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Welcome Parents! Mrs. Barnes’ 3 rd Grade Gifted Class 2015 – 2016 Open House.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Mrs. Barnes’ 3 rd Grade Gifted Class 2015 – 2016 Open House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! Mrs. Barnes’ 3 rd Grade Gifted Class 2015 – 2016 Open House

2 What ‘ s on the menu for the Advanced/Gifted 3 rd grade classes this year? Students will be exposed to various types of literature. Class will be held to higher order thinking questions. Open-ended responses and tasks. Group activities which enable children to process and think abstractly. Instruction will be accelerated.

3 School Supplies Things to Stay in Class Textbooks Folders (unless needed for HL) Morning Journal Reading/Writing Notebook Workbooks not assigned for HL Things to Go Home Daily Doral Home Learning Folder & Agenda Supplies Pouch AR Book from School Library Home Learning Notebook Assigned Home Learning workbooks/Folders

4 Duties of the students at home Students of 3 rd - 5 th Grade should read, each quarter, a book in Spanish adapted to their level and understanding, and take the AR test. Students must study the vocabulary. (It will be graded) Tasks and projects will be copied by the student on their agenda and placed on the school website. Responsibilities of students that will be reflected in their grades Finish reading a book and AR test by due date. Home learning assignment should reflect careful attention to presentation and its content. The non- attendance does not justify the non- fulfillment of the task. Classroom behavior affects grades. Mrs. Elena Sarnago My goal is to create a dynamic environment that inspires and encourages the children to speak, read and write in Spanish through interesting techniques of teaching and learning such as songs, readings, movies, games, and writing activities that will be used, among others.

5 Spanish Supply List ( 1)YELLOW Poly/Plastic duo- tang folder with prongs & pockets filled with 5 clear protector sheets. (1) Box of color pencils (1) Composition notebook (bring the same vocabulary notebook from the previous school year or a new one ). * (1) One story book (AR). Choose from the following list: El gato de las mil narices: Robleda. Moguel,Margarita El ratoncito pequeño Salas-Porras. Pipina Vamos a la granja de la abuela. Franco, Betsy Como mamá. Muñoz, Isabel Querido dragón va a la estación de bomberos. Hillert, Margaret Soy el fuego. Marzollo, Jean Desastre en la cocina. Munoz, Isabel ¡No digas eso! Amos, Janine


7 MR. ALVAREZ’S & MS. LOSADA’S MUSIC CLASS 2015-2016 Ms. Losada Music Class at a Glance QUARTER 1 Music Theory, Rhythm Reading, Solfege QUARTER 2 World Music/Holiday Music, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege QUARTER 3 Music Theory Review, Recorder, Instrument Families, Rhythm Reading, Solfege QUARTER 4 Musicals, Composers, Recorder, Rhythm Reading, Solfege *The quarterly topics are subject to change throughout the year.* Supplies For Students To Bring/Have For Music Class: -Pack of No.2 Pencils (Sharpened) -1 Black Two Pocket Folder (clearly marked with child’s name) -Line Paper in Folder (placed inside folder) -Musical Staff Paper (notebook or loose- leaf placed inside folder) -Pencil Sharpener -Index Cards For Students To Give To Ms. Losada : -White Board Cleaner (Bottle or Wipes)


9 Physical Education Program  Promote the development of physical fitness, movement competencies, team sports and sportsmanship  Fitness Components (Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Muscle Strength and Endurance, Flexibility, Agility, Speed, Balance)  Anatomy and Physiology  Health and Nutrition  Fitness Gram (Mile Run, Push Ups, Sit Ups, Sit and Reach, Shuttle Run, PACER)  Positive Self Image and Confidence Mandatory Supplies  Athletic Shoes  Red PE Folder Recommended Supplies  Water Bottle/Jug  Sunscreen  Hat  Sunglasses Volunteer Hours Copy Paper, Ziploc Bags, Baby Wipes Tissues, Ice Packs, Band-Aids

10 Our Class Information Classroom Rules Rewards Homework Cards Table Points Lunch Bunch(AR) Consequences **If any parent would like to treats for our classroom rewards, please let me know. (volunteer hours will be granted) **

11 Home Learning Students have daily home learning. They will copy assignments in their agendas. *Daily Reading (30 minutes)* Class Website. Weekly Topics being discussed Test Dates & Upcoming Events Important Announcements Home Learning Assignments (subject to change)

12 Student Grades All students’ grades are available online on the parent portal! Any questions please contact me. Click on Parents Click “Login to Portal”

13 Daily Class Schedule TimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:00 - 8:30PLANNING / PICK UP STUDENTS 8:30- 8:45 P.E. 2 8:45 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:15 READING/ WRITING 9:15 - 9:30 9:30 - 9:45 9:45 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:15 10:15 -10:30 10:30 - 10:45 MUSIC 10:45 - 11:00 11:00 - 11:15 SOCIAL SCIENCE 11:15 - 11:30 11:30 - 11:45 LUNCH 11:35 - 12:05 11:45 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:15RECESS SCIENCE RECESS 12:15 - 12:30 SCIENCE WRITING SCIENCE 12:30 - 12:45 12:45 - 1:00 MATH 1:00 - 1:15 MATH ARTMATH 1:15 - 1:30 1:30 - 1:45 1:45 - 2:00 SOCIAL SCIENCE 2:00 - 2:15 SPANISH MATHSPANISH 2:15 - 2:30 SCIENCE 2:30 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:00 TEACHER: Ms. Barnes ROOM: 1 GRADE: 3 SECTION:301 Spanish Teacher: Ms. Elena Music Teacher: Ms. Losada PE Teacher: Dani Ramos Common Planning Time: Thursday 1:00 - 2:00

