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3-1 Planning the Project Project Plan Project Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "3-1 Planning the Project Project Plan Project Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 3-1 Planning the Project Project Plan Project Plan

2 Outline: 3-2  Contents of a project plan  Project launch meeting  The planning process  Project action plan  Work breakdown structure (WBS)  Other contents of project plans

3 3-3

4 3-4 Elements

5 3-5 Project Plan Project Plan Project Action Plan Project Action Plan Work Breakdown Structure Work Breakdown Structure Mind Mapping Linear Responsibility Chart Mind Mapping Linear Responsibility Chart Budget Useful aids and potential components

6 3-6 Project Conception Project Conception Launch Meeting Launch Meeting Action Plan Action Plan Project Master Schedule Project Master Schedule WBS, Linear Responsibility Chart, Mind Mapping

7 3-7 Project Conception Project Conception

8 3-8 The PM should first meet with the Senior Exec(s) responsible for the Project. Why?

9 A clear project scope definition provides the guidelines that are used to develop your project plan. Project Scope Checklist:  Project objectives (purpose, due date, budget)  Deliverables (at each major phase of project)  Milestones (significant events in the project)  Technical requirements  Limits and exclusions (who, what, how)  Review with customer (agreement on expectations) Example of project scope statement 3-9

10 3-10 Example – Project Scope Statement

11 3-11 Launch Meeting Launch Meeting Launch Meeting Results: Scope is understood Functional managers understand responsibilities Initial plan developed

12 3-12

13 3-13

14 3-14 C=client, E=editor, ER=editing room, P=producer, S=secretary, SW=scriptwriter

15 3-15  Project activities identified and arranged in successively finer detail (by levels).  Type and quantity of each required resource identified for each activity.  Predecessors and durations estimated for each activity.  Milestones identified.  Individual or group assigned to perform the work identified for all activities. Using the Project Action Plan  Project Master Schedule created by combining milestones, durations, and predecessors (used to compare actual and planned performance)

16 3-16 Carnival Beth Games Tom Promotion Beth Volunteers Joan Rides Kyle Entertain. Jill Food Bob Newspaper Beth Posters Bob Tickets Mark Grandstand Mark Performers Jill Sound Ben Stage Alan Seating Mark Level 0 1 2 3 3 5.1.2 2 1 45 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 5.1 5.2

17 3-17 Level 1 Task Level 2 Tasks Level 3 Tasks 1. Promotion 1.1 Research 1.1.1 Investigate past events 1.1.2 Interview running club members 1.2 TV and radio ads 1.2.1 Produce ads 1.2.2 Purchase air time 1.2.3 Monitor airings 1.3 Mailings 1.3.1 Acquire mailing lists 1.3.2 Prepare mailings 1.3.3 Mail promotional materials 1.4 Flyers 1.4.1 Design flyers 1.4.2 Print 1.4.3 Distribute to schools 1.4.4 Distribute to sports retailers

18 3-18  Gather Project Team  Provide Team Members with Pad of Sticky-Notes  Team Members Write Down all Tasks They can Think of.  Sticky-Notes Placed and Arranged on Wall

19 3-19

20 3-20WBSActivityBethJoanBobMarkTomKyleJillAlanBenCarnivalPSSSSS 1VolunteersPS 2PromotionPSS 2.1PostersPS 2.2NewspaperPS 2.3TicketsSP 3GamesPS 4RidesSP 5EntertainmentSSP 5.1GrandstandPS 5.1.1StagePS 5.1.2SoundSP 5.1.3SeatingPSS 5.2PerformersSP 6FoodSP P = Primary responsibility; S = Support responsibility

21 3-21 Promotion Investigate past events Interview running club members Print Design To schools To sports retailers Prepare mailing Acquire address lists Mail promo Monitor airings Purchase air time Produce ads TV and radio ads Mailings Flyers Research Distribute

22 Coffee House Implementation Project  Divide into small groups  Your group has decided to form a partnership and open a new coffee house in an old restaurant building in downtown Fort Worth. The project starts now and ends in 12 weeks when the coffee house opens for business.  Assignment:(40 minutes)  Develop a list of necessary activities (use mind map)  Estimate the duration of each activity  Decide what resources are needed for each activity  Estimate the budget to start the new coffee house 3-22

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