately 12 mEq/L in the first 24 hours and the remainder over the next 48 to 72 hours – Change in serum Na per liter = Infusate Na – Serum Na / weight in Kg x 0.6 -1 – Oral solutions preferable – Oral (FT) may not be well tolerated Aspiration risk NG

58 Hyponatremia Overall decrease in Na+ in ECF Two types: depletional and dilutional Depletional Hyponatremia Na+ loss: – diuretics, chronic vomiting – Chronic diarrhea – Decreased aldosterone – Decreased Na+ intake

59 Dilutional Hyponatremia: – Renal dysfunction with ↑ intake of hypotonic fluids – Excessive sweating → increased thirst → intake of excessive amounts of pure water – Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH (SIADH) or oliguric renal failure, severe congestive heart failure, cirrhosis all lead to: Impaired renal excretion of water – Hyperglycemia – attracts water

60 Clinical manifestations of Hyponatremia Neurological symptoms – Lethargy, headache, confusion, apprehension, depressed reflexes, seizures and coma Muscle symptoms – Cramps, weakness, fatigue Gastrointestinal symptoms – Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea

61 Gradual typically increase the Na+ by 0.5 mEq/L per hour to a maximum change of about 12 mEq/L in the first 24 hours – central pontine myelinolysis Fluid restrict – 50% to 66% of estimated maintenance fluid requirement Treatment of Hypernatremia

62 Hyponatremia Neurologic Compromise 3% saline IV immediately to correct (raise) the serum sodium at a rate of 1 mEq/L per hour until neurologic symptoms are controlled Some recommend a faster rate of correction (ie, increase concentration 2 to 4 mEq/L per hour) when seizures are present Na+ deficit=(desired [Na+]–current [Na+])x0.6*x body wt (kg) (*use 0.6 for men and 0.5 for women). determine the volume of 3% saline divide the deficit (513 mEq/L Na+)

63 63 Potassium Major intracellular cation ICF conc. = 150- 160 mEq/ L Resting membrane potential Regulates fluid, ion balance inside cell pH balance

64 64 Regulation of Potassium Through kidney – Aldosterone – Insulin/ glucose economy

65 Influence of Plasma Potassium Concentration High K + content of ECF favors principal cells to secrete K + Low K + or accelerated K + loss depresses its secretion by the collecting ducts

66 Influence of Aldosterone Aldosterone stimulates potassium ion secretion by principal cells In cortical collecting ducts, for each Na + reabsorbed, a K + is secreted Increased K + in the ECF around the adrenal cortex causes: – Release of aldosterone – Potassium secretion Potassium controls its own ECF concentration via feedback regulation of aldosterone release

67 Hypokalemia Serum K + < 3.5 mEq /L Beware if diabetic – Insulin gets K + into cell – Ketoacidosis – H + replaces K +, which is lost in urine β – adrenergic drugs or epinephrine

68 Causes of Hypokalemia Decreased intake of K + Increased K + loss – Chronic diuretics – Acid/base imbalance – Trauma and stress – Increased aldosterone – Redistribution between ICF and ECF

69 Clinical manifestations of Hypokalemia Call from Nurse/ Lab Neuromuscular disorders – Weakness, flaccid paralysis, respiratory arrest, constipation Dysrhythmias, appearance of U wave Postural hypotension Cardiac arrest Treatment- – Increase K +

70 Hyperkalemia Serum K+ > 5.5 mEq / L Causes Renal disease Massive cellular trauma Insulin deficiency Addison’s disease Potassium sparing diuretics Decreased blood pH

71 Clinical manifestations of Hyperkalemia Call from Nurse/ Lab Early – hyperactive muscles, paresthesia Late - Muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis Change in ECG pattern Dysrhythmias Bradycardia, heart block, cardiac arrest

72 Treatment of Hyperkalemia Decrease intake and increase renal excretion Insulin + glucose Bicarbonate Ca ++ counters effect on heart

73 AHA Guidelines Diuretics: furosemide 40 to 80 mg IV Resins: Kayexalate 15 to 30 g in 50 to 100 mL of 20% sorbitol either orally or by retention enema Elevation 5 to 6 mEq/L

