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2015 MCAS Jonas Clarke Middle School. MCAS S CHEDULE Tuesday, March 24Long Composition (7th Grade) Thursday, March 26 ELA Session I(All Grades) Tuesday,

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Presentation on theme: "2015 MCAS Jonas Clarke Middle School. MCAS S CHEDULE Tuesday, March 24Long Composition (7th Grade) Thursday, March 26 ELA Session I(All Grades) Tuesday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 MCAS Jonas Clarke Middle School

2 MCAS S CHEDULE Tuesday, March 24Long Composition (7th Grade) Thursday, March 26 ELA Session I(All Grades) Tuesday, March 31 ELA Session II(All Grades) Tuesday, May 12Math Session I(All Grades) Thursday, May 14Math Session II(All Grades) Wednesday, May 20Sci Session I(8th Grade) Thursday, May 21Sci Session II(8th Grade) See memos for detailed schedules and room assignments Small group locations and proctors being finalized

3 T EST S ECURITY Test Administrator Manuals are the only materials that may leave the building! Do NOT attempt to leave the building with any MCAS materials…..


5 T EST S ECURITY Test Administrators are prohibited from duplicating or reviewing MCAS materials Test Administrators are required to remove from the testing environment, any and all materials containing content (posters, maps, charts, and graphic organizers i.e. EmPOWER or spelling words)

6 T EST S ECURITY Each test session is completed the same day on which it begins. Students MAY NOT return to a previous test or go ahead to the next session. No visitors are allowed to have contact with students during any testing session.

7 T EST S ECURITY Teacher attendance during testing sessions is essential. MCAS Administration Manual states: “Individuals prohibited from being test administrators include anyone not employed by the district…”

8 T EST S ECURITY Be sure NOT to: Read or Review secure test materials or review student responses Assist students with test items Provide test accommodations unless documented in IEP/504 plans Leave students unsupervised during testing

9 T EST A DMINISTRATION P OLICIES AND P ROCEDURES Approved Resource Materials: ●#2 pencils - DO NOT allow students to use their own pencils ●Pen and highlighters in grades 6-8 test booklets only ●Dictionaries for 7 th grade ELA Composition Only ●Bilingual word-to-word dictionaries are allowed for current and former LEP students ●Calculators for Session II of Math Grades 7 & 8

10 T EST A DMINISTRATION P OLICIES On the front cover of each test booklet, students need to write: Student Name, School Name, District Name, and Test Proctor Name. On the front cover of each answer booklet, students need to write the Student Name. Students DO NOT need “bubble in”: student’s name, birth date, SASID (contained in the label). SPED teachers will fill in the bubbles on the back of the booklets for special education accommodations AFTER testing.


12 T EST A DMINISTRATION P OLICIES AND P ROCEDURES Before the 1 st day of test: ●Read the Test Administrator’s Manual and highlight what you will say to the students You are required to read the scripts in the Test Administrator’s Manuals verbatim to students

13 D AY OF T ESTING 6 th Grade: “Black Box” in Wettstone’s Office 7 th Grade: “Black Box” in Guidance Closet 8 th Grade: “Black Box” in Wettstone’s Office Pick Up Boxes between 7:45am-8:10am

14 D AY OF T ESTING Upon receipt of your black box, you will be asked to count the number of test booklets and answer booklets before signing for your materials.

15 C ONTACTS If you have questions before, during or after testing… Main Office – extension “0” Guidance Office – extension “2070” (base for 6 th ) Mr. Wettstone’s Office – extension “2300” (base for 7 th /8 th )

16 C ONTENTS OF B LACK B OX ●Homeroom Roster ●Testing booklets ●Answer Sheets ●Sharpened Pencils ●“Testing Do Not Disturb” Signs ●Absence Report ●Word to Word Dictionaries (LEP students) ●Accommodations booklet and list for IEP and 504 students in your homeroom ●Tracking sheet ●“To Do” Checklist

17 During the Test Monitor testing Write Question numbers on board Write the school and district name on board Write your name on the board Walk room Make sure students DO NOT go on to the next test. Collect all cell phones

18 During the Test Do Not: Allow students to use their own pencils Use computer Sit at desk throughout testing Leave black box unattended Check answer booklets for completeness Answer questions for students Provide accommodations other than what appears on an IEP or 504 plan.

19 R EMINDER …W HAT NOT TO DO: Sit at your desk throughout testing

20 Hall Proctor’s Responsibilities Monitor bathroom access Be aware of students in hallways Periodically relieve test proctors Don’t Forget 318!

21 SPED / 504 ●SPED liaisons are responsible for providing all test materials to IA proctors. IA proctors will return test material directly to SPED liaisons Liaisons are responsible for filling out the accommodation form for the black box prior to testing days. Liaisons will tell students WHERE to report for testing prior to testing days. We will train all small group proctors.

22 A CCOMMODATIONS IN H OMEROOM Proctors will receive a form for any student using accommodations in homeroom - this form must be completed after testing to indicate which accommodations were used. Proctors will receive the accommodations booklet with do’s and don’ts in the Black Box. Please review these before distributing the testing materials.

23 A CCOMMODATIONS IN H OMEROOM Graphic Organizers and Math reference sheets to be returned with materials with names on them. Please note - if a student has a graphic organizer in front of them it is considered used (even if they don’t write on it). Ask questions before testing days!

24 MCAS Accommodations Student: HR: Special Education Liaison: Please highlight which accommodations this student will be using. Comments: Frequent breaks Time of Day Small group Separate Setting Individual Specified Area Familiar Test Administrator Noise Buffers Magnification or Overlays Test Directions Clarified Large Print Braille Place Marker Track Test Items Amplification Test Administrator Reads Aloud (except ELA Reading Comp Test) Test Administrator Signs Test (except ELA Reading Comp Test) Electronic Test Reader Scribe Test Organizer, Checklist, Reference Sheet or Abacus Student Signs or Reads test Aloud Monitor Placement of Responses Word Processor Answers Recorded in Test Booklet Other Standard Accommodations noted in the IEP NON STANDARD ACCOMMODATIONS Read Aloud ELA Reading Comp Test Test Admin signs ELA Reading Comp Test Electronic Text Reader for the ELA Reading Comp Test Scribe ELA Composition Calculation Devices Spell or Grammar check on Word Processor Other non Standard Accommodations

25 A FTER T HE T EST If students finish early they can only read a book/magazine (can’t do any type of writing) Make sure all students have a book to read Admin will be communicating end of the testing time to the whole school Any students who need extra time are to be escorted to the upper auditorium - see schedule for more details. The proctor must carry the testing materials to the overflow location.

26 R ETURNING B LACK B OXES Put all tests in alphabetical order (less any students completing MCAS in the overflow locations) Please Place Spine UP! Complete Absence Report (and separate student answer booklet)

27 R ETURNING B LACK B OXES Sharpen Pencils Return boxes immediately after testing each day (do not send box with a student). Sign Tracking Sheet - proctor and counselor will verify the count of test and answer booklets.


29 N EW T HIS Y EAR The DESE will be making announced and unannounced visits to schools, observing test security and test administration procedures.

30 Q UIZ T IME …. Step 1:Visit to take an online quiz Step 2:Enter classroom number 936311 when prompted Step 3:Enter your name to get credit for completing training Step 4:Take the short question quiz Step 5:See Mrs. Ho to officially sign off on completion.

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