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Somali Americans By:Joshua Stockman, Julia Erickson, John Williams, and Chelsea Jeanson-Ham.

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Presentation on theme: "Somali Americans By:Joshua Stockman, Julia Erickson, John Williams, and Chelsea Jeanson-Ham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somali Americans By:Joshua Stockman, Julia Erickson, John Williams, and Chelsea Jeanson-Ham

2 Overview

3 Geography -Somalia Location - Land -Somali People


5 History -Early Years - Civil War -Somalia Today

6 Immigration -Reason for Immigration -Somalis In MN

7 Language ●Universal language is Somali o two dialects: Af Maay and Af Maxaa o Af Maxaa was determined the official written language in 1972 ●Arabic second most common language o Majority of population is Muslim ●Ability to speak fluidly and with humor very important to the Somali people ●Somali names: Given name, Father’s proper name, Grandfather’s proper name o Names can denote birth time, birth order, and physical characteristics o First children: Faduma or Mohammed o Male twins: Hassan and Hussein ●Hello: asalamu alaykum Goodbye: nabad gelyo

8 Food ●Diets high in protien and low calorie intake. o Meat, Milk, and Ghee (liquid butter) ●Diet is dependent on location and available resources o Nomadic Pastoralists o Farmers o Coastal Towns ●No Pork, Lard, or Alcohol ●Somali American students

9 Dress

10 Religion ●Main religion is Islam ●Five pillars of Islam ●Ramadan: 30 days of fasting and prayer 1) Belief in oneness of god and finality of prophet Mohammed 2) Prayer 5 times a day 3) Give 2.5% of income to charity 4)Make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in one’s lifetime 5) Fast from dawn to dusk every day of Ramadan

11 Family Life Deeply Valued Polygamy Extended Family Clans Marriage Honor Loyalty Close Knit Arranged Love 1/5 Family Life Protection Water Politics

12 Cultural Values ●Many of the same values as Americans o Independance o Democracy o Individualism o Generosity ●No verbal expression ●Eye for an eye

13 Education ● Somalia Primary School enrollment 2007- 29% ● Duration of compulsory education- 8 years ● Primary school girls out of school- 94% ● Somali students in Minnesota are struggling, scoring lower than average on state tests, and are graduating at lesser rates. lesser rates ● One in three Somali students in the metro area attends a charter school. ● Minneapolis school board adds 1st ever Somali American- Hussein Samatar, Mohamud Noor ● Agenda: Quality early childhood programs, better after school services, more diverse and somali speaking educators, computer skills, and opportunities.

14 Challenges ● Learning a new language and a new culture. ● Physical and emotional effects of their experiences in Somalia and refugee camps. ● A number of self-help organizations have been established by recent immigrants to assuage the effects of these experiences. ● Worship accommodations ● Diverse community ● Mass media representation as “Pirates” or “Terrorists” ● Poverty ● Generation Gap, emphasize math, science, and medicine.

15 Examples ● Teacher Ahmed Ali part of “The Youth” project ● We are the most fortunate and unfortunate generation. We are fortunate because we are here in America, getting an education. We have food and shelter,"Abdirahman Mukhtar said. "But we are also unfortunate because if I want to go back to Somalia, I cannot do that, because it does not exist." ● “The group is largely made up of low-income teens with high aims: to be a politician, a doctor, the best soccer player on the planet. Many come from large families on food stamps and subsidized housing.”

16 Advice for Educators ● “Reach them out. Somalis will feel honored if you tell them you will come and visit them at their house. They will prepare food and Somali tea,” he said. “When a teacher or counselor is calling home – the first thing I do is say, ‘Your child is not in trouble.’ Usually, they have this perception that if there’s home-calling, there’s a problem.” ● Educate yourself on their needs and challenges ● Support and assist them on a big change in their lives ● respect their culture and values ● Model by exhibiting positive behaviors towards Somali students ● Collaborate with students parents and the somali community to create more opportunities and foster growth ● Ask if you are unsure!

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