14 $ School Fees $ Lunch is $3.25 / Breakfast $2.25 ($0.40 for reduced price meals) *Applications are available only online* Early Arrival Fee: $1.00 per minute (before 8:00 A.M.) Late Pick-up Fee: $1.00 per minute (after 3:15 P.M.) *Morning Care and Afterschool Care at available through Leap Services. (Enrollment Required) School Store

15 Online Store Prices Folder$2.50 Agenda$10.00 Friday Shirts $13.00 Jean Day (Aug – Dec) $17.00 Lunch$3.25 Lunch Free/Reduced $0.40 Breakfast$2.25 Breakfast Free / Reduced $0.30

16 Doral Academy Attendance Policy Classroom door opens at 8:10 and instruction begins promptly at 8:30. Students are marked tardy after 8:30 Tardies (5-7-10 Rule) 5 tardies: Notification to parent (phone call or email) 7 tardies: Written notice sent home to parents 10 tardies: Referral issued. 3 Referrals = Expulsion

17 Doral Academy Attendance Policy Excused Parent Notes Only 10 parent notes are allowed in a school year, when you have reached your parent note limit only doctor’s note will be accepted. Notes to excuse an absence will NOT be accepted after 48 hours. Absences (3-5 Rule) 3 Unexcused absences: Notification to parent (phone call or email) 5 Unexcused absences: Referral and contact from counselor. 3 Referrals = Expulsion

18 Doral Academy Attendance Policy Early Dismissal Students will be penalized for excessive early dismissals. 5 unexcused early dismissals = referral. For the early dismissal to be considered excused a doctor/dentist note is required within 48 hours of the appointment. No child will be dismissed after 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. If your child needs to leave early for any excusable reason they must leave before 2:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.

19 Morning Traffic Flow

20 Dismissal Procedures Parent Pickup 3 rd grade will dismiss in the same area as 2 nd Grade (by Carlos Albizu University) Child must notify me when leaving Please, no “mini-conferences” at dismissal Rainy Day Dismissal Bus Students are picked up by our assistant and escorted to the bus area. Reminder! If any changes are made to your child’s usual dismissal area please call the school to notify me! After Care Students will report directly to after care teacher. (Enrollment REQUIRED!!)

21 Dismissal Map

22 Policies @ D.A.C. NO items (home learning, book bags, projects, etc.) will be brought to the classroom after instruction has begun. Lunch boxes that are dropped off will be taken directly to the cafeteria and placed on an unsupervised table for your child to pick up during their scheduled lunch period. Our staff has increased yet again, therefore NO PARKING IS ALLOWED IN THE FRONT!!!! If you must get off the car for any reason, you must park in Carlos Albizu University. If you are running late you may NOT leave your child in aftercare unless they are pre-enrolled.

23 Uniform Policy Students should come to school in their Doral Academy uniform everyday. Rolling book bags are NOT allowed. Every Friday is Jean Day for $1.35. Students are allowed to wear jeans and Doral Academy t-shirt.

24 Florida Standards Assessment All third graders in the state of Florida take the Reading and Math FSA. Students must be proficient in the Reading portion of the FSA to be promoted to fourth grade The 2016 FSA will be administered in the spring. More information will be given during FSA Parent Night.

25 Programs Offered at Doral Academy Accelerated Reader (AR) iReady Reflex Math WonderWorks Reading Intervention Soar to Success Math Intervention. *Parental support is PRICELESS!*

26 iReady I-Ready is an online program to help students improve reading skills. Students will be given a username and password to use in both school and home. Username/password will be in the agenda and should be memorized. For home learning, students will be required to complete the weekly assignments. Students should not attempt to log in to I-Ready until they are given a username and password, and until they have been instructed to do so by the teacher. Please DO NOT assist your child at home in completing the assignments.

27 Accelerated Reader Students will receive an individualized AR goal and are expected to meet it on a weekly basis. AR will be counted for a Reading grade at the end of every quarter.. 30 minutes of daily silent reading is a MUST!. To check if a book is AR and to determine the reading level, go to.

28 Summer Reading

29 Volunteer Hours All families must complete 30 volunteer hours for the 2015/2016 school year Families participating in “Before and After Care” programs for the duration of the entire school year, receive 15 hours per program (15-before care & 15- after care). Please check class web page and emails for volunteer opportunities. 1 volunteer hour given per $2 spent. Please turn in receipts with any donations. Families with more than one child at Doral Academy Elementary may split their hours between teachers.

30 Volunteers Level 1 - Complete a database background check Level 2 - Complete a fingerprint background check Day chaperones for field trips Classroom volunteers Overnight chaperones Tutors The School Volunteer Program consists of electronic registration and background checks. There are two different levels of volunteers. Any individual interested in volunteering in Doral Academy MUST register through the Community Portal at

31 ONLY during lunch (11:35-12:05) Cupcakes and Juice 23 students Birthday Celebrations

32 Scholastic Book Clubs Online Ordering Code FD86M When you order we receive Free books for our class! Volunteer Opportunities

33 Contact Information Email: Phone: (305) 597 – 9999 Send a note with student Email is preferred!

34 Thank You for Visiting! Any Questions?

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