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A Divided Germany Learning Objective: To understand the differences between life in West and East Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "A Divided Germany Learning Objective: To understand the differences between life in West and East Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Divided Germany Learning Objective: To understand the differences between life in West and East Germany.

2 You are going to be either a West or an East German Task 1. You are going to find out what your life was like post 1945, politically, socially and economically. Task 2 You will then get to meet your counterpart in the other part of Germany and compare your lives Task 3 You will then write him or her a letter describing your life.

3 West Germany East Germany Political: p206 -7 Key Terms: Bonn / Bundesrat & Bundestag / President Social & Economic Life: 207, 218 Key Terms: 1,300 million, industrial expansion, shop window Political p206-207 Local Offices /Socialist Unity Party Economic 208,218 Strike, soviet army, demonstrations, State owned industry, flow of workers to West Berlin. (208) Social: 152-153 ebook Stasi Use these pages and keywords to make quick and rough notes on your life You will discuss them with other West Germans

4 Task 1 continued- groups Discuss what you have learned about your life. What do you think are the most important points you need to share when you go and meet your counterpart.

5 Task 2. Guten Tag, Ich heisse………. Walk and talk activity for approx 7 minutes. Try to talk to several people.

6 Task 2 continued Go back to your original groups. What did you discover about life on the other part of Germany. How is it different- try to think analytically here. Use your shared knowledge to make notes.

7 Conclusion? In some ways, there was little difference between life in West Germany and the East. In both states, citizens received generous welfare benefits, free education and health services. However, in the West, these benefits were the result of a successful economy and democratic government. In the East, they were little more than a bribe to persuade East Germans to put up with the dominant position of the ruling party and the activities of the Stasi, the secret police.

8 Homework Write a letter to someone in the other part of Germany describing in detail what your life is like. You will need a copy for yourself and one extra

9 Suggested 4 Paragraph Structure Say what the 2 sources show and make an inference about the change in the question… Explain why source A shows what is does… e.g. There were many reasons why the Nazis were unpopular in 1928 Explain why source B shows something different than source A… e.g. however by 1933… (give reasons for the change) Concluding Sentence… e.g. the most important reason for the change was



12 Economic & Political Problems in West Germany in the 1960s Use pages 207-208. Create a timeline of problems in West Germany in the 1960s.

13 Homework Use pages 137-138 on the E-Book o do a factfile on the formation of… 1)NATO 2)Warsaw pact

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