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 1. We will raise our hands to talk.  2. We will keep our feet and hands to ourselves.  3. We will respect other students’ ideas.

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2  1. We will raise our hands to talk.  2. We will keep our feet and hands to ourselves.  3. We will respect other students’ ideas.

3  1. If we don’t raise our hands, everyone will talk at once and we will lose our focus.  2. If we don’t keep our feet and hands to ourselves, someone could get hurt, or something can be broken.  3. If we don’t listen to what others have to say, we don’t learn anything. Every idea is a good idea.


5  1. My Desk- located in the front so that I have a constant view of the students.  2. Groups- the students are seated in groups of 5 so that we can use social learning strategies and teamwork.  3. The Red Light- this is a self control center for a student that needs a cool down, they’re next to my desk for surveillance.  4. The Reading Rug- located in the back of the room for no distractions while reading as a group.  5. Turn-in Folder Bin- located next to my desk so I can monitor that there is no way stealing work can occur.  6. Agenda and Materials- located on the front board so every student can easily spot what the class will be doing for the day and what supplies will be needed.  7. The Traffic Station- located at the front board so I can easily view who might need further attention.

6  The students will practice memorizing the acronym RKR.  The students will act out skits with their groups displaying a misbehavior. When a misbehavior happens, the student will receive a verbal “RKR!” to know that they are out of line. This stands for:  R- raise our hands to talk  K- keep our feet and hands to ourselves  R- respect others’ ideas

7  If a student has completed the day on a satisfactory note, they will be awarded a ticket.  Every other Friday “the ticket store” will be open for students to purchase items with their earned tickets.

8  If a student doesn’t comply to the rules the consequences are as follows:  1.- The student will receive a verbal warning.  2.- The student will forfeit their ticket for the day.  3.- The student will flip their card (up to 2 times) in the traffic station and have a note written home in their planner.  4.- The student will spend the day in the red light center and complete the “putting on the brakes” worksheet. A call will be made home.

9  The “Putting on the brakes” worksheet will require the following questions to be answered:  1. What caused me to misbehave?  2. How did I react to it?  3. What better choices can I make next time?  4. Write an apology note to the people effected by the misbehavior (another student, the teacher).

10  Morning Agenda:  Every morning, the agenda will be copied off of the front board into the student’s planner. The planner must be brought back the next day with a parent or guardian signature for a homework grade.  Passing out papers and materials:  Everyday a random seat number will drawn out of a hat. The seat number called will be the “runner” for the day. The runner retrieves materials the group will need and turns in group work.

11  Leaving the room:  During independent work times, a student may ask to leave the room.  Sharpening pencils:  Pencils should be sharpened before the beginning of class or during the morning agenda.  Turning in work:  After each student finishes copying the agenda, they will bring their homework to the turn-in folder bin. They place their work in the folder with their name on it.

12  After copying the morning agenda, when the student turns in their home work to the bin, they will take their folder and turn it backwards. (Even if the student hadn’t done their homework they still flip their folder after copying the agenda.  During independent work time, I will check to the folders that have not been flipped. The student’s name will be on the front and will obviously and easily show who is absent.

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