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1 Abu Dhabi Young Scientist Competition Overview and Training

2 Agenda Introduction to Young Scientist Participation: Levels & Categories Awards Forms Acceptance Categories Important Dates Supporting your students Questions

3 Introduction The UAE leadership has entrusted the Abu Dhabi Education Council with the mission to reform society into a sustainable, innovative, knowledge-based economy, with focus on fields related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

4 Introduction In efforts to bolster STEM learning among school students, Abu Dhabi has made the UAE the first Arab country to partner with the “Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition” from Ireland, which includes student participation in different STEM related skills on a national level.

5 What is Young Scientist? Much more than a competition... Helps students to think creatively and scientifically about their natural environment Encourages students to be articulate and confident about their findings Fosters important life skills

6 Participation levels * The science Fair for Cycle will be a place for classroom students to display their class projects as well as an opportunity to expand their learning by discussing projects with older peers and receiving feedback from judges. LevelCycleGrades Senior310-12 Intermediate28 & 9 Junior26 & 7 Science Fair Participant* 13,4, & 5

7 CATEGORIES OF PARTICIPATION Exhibition and Science Fair

8 Biological & Ecological Sciences Projects in this category must have a biological and/or ecological focus and investigate aspects of animal, human, microbial or plant biology. Typically, projects deal with the following areas of study: agriculture, anatomy, animal science, biochemistry, biotechnology, disease, ecology, environmental science, enzymology, forestry, food science, genetics, horticulture, medical science, metabolism, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, physiotherapy, plant science, veterinary science.

9 Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Projects in this category must cover areas of study on chemistry, physics, mathematics, applied mathematics, engineering, computer programming and language, electronics, as well as earth and space sciences such as meteorology, geophysics, geology and astronomy.

10 Social & Behavioral Sciences Projects in this category must cover Social and Behavioral Sciences, economic, geographical, psychological and sociological studies of human behavior, attitudes and experience, social analysis of environmental factors, demography, learning and perception. Projects reacting to the study of attitudes and behavior in relation to health, nutrition, work, leisure and living habits are all included here. Also eligible are projects on consumer affairs, effects on society, social anthropology and political science provided they involve the use of scientific methods.

11 Technology Projects in the technology category core must be the use of technology in new or improved application, enhanced efficiencies, new innovations or better ways to do things. The category could include things related to the Internet, communications electronic systems, robotics, control technology, applications of technology, biotechnology innovative developments to existing problems, computing and automation. Students are also expected to understand the basic science behind the technology so that they can get the most from the project.

12 AWARDS  Total of 1 Million AED  Young Scientist competition divided into 76 awards. – YOUNG SCIENTIST OF THE YEAR 2016 (One Award) – BEST INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP (One Award) – RUNNER-UP INDIVIDUAL AND RUNNERS-UP GROUP (Two Awards) – CATEGORY AWARDS (Total of 72 Awards)

13 Forms  Cycle 2-3 Exhibition Forms (Submitted online) Entry Form for Projects (To be completed by students) Project Details Form (To be completed by students) One Page Proposal (To be completed by students) Teacher Assessment Form (To be completed by teacher)  Cycle 1 Science Fair Form (Submitted online) Expression of Interest (To be completed by teacher)

14 After the Paperwork… Once all forms are submitted online, entries are considered by a panel of the screening judges who carefully considered every project. Once a decision is made, schools will be informed whether or not the project qualifies, does not qualify, or is queried. Judges decisions are final.

15 ACCEPTANCE CATEGORIES And the next steps…

16 3 Acceptance Categories Qualified If the project qualifies this means that the project meets the requirements to be exhibited. Schools will receive an email confirming that the project has been accepted.

17 Queried If the projects is queried this means that the project is very close to qualifying. Judges will send information in regards to the project, and students will have a chance to update their project for another chance to qualify. 3 Acceptance Categories

18 Not Qualified If the project does not qualify this means that the project does not meet the minimum requirements to be exhibited. Schools will receive an email stating that the project has not been accepted. 3 Acceptance Categories

19 Important Dates DateItem November 23 rd, 2015Launch of YS January 28 th, 2016Proposal Deadline February 11, 2016Feedback Deadline February 25, 2016Queried Project Deadline March 3 rd, 2016Queried Feedback Deadline May 10-12 th, 2016Competition & Exhibition


21 Folder Contents  1 Project Book Requirements  2 Reasons for non-qualified or queried projects  3 Student Project Checklist  4 All Forms  5 Categories  6 Information about MLA and APA Bibliography  7Tentative Judges rubric for cycle 1 Science Fair and Cycle 2-3 Exhibition  8Brochure from Launch  9 Information on the Display  10Where to get ideas from  11Useful Links  12Sample proposals  13Cycle one Planning questions

22 Useful Websites Science Buddies: Project Ideas Experimental Design Abu Dhabi Young Scientist: Forms for completion Helpful Hints SciFest: Project Ideas

23 Benefits of participating Encourages students, parents and the public to think and learn about science Motivates students to follow careers in science and make valuable contributions to the UAE Promotes different science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related activities

24 Benefits of participating Furthers the ADSM model goal of developing 21st century skills in student Develops investigation skills Awards/Prizes


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