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1 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Regional overview slides Last updated: November 2014

2 Key population size estimates

3 People who inject drugs population size estimates, countries where data is available Estimated PWID (a)Year of estimateYear of reportingHIV prevalence (b) 1 Afghanistan (6 cities)17,46020122014Male - 4.4 (2012) 2 Australia215,00020052014Total- 1.2 (2012) 3 Bangladesh23,80020092014Total- 1.1 (2011) 4 Brunei3,000 – 4,0002004Not available 5 Cambodia1,30020122014Total- 24.8 (2012) 6 China2,170,00020112014Total- 6.3 (2013) 7 India177,00020122014Total- 7.2 (2010-11) 8 Indonesia74,32620122014Total- 36.4 (2011) 9 Lao PDR1,15020112014Not available 10 Malaysia170,00020092014Total- 18.9 (2012) 11 Maldives400…20100 (2008) 12 Myanmar75,000 (60,000 – 90,000)20102014Male- 18.7 (2013) 13 Nepal52,17420122014Male- 6.3 (2011) 14 Pakistan91,00020092014Total- 27.2 (2011) 15 Philippines14,400 (12,304-16,607)20112011*Total- 46.1 (2013) 16 Papua New Guinea5,000 – 10,0002004*Not available 17 Singapore10,000 – 20,0002004*0.5 (2013) 18 Sri Lanka42320132014Not available 19 Thailand40,30020092014Total- 25.2 (2012) 20 Timor Leste90 - 1202004*Not available 21 Viet Nam271,50620132014Male- 10.3 (2013) Prepared by ; Note: a) Please see next slide for references; b) National HIV Sentinel Surveillance surveys and Integrated Biological and Behavioral surveys reported in GARPR 2013 and * Year of source reference

4 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific References: People who inject drugs population size estimates 4 1. Afghanistan Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014. (In 6 cities; Kabul, Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif, Jalalabad, Farah, and Nimroz) 2. Australia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Hepatitis C virus Projections Working Group: Estimates and projections of the hepatitis C virus epidemic in Australia. (2006). 3. Bangladesh Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Population Size Estimates for Most at Risk Populations for HIV in Bangladesh 2009. 4. Aceijas, C., Stimson, G. V., Hickman, M., et al. (2004). Global Overview of Injecting Drug Use and HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users. AIDS, 18(17), 2295-2303 5. Cambodia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on NACD,NCHADS, and KHANA. (2014). National Population Size Estimation, HIV Related Risk Behaviours and HIV Prevalence among People Who Use Drugs in Cambodia in 2012. 6. Ministry of Health China, WHO, and UNAIDS. (2011). 2011 Estimates for the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in China (Unpublished). 7. National AIDS Control Organisation India, Department of AIDS Control, & Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. (2011). Annual Report 2010-11. 8. Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language) 9. Lao Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on National Committee for the Control of AIDS Lao PDR. (2010). National Strategy and Action Plan on HIV/AIDS/STI 2011-2015 10. Malaysia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Ministry of Health Malaysia, & World Health Organization. (2009). National Consensus Workshop: Estimation and Projection of the HIV Epidemic 11.Sharma, M., Oppenheimer, E., Saidel, T., et al. (2009). A Situation Update on HIV Epidemics among People Who Inject Drugs and National Responses in South-East Asia Region. AIDS, 23, 1405–1413. 12. Myanmar Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on National AIDS Programme Myanmar.(2009). HIV Estimates and Projections, Myanmar 2008-2015 13. Nepal Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Home Affairs. (2013). Survery Report on Current Hard Drug Users in Nepal -2069 14. Pakistan Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on extrapolation and triangulation from mapping conducted as part of IBBS Round II, 2007. 15. Philippine National AIDS Council. (2011). Estimates of the Most At-Risk Population and People Living with HIV 16. Aceijas, C., Stimson, G. V., Hickman, M., et al. (2004). Global Overview of Injecting Drug Use and HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users. AIDS, 18(17), 2295-2303 17. Ibid. 18. Sri Lanka Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on National STD/AIDS Control Programme and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka. (2013). National Size Estimation of Most at Risk Populations (MARPs) for HIV in Sri Lanka 19. Thailand Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Aramrattana, A. (2012). Estimated Size of Injecting Drug Users (IDU). Unpublished Power Point Presentation at Size Estimation Stake-Holder Seminar January 10th, 2012, Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburi. 20. Aceijas, C., Stimson, G. V., Hickman, M., et al. (2004). Global Overview of Injecting Drug Use and HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users. AIDS, 18(17), 2295-2303 21. Viet Nam Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014

5 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Size estimates of PWID as proportion of adult male population (15-49) years Source: Prepared by based on size estimates of PWID ( please see the information provided in the previous 2 slides) and adult male population (15-49) years is based on 2012 population based on UN Population Division. (2013). World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision - Extended Regional median 0.2%; Range 0.01% - 2.3% * Size estimate from 6 cities

6 MSM size estimates, countries where data is available Estimated MSM (a)Year of estimateYear of reportingHIV prevalence (b) 1Afghanistan (Kabul)1,729201220140.5 (2012) 2Australia190,0002011201410.9 (2012) 3Bangladesh 110,581201020140.7 (Dhaka, 2013) 4Cambodia21,000200820142.1 (2010) 5China3,830,000201120147.3 (2013) 6Hong Kong SAR120,0002011…4.08 (2011) 7India 427,000 [High risk MSM, interventions] 3,500,000 [MSM at-risk] 201220144.4 (2010-11) 8Indonesia 1,095,970201220148.5 (2011) 9Lao PDR 17,000 [High risk MSM] 49,330 [All MSM and TG] 2011 2010 20143.1 (Vientiane, 2011) 10Malaysia 173,0002009201412.6 (2012) 11Maldives 4,1002009*0 (2008) 12Mongolia 11,500 -15,000 (homo and bisexual)200610.7 (Ulaanbaatar,2012) 13Myanmar 230,0002010201410.4 (2013) 14Nepal 196,270201220143.8 (2012) 15Philippines 540,000 (390,733-689,529)20112011*3.3 (2013) 16Singapore 90,00020113.1(2013) 17Sri Lanka 7,551201320140.9 (2011) 18Thailand 550,571201020147.1 (2012) 19Timor Leste 11,19720101.3 (2011) 20Viet Nam 382,506201320143.7 (2013) Prepared by ; Note: a) Please see next slide for references; b) National HIV Sentinel Surveillance surveys and Integrated Biological and Behavioral surveys reported in GARPR 2013 and * Year of source reference