74 6 to 7 mEq/L Glucose plus insulin: mix 25 g (50 mL of D50) glucose and 10 U regular insulin and give IV over 15 to 30 minutes Sodium bicarbonate: 50 mEq IV over 5 minutes – sodium bicarbonate alone is less effective than glucose plus insulin or nebulized albuterol, particularly for treatment of patients with renal failure; it is best used in conjunction with these medications Nebulized albuterol: 10 to 20 mg nebulized over 15 minutes

75 >7 mEq/L with toxic ECG changes Shift potassium into cells: Calcium chloride (10%): 500 to 1000 mg (5 to 10 mL) IV over 2 to 5 minutes to reduce the effects of potassium at the myocardial cell membrane (lowers risk of ventricular fibrillation [VF]) Sodium bicarbonate: 50 mEq IV over 5 minutes (may be less effective for patients with end-stage renal disease) Glucose plus insulin: mix 25 g (50 mL of D50) glucose and 10 U regular insulin and give IV over 15 to 30 minutes Nebulized albuterol: 10 to 20 mg nebulized over 15 minutes Promote potassium excretion: – 5. Diuresis: furosemide 40 to 80 mg IV – 6. Kayexalate enema: 15 to 50 g plus sorbitol PO or per rectum – 7. Dialysis

76 Calcium Imbalances Most in ECF Regulated by: – Parathyroid hormone ↑Blood Ca ++ by stimulating osteoclasts ↑GI absorption and renal retention – Calcitonin from the thyroid gland Promotes bone formation ↑ renal excretion

77 Hypercalcemia Results from: – Hyperparathyroidism – Hypothyroid states – Renal disease – Excessive intake of vitamin D – Milk-alkali syndrome – Certain drugs – Malignant tumors – hypercalcemia of malignancy Tumor products promote bone breakdown Tumor growth in bone causing Ca ++ release

78 78 Hypercalcemia Usually also hypophosphatemia Effects: – Many nonspecific – fatigue, weakness, lethargy – Increases formation of kidney stones and pancreatic stones – Muscle cramps – Bradycardia, cardiac arrest – Pain – GI activity also common Nausea, abdominal cramps Diarrhea / constipation – Metastatic calcification

79 Hypocalcemia Hyperactive neuromuscular reflexes and tetany differentiate it from hypercalcemia Convulsions in severe cases Caused by: – Renal failure – Lack of vitamin D – Suppression of parathyroid function – Hypersecretion of calcitonin – Malabsorption states – Abnormal intestinal acidity and acid/ base bal. – Widespread infection or peritoneal inflammation

80 Hypocalcemia Diagnosis: – Chvostek’s sign – Trousseau’s sign Treatment – IV calcium for acute – Oral calcium and vitamin D for chronic

81 Regulation of Calcium Ionic calcium in ECF is important for: – Blood clotting – Cell membrane permeability – Secretory behavior Hypocalcemia: – Increases excitability – Causes muscle tetany

82 Regulation of Calcium Hypercalcemia: – Inhibits neurons and muscle cells – May cause heart arrhythmias Calcium balance is controlled by parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitonin

83 Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate PTH promotes increase in calcium levels by targeting: – Bones – PTH activates osteoclasts to break down bone matrix – Small intestine – PTH enhances intestinal absorption of calcium – Kidneys – PTH enhances calcium reabsorption and decreases phosphate reabsorption Calcium reabsorption and phosphate excretion go hand in hand

84 Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate Filtered phosphate is actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubules In the absence of PTH, phosphate reabsorption is regulated by its transport maximum and excesses are excreted in urine High or normal ECF calcium levels inhibit PTH secretion – Release of calcium from bone is inhibited – Larger amounts of calcium are lost in feces and urine – More phosphate is retained

85 Influence of Calcitonin Released in response to rising blood calcium levels Calcitonin is a PTH antagonist, but its contribution to calcium and phosphate homeostasis is minor to negligible


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