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Taoism 101 Jessica Stowell, OU Confucius Institute, retired.

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Presentation on theme: "Taoism 101 Jessica Stowell, OU Confucius Institute, retired."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taoism 101 Jessica Stowell, OU Confucius Institute, retired

2 Taoist Values Nature should be befriended, not conquered The weeds will win

3 Nature Writ large Chinese painting demonstrates the place of man vs. nature

4 Taoist Values Eschews dichotomies m/watch?v=ezmR9Attp yc m/watch?v=ezmR9Attp yc

5 QI, The Basic Stuff psychophysical: connected to mind and body Vapor, steam, or breath Vital Energy

6 Types of Taoists Philosophical or Literati Taoists Wu Wei Wisdom of Lao Tzu and Pooh

7 Types of Taoists Medical/self-cultivating Taoists Alchemy to achieve immortality Maximize Chi Tai Qi Feng Shui

8 Types of Taoists Religious/communal Taoists Harnessing higher powers for humane ends m/watch?v=-- PyvGh2Ukc m/watch?v=-- PyvGh2Ukc

9 Understanding Shen Human Spirit or psyche basic power within humans that accounts for life Spirits or gods 8 immortals Spiritual: inspiring awe Apart from the norm concept of Shen

10 Taoism stresses PacifismNaturalness Working with nature Eschewing dichotomies

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