7 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific References, MSM population estimation 7 1. Afghanistan Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 2. Australia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Prestage G, Ferris J, Grierson J, Thorpe R, Zablotska I, Imrie J, Smith A and Grulich AE. Homosexual men in Australia: population, distribution and HIV prevalence. Sexual Health 2008; 5:97-102 3. Bangladesh Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 4. Cambodia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on MSM size estimation conducted by FHI in 2008 5. Ministry of Health China, WHO, and UNAIDS. (2011). 2011 Estimates for the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in China (Unpublished). 6. Mok, P. (2011). Sex Between Men in Your City. 7. India Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 and NACO.(2011). Strategic Approach for Targeted Intervention among MSM 8. Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language) 9. Lao Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on National Committee for the Control of AIDS Lao PDR. (2010). National Strategy and Action Plan on HIV/AIDS/STI 2011-2015 10.Malaysia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Ministry of Health Malaysia, & World Health Organization. (2009). National Consensus Workshop: Estimation and Projection of the HIV Epidemic 11. WHO. (2009). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region 2009. 12.National Committee on HIV/AIDS. (2010). National Strategic Plan on HIV, AIDS and STIs : 2010-2015. Ulaanbaatar. 13.Myanmar Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 14.Nepal Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 15.Philippine National AIDS Council. (2011). Estimates of the Most At-Risk Population and People Living with HIV. 16.Mok, P. (2011). Sex Between Men in Your City. 17.Sri Lanka Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on National STD/AIDS Control Programme and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka. (2013). National Size Estimation of Most at Risk Populations (MARPs) for HIV in Sri Lanka 18. Thailand Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Peerapatanapokin, W. (2012). Estimated sizes of Men who have Sex with Men (MSM). Unpublished Power Point Presentation at Size Estimation Stake-Holder Seminar January 10th, 2012, Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburi, Thailand. 19.National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health as cited in WHO SEARO (2010).Timor Leste: Epidemiological Situation and Health Sector Response 20.Viet Nam Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014

8 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 8 Regional median 1.6%; Range 0.14% - 4.8% Size estimates of MSM as proportion of adult male population (15-49) years Source: Prepared by based on size estimates of MSM ( please see the information provided in the previous 2 slides) and the data on adult male population (15-49) years is based on 2012 population based on UN Population Division. (2013). World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision - Extended

9 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Percentage of men who ever had sex with men, countries where data is available, 2000-2006 9 * in the last 12 months Sources: Prepared by based on 1) FHI, ICDDR, B., & USAID. (2006). Assessment of Sexual Behavior of Men in Bangladesh: A Methodological Experiment; 2) National AIDS Programme Myanmar. (2005). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2003: General Population and Youth. 3)National Institute of Medical Statistics, & National AIDS Control Organisation. (2008). National Behavioural Surveillance Survey (BSS) 2006: Youth (15-24 Years); 4)Hong Kong,and Lao PDR_ power point presentation by Frits van Grensven, Thai MOPH-US CDC Collaboration, Recognizing and confronting the epidemic of HIV among MSM in South-East Asia, September 2006: and 5) National Statistics Office Philippines, & ORC Macro. (2004). Philippines National Demographic and Health Survey

10 Female sex workers population size estimates, countries where data is available Estimated FSW (a)Year of estimate Year of reportingHIV prevalence (b) 1Afghanistan (2 cities) 4,934201220140.3 (2012) 2Australia20,500…20140.03 (2012) 3Bangladesh 74,300201020140.3 (2011) 4Cambodia 37,000 (female entertainment workers)200920144.6* (2010) 5China 2,470,0002011…0.2 (2013) 6Hong Kong SAR 20,000 - 100,0002005…0 (2013) 7Fiji (Suva, Nadi, Lautoka, Labasa,Savsavu) 538201220140 (2012) 8India 868,000201220142.8 (2010-11) 9Indonesia 229,856 (both direct and indirect)201220147 (2011) 10Lao PDR 13,510201020140.98 (2011) 11Malaysia 40,000200920144.2 (2012) 12Maldives 900 - 4,0002008…0 (2008) 13Mongolia 1,500 - 19,0002006…0 (2012) 14Myanmar 70,000201020148.1 (2013) 15Nepal 26,504 (24,649 – 28,359)201020141.7 (2011) 16Pakistan 136,300200720140.6 (2011) 17Philippines 80,000 (70,167 - 89,175)201120140.3 (2011) 18Papua New Guinea 40,0002005…19 (Port Moresby, 2010) 19Sri Lanka 14,132201320140.2 (2011) 20Thailand 123,530201020142.2 (2012) 21Timor Leste 6752010…1.5 (2011) 22Vanuatu (Port Vila)1,39820112014… 23Viet Nam71,936201320142.6 (2013) Prepared by ; Note: a) Please see next slide for references; b) National HIV Sentinel Surveillance surveys and Integrated Biological and Behavioral surveys reported in GARPR 2013 and * Weighted and adjusted average

11 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific References, Female sex workers population size estimates 11 1. Afghanistan Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 2. Australia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 3. Bangladesh Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 4.Cambodia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on female entertainment workers size estimation conducted by NCHADS in 2009 5.Ministry of Health China, WHO, and UNAIDS. (2011). 2011 Estimates for the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in China (Unpublished). 6.Hong Kong Advisory Council on AIDS. (2006). Report of Community Assessment and Evaluation of HIV Prevention for Commercial Sex Workers and their Clients in Hong Kong 2006. 7. Fiji Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Mossman, E., Roguski, M., Ravuidi, R., & Devi, R. (2013). Integrated Biological Behavioural Surveillance Survey and Size Estimation of Sex Workers in Fiji 8.National AIDS Control Organisation India, Department of AIDS Control, & Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. (2011). Annual Report 2010-11. 9. Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Ministry of Health.(2013). Estimasi Populasi Rawan Tertular HIV di Indonesia Tahun 2012 (In Indonesian Language) 10. Lao PDR Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 National Committee for the Control of AIDS Lao PDR. (2010). National Strategy and Action Plan on HIV/AIDS/STI 2011-2015. 11. Malaysia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Lim HE, Ang CL and Teh YK., Size estimation for Local Responses in Malaysia for HIV Prevention in Sex Work, 2010 (unpublished) 12.WHO. (2009). HIV/AIDS in the South-East Asia Region 2009. 13.National Committee on HIV/AIDS, UN, & gtz. (2008). Comprehensive Review of the National Response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia. 14. Myanmar Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on a mapping study conducted by Nataional AIDS Programme and PSI in 2010 15. Nepal Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 16. Pakistan Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on extrapolation and triangulation from mapping conducted as part of IBBS Round II, 2007 17.Philippine National AIDS Council. (2011). Estimates of the Most At-Risk Population and People Living with HIV. 18.Asian Development Bank. (2005). Socioeconomic Implications of HIV/AIDS in the Pacific. 19. Sri Lanka Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on National STD/AIDS Control Programme and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka. (2013). National Size Estimation of Most at Risk Populations (MARPs) for HIV in Sri Lanka 20. Thailand Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on Sub-Technical Working Group on Projection and Estimation. (2012). Size Estimation for Sex Workers. Unpublished Power Point Presentation at Size Estimation Stakeholder Seminar January 10th, 2012, Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburi. 21.National AIDS Programme, Ministry of Health as cited in WHO SEARO (2010).Timor Leste: Epidemiological Situation and Health Sector Response 22. Vanuatu Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 based on IBBS and Population Size Estimation in Port Vila in 2011 23. Viet Nam Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014

