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India -Indian Subcontinent -Himalaya Mountains -Ganges River -Indus Valley -Deccan -Monsoons.

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Presentation on theme: "India -Indian Subcontinent -Himalaya Mountains -Ganges River -Indus Valley -Deccan -Monsoons."— Presentation transcript:

1 India -Indian Subcontinent -Himalaya Mountains -Ganges River -Indus Valley -Deccan -Monsoons

2 Indus Valley Civilization -Harappa— -Mohenjo-Daro -35,000—Planned City -Wide streets -Sewers -Strong government -Agricultural -Grain storehouses -Cultural -Writing system still not deciphered -Little evidence of mass religion -Decline -River course -Invaders -Natural disaster

3 Aryan Invasion -Central Asia -Conquering People -Nomads To Farmers -Sanskrit Writing -Rajas

4 Ancient Indian Society -Aryan Conquest -CASTE System -Brahmans -Kshatriyas -Vaisyas -Sudras -Untouchables -Eventually Over 3000 Sub-castes -Technically Abolished Today -Extended Families -Patriarchal Society -Arranged Marriages -Suttee Ritual

5 Ancient Indian Society -Aryan Conquest -CASTE System -Brahmans -Kshatriyas -Vaisyas -Sudras -Untouchables -Eventually Over 3000 Sub-castes -Technically Abolished Today -Extended Families -Patriarchal Society -Arranged Marriages -Suttee Ritual

6 Mauryan Dynasty -Threats From Greece And Persia -Chandragupta Maurya -320BC Grand Empire -Large Army -Bureaucracy -Standardized Government Processes -Asoka -Expanded Empire -Made Spread Of Buddhism Focus Of Empire -Rule based on Kindness -Tried To Use Buddhist Ideas And Methods To Convert -Trade Crossing Route

7 Gupta Empire -Northern India -300 Ad -Mining -Farming -Trade -Religious Pilgrims -Broken up by Hun invaders

8 Hinduism -Aryan Religion -Vedas----Upanishads -Teaching That The Physical World Is An Illusion Called Maya -Reunited With Brahman When One Accepts This Fully -Brahman -Supreme Divinity Brahma

9 Reincarnation—Rebirth of the Soul -Karma—belief that one ’ s actions will determine the status of your next life -Dharma—belief in doing the duties of one ’ s role in life in order to advance further -Yoga—form of meditation -33,000 Deities -Brahma—Creator -Vishnu—Preserver -Shiva—Destroyer -Sacred Status Of Some Animals Vishnu Siva

10 Buddhism -Siddhartha Guatuma -life of privilege and luxury -saw the sufferings of ordinary people and sought the meaning of life -Ascetic-Self-Denial to seek meaning -meditation under the boa tree -Buddha -Enlightened One -Nirvana—state of Enlightenment about the true nature of life and a release from reincarnation

11 Buddhism -Siddhartha Guatuma -life of privilege and luxury -saw the sufferings of ordinary people and sought the meaning of life -Ascetic-Self-Denial to seek meaning -meditation under the boa tree -Buddha -Enlightened One -Nirvana—state of Enlightenment about the true nature of life and a release from reincarnation

12 Four Noble Truths -1. All Human Life Involves Suffering And Sorrow -2. The Desire For A Life Of Pleasure And Material Grief Causes Suffering And Sorrow -3.Renouncing Desire Frees People From Suffering And Helps Their Souls Attain Nirvana -4. The Eightfold Path Leads To The Denial Of Desire And Attainment Of Nirvana

13 Eightfold Path -1. Right Views—see life in its reality -2. Right Intentions—try to live a good life -3. Right Speech—avoid lies and gossip -4. Right Action—obey the law and be honest -5. Right Living—avoid work that harms others -6. Right Effort—seek to prevent evil -7. Right Mindfulness—being aware of yourself -8. Right Concentration--using meditation

14 Division of Buddhism -Division Of Buddhism -Theravada -Traditional Buddhism -Mahayana Buddhism -Focuses On The Divinity Of Buddha

15 Indian Culture -Literature -Vedas -Mahabharata/Ramayana -Bhagavad Gita -Religious Structures -Mathematics -Decimal System -Zero -Concepts Of Algebra Scene from the Bhagavad Gita

16 Indian Culture -Subordinate Role Of Women -Polygyny -Suttee -Stupa—Dome Shaped Temples In India -Educational level Based On One ’ s Caste Level -Medical Advances -Inoculations

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