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42nd NIC Conference March 20081 Automated Temperature Monitoring for Vaccine Storage By Debbie Jo Trinidade, RN, MPH San Luis Obispo County Public Health,

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Presentation on theme: "42nd NIC Conference March 20081 Automated Temperature Monitoring for Vaccine Storage By Debbie Jo Trinidade, RN, MPH San Luis Obispo County Public Health,"— Presentation transcript:

1 42nd NIC Conference March 20081 Automated Temperature Monitoring for Vaccine Storage By Debbie Jo Trinidade, RN, MPH San Luis Obispo County Public Health, CA

2 42nd NIC Conference March 20082 Real Life How many of you have experienced cooling system failures? –Sudden –Compressor –Thermostat of Refrigerator/Freezer Power Failures? –2 this season on the Central Coast Human Error? –System unplugged –Manual Recording takes dedication

3 Stand Alone Manual Systems

4 42nd NIC Conference March 20084 We can do better… Because staff turn off alarms Alarms are not set appropriately Alarm units become unplugged Temperatures are not recorded Temperatures are not recorded correctly Only effective 24% of the time – during normal working hours

5 42nd NIC Conference March 20085 Cost Effectiveness Automated systems range from a one time cost of $740 (phone line tech) to $1,300 for a two sensor probe system per site. Annual fees, usually after one or two years depend on data storage choice and need of support est. $10 /site/mo. Cost of vaccine for a PHD site that averages 80 child and 50 adult shots per month ….

6 42nd NIC Conference March 20086 $36,813 (VFC $24,249 Private $12,564) At any single point in time.

7 42nd NIC Conference March 20087 History of Wireless Temp Systems vendor provided 1999 –Wireless sensor platform for monitoring refrigeration patented at Syracuse University. October 2000 – First commercial Wireless Temperature Monitoring system debuts at National Restaurant Association. September 2001 – Compliance Control begins development of first Excel based Wireless Temperature Monitoring system based on low power sensor network & capable of up 350 feet of signal out of refrigerators. June 2003 – TempGenius debuts first near real Excel based temperature-monitoring application. April 2004 – Maxstream develops small, high power, and energy efficient radio capable, which enables manufactures to send data packets up to 4 miles for up to 2 years per battery change. January 2006 – TempGenius integrates telemessage-alerting application for the first schedulable multi contact managed temperature alert platform March 2008 – Microsoft showcases temperature sensor “Mote” with low power consumption at its annual science fair.

8 42nd NIC Conference March 20088 Automatic Systems Refrigerator “Sensor” Probe Transmits to “Receiver” sends signals through internet or phone lines Designated Staff By Phone, Text Mess, Email, Fax

9 Vendor Diagram of System

10 Wireless Configuration from Vendor

11 Probe or Sensor with Wireless Transmitter

12 Probe in place, sends radio signals

13 Receiver for Internet sent Alarms

14 Freezer & Refrigerator location

15 One Receiver with multiple temperature probes

16 42nd NIC Conference March 200816 Automated systems help meet accreditation requirements. Streamline & ensure compliance with regulations: USP797, JCAHO, CLIA, AABB, and more

17 42nd NIC Conference March 200817 Advantages of Automated Temp Monitoring –Any number of people can monitor from their computer at work, lucky “few” can also from home. (or with desktop access anyone can monitor from off-site) –IZ Coordinator or supervisor can monitor refrig/freezer of closed clinics. –System monitors when people forget. –Frequency can range by company from 30 sec to 5 minutes. –Saves time from daily logging temps. –No guessing for time out-of-range.

18 Monitoring – computer screen shot

19 Report to help monitor – ie power failure

20 42nd NIC Conference March 200820 Advantages of Automated Temp Alarms Sent 24 hours 7 days –Can program different alert levels and times –Sent with office power / internet failures –Supervisor can designate different people, different days and times, with up to 7 points of contact per person. (So Valuable) Business PhoneMobile Number Voice NumberFax Text MessageEmail Pager

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25 42nd NIC Conference March 200825 Advantages of Automated Temp Reports and Data Storage –Stores data off site at company or secure data storage firm or in-house. –Data stored at least 10 years. –Reports can be generated from various parameters, site, unit, date, frequency. –Can individualize how often staff should print out reports. –USER FRIENDLY

26 Clinic Report Staff Print Out

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30 42nd NIC Conference March 200830 Other Considerations Location of company, East or West Coast, if they do not have 24/7 live support How readily is technical (not sales) support available? How simple is the system to adjust and for staff to view and print reports? How long has the company been in business and are they on the forefront of advances? How easy is it to install (usually very easy) Type of probe’s available (glycol or air)?

31 42nd NIC Conference March 200831 More Other Considerations Written instructions available? Compare Reader vs Administrator access. Is the transmitter inside or outside the refrig/freezer? (extra wires) Are different alarm levels available? Do alarms repeat? Memory capability or battery backup needed? White wine thermostats (45°-50°) vs Food (33°-38°)

32 42nd NIC Conference March 200832 And When it Breaks This is what you move up to….

33 42nd NIC Conference March 200833 Sample of Vendors TempGenius (wireless Temperature Tracking and Alerting) Compliance Control Incorporated (800) 810-4000 (24/7 support available) Accsense (Fast and Easy Remote Monitoring) (866) 670-3500 (24 / 7 tech support line) SensaTronics (environmental sensing) (800) 633-1033 [wired and wireless] 2DI “Two Dimensional Instruments” (877) 241-0042 [phone line based]

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