12 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Size estimates of FSW as proportion of adult female population (15-49) years Source: Prepared by based on size estimates of FSW ( please see the information provided in the previous 2 slides) and adult female population (15- 49) years is based on 2012 population based on UN Population Division. (2013). World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision - Extended Regional median 0.4%; Range 0.2% - 4.1%

13 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Population size estimates of transgender people, countries where data is available Source: Prepared by based on 1) Bangladesh Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014; 2) Mossman, E., Roguski, M., Ravuidi, R., et al. (2012). Integrated Biologic al Behavioural Surveillance Survey and Size Estimation of Sex Workers in Fiji: HIV Prevention Project: Ministry of Health and Survival Advocacy Network Fiji; 3) India Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014; 4) Indonesia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014; 5) Malaysia Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014; 6) Nepal Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014; and 7) Pakistan Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014. Country Size Estimated Year of Estimate Comment 1 Bangladesh8,8822010- 2 Fiji3192012 Transgender sex workers in Suva, Nadi, Lautoka, Labasa 3 India60,0002013Targeted interventions 4 Indonesia37,9982012- 5 Malaysia20,0002010Transgender sex workers 6 Nepal9,4742012- 7 Pakistan43,0002009Hijra sex workers

14 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Inclusion of transgender in sentinel and bio-behavioural surveys 14 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveys and Bio-Behavioural Country Sentinel and/or Bio- behavioural surveys Behavioural surveys Comment 1 BangladeshHSS 20112013* *Midline survey among MSM, MSW, and TG in Dhaka 2 Cambodia2010BSS 2013 Bio-behavioural study (Bros Khmer 2010) 3 FijiIBBS 2012 Transgender sex workers in Suva, Nadi, Lautoka, Labasa 4 IndiaHSS 2010-11IBBA 2009-2010Hijra sex workers (IBBA) 5 IndonesiaIBBS 2011 Waria 6 Lao PDRIBBS 2012 Vientiane Capital and Savannakhet 7 MalaysiaIBBS 2012 - 8 PakistanSGS 2011 Hijra sex workers 9 Papua New GuineaIBBS 2010 Transgender sex workers, Port Moresby 10 PhilippinesIHBSS 2013 Cebu city 11 ThailandIBBS 2010 Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket

15 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Male sex workers (MSW) size estimates, countries where data is available, 2007-2011 CountryEstimated male sex workersYear of Estimate 1 Bangladesh32,4842010 2 Malaysia5,0002009 3 Nepal10,450 - 12,3022011 Highway Districts4,733 - 5,7672011 Kathmandu Valley5,717 - 6,5352011 4 Pakistan63,0002007 5 Thailand18,2392010 Source: Prepared by based on 1.Bangladesh Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014; 2. Ministry of Health Malaysia, & World Health Organization. (2009). National Consensus Workshop: Estimation and Projection of the HIV Epidemic; 3. HIV/AIDS and STI Control Board, & National Centre for AIDS and STD Control. (2011). Mapping and Size Estimation of Most-At-Risk-Population in Nepal-2011: Vol.1 Male Sex Workers, Transgender, and their Clients; 4. National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination. (2012). Pakistan Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2012; and 5. Sub-Technical Working Group on Projection and Estimation, Situation Analysis Working Group. (2012). Size Estimation for Sex Workers, Power Point Presentation at Size Estimation Stakeholder Seminar, 10th January, 2012, Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburi.

16 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Inclusion of MSW in latest available sentinel and bio- behavioural surveys 16 Country Sentinel and/or Bio-behavioural surveys Behavioural surveysComment 1 BangladeshHSS 20112013* *Midline survey among MSM, MSW, and TG in Dhaka 2 Fiji-Behavioural study 2010 3 NepalIBBS 2012 MSM/MSW/TG-SW in Kathmandu valley 4 PakistanSGS 2011 5 PNGIBBS 2010 6 PhilippinesIBBS 2013 7 Thailand IBBS 2010 HSS 2013 IBBS 2010 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveys and Bio-Behavioural

17 HIV prevalence and epidemiology

18 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Regional overview of trends in HIV infections and AIDS- related deaths Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap 2013 People living with HIV 4.8 million Women living with HIV 1.7 million New HIV infections 350 000 Deaths 250 000 2013 “zoom-in” Children living with HIV 210 000 Young people living with HIV 610 000

19 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Estimated number of adults and women living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific region, 1990-2013 19 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

20 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Estimated number of children living with HIV and new HIV infections among children in Asia and the Pacific region, 1990-2013 20 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

21 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Estimated number of young people (15-24) living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific region, 1990-2013 21 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

22 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific New HIV infectionsPeople living with HIV EstimateLow estimateHigh estimateEstimateLow estimateHigh estimate India* 130,000 80,000250,000 2,100,000 1,700,0002,700,000 Indonesia 80,000 49,000170,000 640,000 420,0001,000,000 China* 48,00041,00054,000780,000620,000940,000 Viet Nam 14,000 11,00021,000 250,000 230,000280,000 Pakistan 14,000 7,00033,000 68,000 41,000130,000 Thailand 8,200 4,10017,000 440,000 400,000470,000 Malaysia 8,000 5,50012,000 86,000 66,000120,000 Myanmar 6,700 5,3008,400 190,000 170,000220,000 Philippines 3,4002,3005,30022,00016,00032,000 PNG 2,200 1,6002,900 32,000 29,00035,000 Cambodia 1,300<1,0003,00075,00041,000130,000 Nepal 1,300<1,0002,40039,00031,00052,000 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS Estimates 2013; Philippines HIV Estimations and Projections 2014 (Unpublished document); and * 2011 estimates HIV estimates among high HIV burden countries, 2013

23 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! New HIV infections have declined significantly since 2001, but remain largely unchanged in past 5 years Estimated new HIV infections in Asia and the Pacific, 2001-2013 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap 30% decline

24 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs, 2010-2013 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3)

25 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence among PWID in geographical locations that are higher than national prevalence, 2009-2013 25 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3) Zhang L, Chow EPF, Jing J, et al. HIV prevalence in China: Integration of surveillance data and a systematic review. Lancet Infect Dis 2013; published online Oct 7. 3099(13)

26 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence among PWID in geographical locations where rising HIV prevalence trends are observed, 2005-2013 26 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3) * male PWID ** 2013 data for Cebu and Mandaue reported as national

27 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Trends in HIV prevalence among PWID in ASEAN states/cities, where data is available, 2003-2013 27 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance * male PWID

28 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Trends in HIV prevalence among PWID in SAARC states/cities, where data is available, 2002-2012 28 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance

29 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of HIV transmission through injecting drug use among reported HIV cases, 2011-2014 Source: Prepared by based on 1. Country Global AIDS Response Progress Reports 2012; 2. Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia (Feb 2014). Situation Progress Report of HIV and AIDS in Indonesia in 2013 (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia tahun 2013, Kementerian Kesehatan RI 2013) ; 3. National Epidemiology Center Philippines. (2014). Philippines HIV/AIDS Registry: August 2014; 4. National AIDS Control Organisation India, Department of AIDS Control, & Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. (2012). Annual Report 2011-12.; 5. Ministry of Health Malaysia (2014). HIV and AIDS Reporting (1986-2013); 6. Ministry of Health Singapore. (2013). Retrieved August 2013, from ; 7. National AIDS Control Programme Sri Lanka. (2013). Retrieved 10 October 2014, from ; and 8. Ministry of Health and Population Nepal, National Center for AIDS and STD control. Factsheet Number 2: Cumulative cases in Nepal, As of Mangsir 2070 (Nov 2013); 9. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health Hong Kong. (2014). Hong Kong STD/AIDS Update, Vol. 19, No.1, Quarter 1 2013www.aidsdatahub.org

30 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Countries with >5% HIV prevalence among MSM in national estimates from surveys, 2009-2013 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS.(2013).Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic

31 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence > 5% among MSM in selected geographical locations, 2010-2013 31 Source: Prepared by based on National AIDS Committee Thailand. (2012). Thailand Global AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012; HIV Sentinel Surveillance Reports; Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Reports; Lan, W., et al. (2012). HIV Prevalence and Influencing Factors Analysis of Sentinel Surveillance among Men who have Sex with Men in China, 2003-2011 and Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Intensifying HIV response among MSMs with city-approach in Chengdu city,

32 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Countries and select cities with rising HIV prevalence trend among MSM, 2000-2013 32 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveillance Reports; Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Reports; China Global AIDS Response Progress Reports and Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Intensifying HIV response among MSMs with city-approach in Chengdu city,

33 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Cities with stabilizing/ declining HIV prevalence trend among MSM, 2000-2013 33 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveillance Reports; Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance

34 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among MSM by region, latest available year, 2008-2013 34 Source: Prepared by based on 1. HIV Sentinel Surveillance Reports; 2. Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Reports; and 3. Bangladesh icddr,b, 2013. HIV Midline survey among MSM, MSW & TG (unpublished)

35 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % homosexual transmission among Proportion of newly reported and cumulative HIV cases attributable to homosexual transmission, 2011-2014 35 Source: Prepared by based on 1. National Epidemiology Center Philippines. (2014). Philippines HIV/AIDS Registry: August 2014; 2. Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia (Feb 2014). Situation Progress Report of HIV and AIDS in Indonesia in 2013 (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia tahun 2013, Kementerian Kesehatan RI 2013); 3. Ministry of Health and Population Nepal, National Center for AIDS and STD control. Factsheet Number 2: Cumulative cases in Nepal, As of Mangsir 2070 (Nov 2013); 4. National AIDS Control Programme Sri Lanka. (2013). Retrieved 10 October 2014, from; 5. Ministry of Health Malaysia (2014). HIV and AIDS Reporting (1986-2013); 6. Country Global AIDS Response Progress Reports.; 6. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health Hong Kong. (2014). Hong Kong STD/AIDS Update, Vol. 19, No.1, Quarter 1 2013www.aidsdatahub.org

36 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific National versus city-specific HIV prevalence among transgender, countries where data is available, 2011 36 * Hijra sex workers Source: Prepared by based on 1) Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2011). IBBS 2011 - Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey; 2) National AIDS Control Organisation, India. (2012). HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2010-11: A Technical Brief; and 3) National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV

37 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among transgender, 2010-2013 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveys and Bio-Behavioural * TG sex workers ** Long-hair MSM *** TG sex workers, Sample size = 38

38 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among MSW, countries where data is available, 2009-2013 Source: Prepared by based on 1.Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2.HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3.; 4.J Zhao, W. Cai, L. Chen, J. Cheng, H. Ma, & X. Wang. (2012). A Comparison of HIV infection and Related Risk Factors between Money Boys and Non-commercial Men who have Sex with Men in Shenzhen, China. Poster presented at the IAS 2012, Washington, D.C., * Dhaka, **Shenzhen, *** Port Moresby

39 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence data on MSW is scarce but it indicates higher HIV prevalence than FSW in most of the countries, 2011-2013 39 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3) icddr,b, 2013. HIV Midline survey among MSM, MSW & TG (unpublished); and 4) * FSW data is for 2011 ** Kathmandu data reported as national; FSW data is for 2011 *** Data for Port Moresby **** MSW data is for 2010

40 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! 40 HIV prevalence among female sex workers, 2008-2013 Source: Prepared by based on; Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; and HIV Sentinel Surveillance

41 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence among FSW in geographical locations that are higher than national prevalence, 2010-2013 41 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance

42 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence trends among FSW - ASEAN countries, where data is available, 2000-2013 42 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3)

43 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence trends among FSW - SAARC countries, where data is available, 2000-2012 43 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys; 2) HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; 3) UNAIDS Report on The Global AIDS Epidemic, 2010 ; and 4)

44 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of heterosexual transmission among reported HIV cases, 2009-2014 Sources: Prepared by based on 1. UNGASS Country Progress Reports 2010; 2. Country Global AIDS Response Progress Reports 2012 and 2014; 3. Directorate General of Disease Control and Environmental Health, Ministry of Health, Indonesia (Feb 2014). Situation Progress Report of HIV and AIDS in Indonesia in 2013 (Laporan Situasi Perkembangan HIV & AIDS di Indonesia tahun 2013, Kementerian Kesehatan RI 2013); 4. National Epidemiology Center Philippines. (2014). Philippines HIV/AIDS Registry: August 2014; 5. National AIDS Control Organisation India, Department of AIDS Control, & Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. (2012). Annual Report 2011-12.; 6. Ministry of Health Malaysia (2014). HIV and AIDS Reporting System (1986-2013).; 7. Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health Hong Kong. (2014). Hong Kong STD/AIDS Update, Vol. 19, No.1, Quarter 1 2013; 8. Ministry of Health and Population Nepal, National Center for AIDS and STD control. Factsheet Number 2: Cumulative cases in Nepal, As of Mangsir 2070 (Nov

45 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among prisoners, countries where data is available, 2011-2012 45 Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys and Special Preventive Programme Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health Hong Kong. (2013). HIV Surveillance Report – 2012

46 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among military personnel and truck drivers, countries where data is available, 2006-2013 46 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; National HIV/AIDS and STI Programme, Ministry of Health Bhutan. (2009). Bhutan: HIV Epidemiological Situation and Health Sector Response

47 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among men at higher risk, countries where data is available, 2008-2012 47 Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys; and Special Preventive Programme Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health Hong Kong. (2013). HIV Surveillance Report – 2012

48 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence among migrants and wives of migrants, 2010-2011 48 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveillance Surveys and Integrated Biological and Behavioural

49 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV prevalence among migrant workers who are working in Thailand, 2010 49 Source: Prepared by based on UNDP, Joint United Nations Initiative on Mobility and HIV in South East Asia, & ADB. (2012). Meeting Report - Consultation on The Memorandum of Understanding to Reduce HIV Vulnerability Associated with Population

50 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of migrants among reported HIV cases, 2011- 2014 50 Source: Prepared by based on 1)Bangladesh World AIDS Day Presentation 2012 data retrieved on 14 Jan 2013; 2) Ministry of Health and Population Nepal, National Center for AIDS and STD control. Factsheet Number 2: Cumulative cases in Nepal, As of Mangsir 2070 (Nov 2013); and 3) National Epidemiology Center Philippines. (2014). Philippines HIV/AIDS Registry: August 2014.www.aidsdatahub.org * Migrant workers and spouses of migrants

51 Risk behaviours

52 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Average number of injections among people who inject drugs, 2006-12 52 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys;

53 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Duration of injecting drugs among PWID, 2006-2012 53 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance

54 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of PWID who reported safe injection practice at last injection, 2006-2013 54 Source: Prepared by based on

55 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of PWID who reported condom use at last sex, 2006-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

56 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of PWID reported consistent condom use, 2006-2011 56 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance

57 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM who sold sex to men, 2008-2013 57 Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance Surveys; Lan, W., Lu, W., L.Norris, J., Dong- min, L., Wei, G., Zheng-wei, D., & Ning, W. (2012). HIV Prevalence and Influencing Factors Analysis of Sentinel Surveillane among Men who have Sex with Men in China, 2003- 2011. Chinese Medical Journal, 125(11), 1857-1861.; Bavinton, B., Singh, N., Naiker, D. S., Deo, M. N., Talala, M., Brown, M.,Navokavokadrau, S. (2011). Secret Lives, Other Voices: A Community-based Study Exploring Male-to-Male Sex, Gender Identity and HIV Transmission Risk in Fiji.; Pedroso, L., Sasota, R., & Tacardon, L. (2011). Further Study of the 2009 Philippine Integrated HIV Behavioral and Serologic Surveillance : HIV Prevalence and Behavioral Risk Factors among

58 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM who reported buying sex from male and female, 2006-2012 58 Bought sex * from male = last month, from female = last 12 months; ** last month for both male and female; *** from male= last 12 months, from female = ever; Mongolia: last 12 months; India: ever for both male and female Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance

59 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM who had vaginal sex with female in the last year, 2006- 2012 59 * Capital city; ** Last 6 months, *** Ever Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance

60 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM who reported condom use at last anal sex with male partner, 2006-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

61 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Source: Prepared by based on Country Global AIDS Response Progress Reports 2012; Integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveys; and Behavioural Surveillance Condom use at last anal sex and consistent use among MSM, 2009-2011

62 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM reported consistent condom with male commercial partners in the last month, 2006-2010 62 * Undefined period, HCMC = Ho Chi Minh City Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance

63 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM reported consistent condom use with non-commercial/casual partners, 2006-2011 63 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance Surveys; 2) Chan, R., Chio, M., Lim, S., Lo, D., Tan, A., Wong, J., & Loh, B. (2013). Outreach HIV Testing Project in Venues Frequented by MSM - November 2011 to February 2012; 3) Bavinton, B., Singh, N., Naiker, D. S., et al. (2011). Secret Lives, Other Voices: A Community-Based Study Exploring Male-to-Male Sex, Gender Identity and HIV Transmission Risk in Fiji. Suva, Fiji: AIDS Task Force of

64 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM reported consistent condom use with male partners, 2009-2012 64 *Last 3 months; **Last 6 months; ***Last year Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance

65 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM who inject drugs, 2006-2012 65 Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural Surveys and Behavioural Surveillance * Capital city; ** Luang Prabang

66 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of transgender who sell sex, countries where data is available, 2009- 2013 66 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2011). IBBS 2011 - Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey; 2) Malaysia AIDS Council and Ministry of Health. (2010). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey 2009; 3) National Center for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STD Cambodia. (2013). Behavioral Sentinel Surveillance (BSS 2013): Presented by Mun Phalkun on 16 December 2013; 4) Indian Council of Medical Research, & FHI. (2011). National Summary Report - Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment. Round 2 (2009-2010); and 5) Presentation by Tac-an I.A (2014). HIV and Syphilis Prevalence among Transgender People in the Philippines. Cebu City Health Department

67 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of transgender reported condom use at last sex with male clients, 2006-2013 67 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys and Bio-Behavioural * Dhaka ** Combined use of condom and water-based lubricant

68 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of transgender reported consistent condom use with male clients, 2006-2013 68 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys and Bio-Behavioural * Dhaka ** Port Moresby

69 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of key populations reported condom use at last sex with transgender (2006-2011) 69 * with commercial TG partner ** with regular TG partner Source: Prepared by based on 1) National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07 ; 2) CHAS, USAID, The Global Fund, and PSI. (2012). Results of Second Round HIV/STI Prevalence and Behavioral Tracking Survey among Male-to-Female Transgender in Vientiane Capital and Savannakhet, Lao PDR, 2012. Consensus Meeting ; 3) Bavinton, B., Singh, N., Naiker, D. S., et al. (2011). Secret Lives, Other Voices: A Community-Based Study Exploring Male-to-Male Sex, Gender Identity and HIV Transmission Risk in Fiji. Suva, Fiji: AIDS Task Force of Fiji; 4) ) Indian Council of Medical Research, & FHI. (2011). National Summary Report - Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment. Round 2 (2009-2010); 5) National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV

70 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of transgender reported injecting drug use, countries where data is available, 2006-2013 70 Source: Prepared by based on 1) National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07; 2) Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2011). IBBS 2011 - Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey; 3) Malaysia AIDS Council and Ministry of Health. (2010). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey 2009; 4) National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV 2011; 5) IBBS 2011 - Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey; and 6) National Center for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STD Cambodia. (2013). Behavioral Sentinel Surveillance (BSS 2013): Presented by Mun Phalkun on 16 December

71 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Average duration in the profession of selling sex among MSW, countries where data is available, 2007-2011 71 Source: Prepared by based on 1.National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07: Technical Report.; 2. National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV

72 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Average number of clients among MSW in the last month, 2007-2011 72 * Last week Source: Prepared by based on 1.National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07: Technical Report.; 2. Ministry of Health Viet Nam. (2011). Integrated Biological and Behavioural Survey 2009; 3. New ERA, STD/AIDS Counseling and Training Services, & FHI. (2009). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (IBBS) Men who have Sex with Men in Kathmandu Valley: Round III - 2009.; 4. National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV 2011

73 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW reported condom use at last sex, 2010-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

74 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW reported consistent condom use with male clients, 2007-2011 74 Source: Prepared by based on 1. National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07: Technical Report.; 2. National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV 2011.; 3. New ERA, STD/AIDS Counseling and Training Services, & FHI. (2009). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (IBBS) Men who have Sex with Men in Kathmandu Valley: Round III - 2009.; 4.Askim Na Save (Ask and Understand): People Who Sell and Exchange Sex in Port Moresby. Key Quantitative Findings. Sydney: Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research and the University of New South Wales.; 5. Cai, W.-D., Zhao, J., Zhao, J.-K., et al. (2010). HIV Prevalence and Related Risk Factors among Male Sex Workers in Shenzhen, China: Results from a Time–location Sampling Survey. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86(1), * with one time paying male anal sex partner

75 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW who reported transactional sex with female, 2008-2011 Source: Prepared by based on 1. National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07: Technical Report.; 2. National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV 2011.; 3.Cai, W.-D., Zhao, J., Zhao, J.-K., et al. (2010). HIV Prevalence and Related Risk Factors among Male Sex Workers in Shenzhen, China: Results from a Time–location Sampling Survey. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 86(1), 15-20.; 4.Ministry of Health Viet Nam. (2011). Integrated Biological and Behavioural Survey 2009

76 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW with overlapping risk behaviours, countries where data is available, 2007-2011 * In last year ** In last 6 months *** Ever injected drugs; Had sexual partner who inject drugs Source: Prepared by based on 1. National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07: Technical Report.; 2. National AIDS Control Program, Pakistan. (2011). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan - National Report Round IV 2011.; 3. Ministry of Health Viet Nam. (2011). Integrated Biological and Behavioural Survey 2009

77 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Average duration in the profession of selling sex among FSW, countries where data is available, 2006-2011 77 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance

78 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Average number of clients among FSW, 2006-2011 78 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance

79 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of FSW who reported condom use at last sex, 2006-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

80 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of FSW who reported consistent condom use with their clients, 2008-2012 80 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance

81 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Sources: based on 1. FHI, ICDDR, B., & USAID. (2006). Assessment of Sexual Behavior of Men in Bangladesh: A Methodological Experiment; 2.India, NBSS-General Population (2006) and BBS in 6 states (2009) cited in National AIDS Control Organization India. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report: India; 3. Demographic and Health 81 Percentage of men reported paying for sex in the last 12 months, countries where data is available, 2005 - 2012 *Thailand, Age Adjusted Data from National Sexual Behaviour Survey (2006)

82 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of truckers reported having commercial sex in the last year, 2006-2012 82 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys and Integrated Biological and Behavioral *including driver's assistant and ever had commercial sex

83 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of military personnel and police reported having commercial sex in the last year, 2008-2011 83 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys ;Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Buitenlandse Zaken, et al. (2009). A Survey of HIV/AIDS Awareness and Risky Sexual Behavior in a Vulnerable Population in Sri

84 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of taxi drivers and rickshaw pullers reported having commercial sex in the last year, 2006-2010 84 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys and National Center for HIV/AIDS Dermatology and STD Cambodia. (2011). Estimation of the HIV Prevalence among General Population in Cambodia,

85 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of men at higher risk reported having commercial sex in the last year by occupation, 2008-2011 85 Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioral * Seafarers, dock workers, truck drivers and moto-taxi drivers

86 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of men at higher risk reported injecting drugs in the last year, countries where data is available, 2006-2011 86 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys and Integrated Biological and Behavioral * Seafarers, dock workers, truck drivers and moto-taxi drivers; ** Ever injected drugs

87 Vulnerability and HIV knowledge

88 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of PWID with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2006-2012 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance Surveys; 3) UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS

89 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM with comprehensive HIV knowledge, by age group, countries where data is available, 2005-2009 89 Source: Prepared by based on UNGASS Country Progress Reports 2006,2008 & * Manipur

90 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of transgender with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2006-2012 90 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. (2011). IBBS 2011 - Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey; 2) Malaysia AIDS Council and Ministry of Health. (2010). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey 2009; 3) Bavinton, B., Singh, N., Naiker, D. S., et al. (2011). Secret Lives, Other Voices: A Community-Based Study Exploring Male-to-Male Sex, Gender Identity and HIV Transmission Risk in Fiji. Suva, Fiji: AIDS Task Force of Fiji; 4) National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2010). UNGASS Country Progress Report: Bangladesh.

91 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2007-2009 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS

92 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of FSW with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2006-2012 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; 2) Behavioral Surveillance 3) UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic.

93 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of men at higher risk with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2006-2011 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys,Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys, UNGASS Progress Reports * Seafarers, dock workers, truck drivers and moto-taxi drivers

94 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of migrants with comprehensive HIV knowledge, 2008-2011 94 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Success Search Option (P) Ltd Nepal, Intrepid Nepal, & Save the Children Nepal. (2010). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey among Male Labor Migrants: Round 3 - Mid and Far-Western Regions of Nepal.; 2) Saggurti N, Mahapatra B, Swain SN, et al. (2011). Migration and HIV in India: Study of Select Districts. New Delhi: UNDP, NACO, and Population Council; 3) Mongolia Second Generation Sentinel Surveillance 2009 cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report,

95 HIV expenditure

96 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Data availability on AIDS spending data, Asia Latest available spending dataAvailable trend data 1Afghanistan20132008 - 2013 2Bangladesh20132008 - 2013 3Cambodia20122006 - 2012 4China20122006 - 2012 5DPR of Korea20112009 - 2011 6India20112008 - 2011 7Indonesia20122006 - 2012 8Lao PDR20112006 - 2011 9Malaysia20132008 - 2013 10Mongolia20112007 - 2011 11Myanmar20112007 - 2011 12Nepal20092006 - 2009 13Pakistan20132007 - 2013 14Philippines20132006 - 2013 15Sri Lanka20102007 - 2010 16Thailand20112007 - 2011 17Timor Leste20092008 - 2009 18Viet Nam20122006 - 2012 Source: Prepared by based on data from

97 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Data availability on AIDS spending data, the Pacific Latest available spending dataAvailable trend data 1Fiji20122007 - 2012 2Kiribati20122010 - 2012 3Marshall Islands20122007 - 2012 4Micronesia20132008 - 2013 5Nauru20092008 - 2009 6Palau20132007 - 2013 7Papua New Guinea20122009 - 2012 8Samoa20132009 - 2013 9Solomon Islands20112008 - 2011 10Tonga20092008 - 2009 11Tuvalu20132008 - 2013 12Vanuatu20132008 - 2013 Source: Prepared by based on data from

98 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Domestic funding has increased to make up for leveling off of international financing Source: UNAIDS estimates 2012 Resources available for AIDS response in Asia and the Pacific, low-and middle-income countries (LMIC)

99 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Source: Prepared by based on, India Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2012, and Kumar, U. A., ‘Azad Launches Rs 14,295 Crore Phase IV of NACP’, The New Indian Express, 13 February, 2014) HIV expenditure from domestic sources, Asia and the Pacific, latest available year, 2009-2013 63% Committed for NACP IV

100 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! AIDS spending in the Asia and the Pacific by major spending categories and prevention spending on key populations, latest available year, 2009 - 2012 Source: Prepared by based on

101 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! AIDS spending category by amount and financing source in Asia and the Pacific, latest available year, 2009-2012 101 Source: Prepared by based on

102 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Distribution of prevention spending by financing source in Asia and the Pacific, latest available year, 2009-2012 102 Source: Prepared by based on

103 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Total care and treatment and ART spending by financing source in Asia and the Pacific, latest available year, 2009- 2012 103 60% of total care and treatment spending Source: Prepared by based on

104 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! About half of AIDS spending is on care and treatment, mostly domestically sourced Source: Prepared by based on 60% of total care and treatment spending Spending by service category is not available for India and China

105 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Source: Prepared by based on HIV prevention spending in Asia and the Pacific – low on HIV prevention among people who inject drugs, latest available year reported by countries, 2009-2012 Note: China and India do not report prevention spending breakdown

106 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Trends in spending on PWID harm reduction programmes out of total prevention spending, countries where HIV prevalence among PWID is more than 10%, 2006-2012 106 Source: Prepared by based on

107 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Prevention spending in Asia and the Pacific – low on HIV prevention spending among MSM, latest available year reported by countries, 2009-2012 107 Source: Prepared by based on Prevention spending breakdown is not available for China and India

108 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Trends in proportion of spending on MSM prevention programmes out of total prevention spending, countries with >5% HIV prevalence among MSM in national estimates from surveys 108 Source: Prepared by based on Data is not available for China

109 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Source: Prepared by based on HIV prevention spending in Asia and the Pacific – low on HIV prevention spending among sex workers and clients, latest available year reported by countries, 2009-2012 Prevention spending breakdown is not available for China and India

110 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Trends in HIV prevention spending on sex workers and clients out of total prevention spending, countries where HIV prevalence among FSW is more than 5%, 2007-2011 110 Source: Prepared by based on

111 National response

112 Key populations and vulnerable populations

113 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Source: Prepared by based on Prevention services are reaching key populations but are not scaling up fast enough to reverse the epidemic HIV prevention coverage among key populations (regional median trend*) * latest available data from UNGASS/ Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (GARPR) 2010 to 2014

114 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Stalled progress in HIV testing coverage among key populations 114 * latest available data from UNGASS/ Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting (GARPR) 2010 to 2014 Source: Prepared by based on HIV testing coverage among key populations (regional median trend*)

115 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Number of syringes distributed per PWID per year by Needle and Syringe Programmes (NSP), 2013 Source: Prepared by based on

116 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Number of NSP and OST sites by country where data is available, 2012 116 Number of needles/syringes programme sites Number of opioid substitution therapy sites Afghanistan 351 Bangladesh692 Cambodia181 China941756 India264107 Indonesia19483 Lao PDR58 Malaysia605715 Maldives01 Mongolia10 Myanmar5018 Nepal293 Pakistan331 Sri Lanka00 Thailand36147 Viet Nam392260 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS (2013). Global AIDS Response Progress Report 2013 – Online Country

117 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV testing coverage among PWID, countries where data is available, 2006-2013 117 Source: Prepared by based on 1. Ministry of Health Indonesia.(2014). Recalculated HIV Testing Coverage presented at the Regional Management Meeting (RMM) 2014 using IBBS 2011 Data; and 2. * Programme data Data is not strictly comparable across countries since methods and sampling varied. In addition, many surveys were conducted in a few urban areas and it might not necessarily reflect prevailing conditions at the national level.

118 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM reached with HIV prevention programmes in the last 12 months, 2009-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

119 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSM who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and know their results, 2006-2013 Source: Prepared by based on and 1. MEN Fiji, The Draft Report of 2011 IBBS of Transgender and MSM in Suva and Lautoka reported in GARPR 2012 online report; 2. Ministry of Health Indonesia.(2014). Recalculated HIV Testing Coverage presented at the Regional Management Meeting (RMM) 2014 using IBBS 2011 Data; and 3. * Programme data Data is not strictly comparable across countries since methods and sampling varied. In addition, many surveys were conducted in a few urban areas and it might not necessarily reflect prevailing conditions at the national level.

120 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of transgender reached with outreach programmes in the last year, 2006-2012 Source: Prepared by based on 1) National AIDS Control Program, Ministry of Health and Canada-Pakistan HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project (2007). HIV Second Generation Surveillance in Pakistan: National Report- Round II 2006-07; 2) National AIDS/STD Programme Bangladesh. (2008). Behavioral Surveillance Survey 2006-07 ; 3) Malaysia AIDS Council and Ministry of Health. (2010). Integrated Biological and Behavioral Survey 2009; 4) Bavinton, B., Singh, N., Naiker, D. S., et al. (2011). Secret Lives, Other Voices: A Community-Based Study Exploring Male-to-Male Sex, Gender Identity and HIV Transmission Risk in Fiji. Suva, Fiji: AIDS Task Force of Fiji; 5) Indian Council of Medical Research, & FHI. (2011). National Summary Report - Integrated Behavioural and Biological Assessment. Round 2 (2009-2010)

121 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV testing coverage among transgender, 2009-2013 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Behavioural Surveillance Surveys and Bio-Behavioural Surveys; and 2) * TG/Hijra sex workers

122 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW reached with HIV prevention programmes, 2007-2013 122 Source: Prepared by based on Definition of reach : Know where to go to receive an HIV test and had been given condoms in the last 12 months

123 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of MSW who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and know their results, 2009-2013 Source: Prepared by based on * denominator is only those who answered HIV testing related questions and not all surveyed population. It is not strictly comparable across countries since methods and sampling varied. In addition, many surveys were conducted in a few urban areas and it might not necessarily reflect prevailing conditions at the national level.

124 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of FSW reached with HIV prevention programmes in the last 12 months, 2006-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

125 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of FSW who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and know their results, 2006-2013 Source: Prepared by based on 1. Ministry of Health Indonesia.(2014). Recalculated HIV Testing Coverage presented at the Regional Management Meeting (RMM) 2014 using IBBS 2011 Data; and 2. * Programme data Data is not strictly comparable across countries since methods and sampling varied. In addition, many surveys were conducted in a few urban areas and it might not necessarily reflect prevailing conditions at the national level.

126 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of prisoners, clients of FSW, and truckers ever received an HIV test, 2010-2012 Source: Prepared by based on Integrated Biological and Behavioural

127 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of men at higher risk who received an HIV test by occupation, 2008-2011 127 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys,Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys, UNGASS Progress Reports * Seafarers, dock workers, truck drivers and moto-taxi drivers

128 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Proportion of men at higher risk reached with HIV prevention programmes, 2006-2009 128 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioural Surveillance Surveys,Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys, UNGASS Progress Reports * Capital city

129 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Inclusion of migrants in the latest available National Strategic Plans 129 Country Identify migrants as priority population or focus area 1 Afghanistan (2011-2015) YES 2 Bangladesh (2011-2015) YES 3 Bhutan (2012-2016) YES 4 Brunei Darussalam No information 5 Cambodia (2011-2015) YES 6 China (2011-2015) YES 7 DPR Korea No National Strategic Plan 8 Fiji (2011-2015) YES 9 India (2012-2017) YES 10 Indonesia (2010-2014) YES 11 Japan (2012-2017) YES 12 Lao PDR (2011-2015) YES 13 Malaysia (2011-2015) YES 14 Maldives No information 15 Mongolia (2010-2015) YES 16 Myanmar (2011-2015) YES 17 Nepal (2011-2016) YES 18 Pakistan (2007-2012) YES 19 Papua New Guinea (2011-2015) YES 20 Philippines (2011-2016) YES 21 Republic of Korea No information 22 Singapore YES 23 Sri Lanka (2007-2011) YES 24 Thailand (2012-2016) YES 25 Timor-Leste (2011-2016) YES 26 Viet Nam (2011-2020) YES Source: Prepared by based on the latest National Strategic Plans and National Commitments and Policies Instrument(NCPI),

130 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of migrants tested for HIV, 2009-2011 130 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Wagle, S., Bohidar, N., Samuels, F., et al. (2011). Vulnerability to HIV & AIDS: A Social Research on Cross Border Mobile Populations from Nepal to India.; 2)Sultana, T., Das, A., Sultana, M. M., et al. (2011). Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS: A Social Research on Cross Border Mobile Population from Bangladesh to India.; 3) Mongolia Second Generation Sentinel Surveillance 2009 cited in UNGASS Country Progress Report,

131 Treatment

132 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! HIV testing is the entry point for treatment, but only around 1/3 of key populations know their HIV status HIV testing coverage among key populations, regional median, 2007-2013 Source: Prepared by based on

133 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Access to treatment in Asia Pacific region continues to grow: 1.56 million people living with HIV in the region are receiving HIV treatment Source: Prepared by based on 1)UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.; 2); and 3) UNAIDS.(2014). The Gap People receiving antiretroviral therapy in Asia and the Pacific, 2003-2013 25% increase between 2012 and 2013 13% increase between 2011 and 2012

134 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy by sub-region, 2004-2013 Source: Prepared by based on 1)UNAIDS. (2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2013.; 2); and 3) UNAIDS.(2014). The Gap

135 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Recent trends of ART coverage in global, and Asia and the Pacific, 2011-2013 90% Note: ART coverage (%) represents the proportion of people receiving ART out of the total number of people living with HIV Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

136 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Treatment saves lives: AIDS-related deaths are declining in Asia and the Pacific 9 x increase since 2005 27% decline since 2005 AIDS-related deaths, Asia and the Pacific, 2001-2013 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap People receiving ART

137 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of people living with HIV and people who are receiving ART in 10 high HIV burden countries in Asia and the Pacific, 2013 137 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Data not available for China

138 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Treatment is expanding in the region, but still only 1 in 3 PLHIV are on ART and most start late ART coverage among countries in Asia and the Pacific, 2013 350 CD4 cells/mm 3 500 CD4 cells/mm 3 Regional median CD4 at ART initiation Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap Report,, and information provided by UNAIDS country offices for UNAIDS regional management meeting (RMM)

139 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! 139 Trends in antiretroviral therapy coverage 2011-2013 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

140 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of children (0-14 year) living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy, 2011-2013 140 90 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

141 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! ART coverage among children (0-14yr) living with HIV and treatment gap, Asia and the Pacific, 2013 141 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap

142 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of adults and children living with HIV known to be on treatment 12 months after initiation of ART, 2013 Source: Prepared by based on 1) Global AIDS Response Progress Reporting 2014 and country narrative reports; 2);

143 Treatment: PMTCT

144 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Mother-to-child transmission rates in women with low CD4 counts, during pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding 144 Source: Prepared by based on Kuhn,L., et al., 'Potential Impact of New WHO Criteria for Antiretroviral Treatment for Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission'. AIDS, vol. 24, no.9, 1 June 2010, pp. 1374-1377 cited in UNICEF (2010). Children and AIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report.www.aidsdatahub.orgUNICEF (2010). Children and AIDS: Fifth Stocktaking Report.

145 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Region lags behind the global average in eliminating new HIV infections among children 29% decline since 2005 Estimated new HIV infections among children in Asia and the Pacific, 2001-2013 Global average 67% Elimination of mother-to-child transmission in Asia and the Pacific, 2011-2013 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap PMTCT coverage data is not available for China

146 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! 146 PMTCT coverage with effective ARV regimen, Asia and the Pacific, 2013 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2013 Estimates for UNAIDS. (2014). The Gap PMTCT coverage data is not available for China

147 TB HIV Co-treatment

148 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Estimated number of people acquiring TB who are living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific, 2011 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2012). UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic

149 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Trends in number of TB patient tested for HIV in Asia and the Pacific, 2006-2011 Source: Prepared by based on data from

150 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Scaling-up HIV and TB co-infection screening in Asia and the Pacific, 2006-2011 Source: Prepared by based on data from

151 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Source: Prepared by based on data from Scaling-up HIV and TB co-infection screening in Asia and the Pacific, 2006-2011

152 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Source: Prepared by based on data from Scaling-up integration of HIV and TB co-treatment in Asia and the Pacific, 2003-2012

153 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Proportion of people living with HIV and TB starting antiretroviral therapy, 2011 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2012). UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic

154 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Estimated HIV+ incident TB cases that received treatment for TB and HIV, 2012 Source: Prepared by based on data from

155 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Latest!Latest! Reduction in TB deaths among high TB/HIV burden countries in Asia and the Pacific, 2004-2012 155 >50% reduction50–25% reduction<25% reduction CambodiaChinaIndonesia MyanmarIndiaViet Nam Thailand Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS.(2013). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic

156 Data availability and population size estimates

157 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Data availability of PWID in HIV sentinel surveillance surveys conducted between 2009 and 2012 157 Source: Prepared by based on National HIV Sentinel Surveys and Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar Myanmar China, India, Viet Nam Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Thailand Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam

158 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Data availability of PWID in behavioral surveys conducted between 2009 and 2012 158 Afghanistan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam Afghanistan, China, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam Nepal Source: Prepared by based on Behavioral Surveillance Surveys; Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys;

159 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 159 Source: Prepared by based on HIV Sentinel Surveys; Bio-Behavioural Surveys; Data availability from sentinel and behavioural surveys among MSM, 2009-2012 a)Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, PNG, Philippines, Rep. of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam b)Afghanistan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, PNG, Timor-Leste, Viet Nam c)Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, PNG, Philippines, Rep. of Korea, Thailand, Viet Nam

160 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 160 Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka Myanmar, Viet Nam Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam Data availability of FSW in HIV sentinel surveillance surveys conducted between 2009 and 2012 Source: Prepared by based on National HIV Sentinel Surveys and

161 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 161 Data availability of FSW in behavioral surveys conducted between 2009 and 2012 Source: Prepared by based on Behavioral Surveillance Surveys; Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveys; and Afghanistan, China, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, PNG, Philippines, Viet Nam Cambodia, Fiji, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, PNG, Timor Leste, Viet Nam Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, PNG, Philippines, RO Korea, Singapore, Timor Leste, Thailand, Viet Nam

162 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 162 THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this

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