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Flash Cards 832 week one and two. How does the brain initiate the cerebellar clamp? and the answer is... Click here for the answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Flash Cards 832 week one and two. How does the brain initiate the cerebellar clamp? and the answer is... Click here for the answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flash Cards 832 week one and two

2 How does the brain initiate the cerebellar clamp? and the answer is... Click here for the answer

3 When a sudden injury occurs to one side of the balance system, the signal being sent from the two balance organs are not "equal and opposite." The brain interprets this difference as movement. The brain recognizes that the signals being received from the ears are incorrect, the brains "turns the signals off" through the cerebellar clamp.

4 True or False? The clamp persists for months. and the answer is...

5 False

6 What happens when the brain gradually releases the clamp? and the answer is...

7 This allows more signals to pass to the balance area of the brain.

8 True or False? Vestibular rehabilitation works because avoidance of movement stimulate the sensory Inputs that are necessary for balance and the answer is...

9 False

10 True or False? During vestibular adaptation, retinal slip sends an error message to the brain. The brain attempts to minimize the "error" message by increasing the symmetry of the VOR response/ and the answer is...

11 False

12 True or False? Visual sensory input influences balance and postural control by reacting to the somatosensory changes that are perceived in muscles of the lower extremities. and the answer is...

13 False

14 True or False? Increasing adaptation of the VOR is very important to the rehabilitative process. and the answer is...

15 True, but why?

16 True or False? Cellular vestibular recovery occur after blocking of the blood supply (de-nervation) results in generation of additional nerve axons ? and the answer is...

17 False

18 True or False? Only changing the magnitude of the VOR using an altered visual environment causes physiologic alterations of the VOR. and the answer is...

19 False, what else causes physiologic alterations of the VOR?

20 True or False? Repeated optokinetic stimulation induces some adaptive process which restores OKN asymmetry and slow phase velocity suggests that activity is fundamental in the recovery of vestibular deficits. and the answer is...

21 True

22 True or False? Adaptation occurs as the result of a reduction of symptoms through repetitive exposure to specific movements. and the answer is...

23 False

24 True or False? Habituation involves the replacement of lost vestibular function with other rehabilitation "strategies.” and the answer is...

25 False

26 True or False? The role of the vestibular system in postural control is the more influential input when the patient is in a quiet stance. and the answer is...

27 False

28 True or False? The somatosensory system’s role in postural control is the more influential input when the patient is moving. and the answer is...

29 False

30 True or False? The VSR (vestibulo spinal reflex) compliments the vestibular ocular reflex (VOR) during low frequency brief head movements. and the answer is...

31 False

32 True or False? The somatosensory system includes inputs from only the upper/ lower extremities. and the answer is...

33 False

34 True or False? The main goal or function of the vestibular spinal reflex (VSR) is to stabilize the head relative to the body position. and the answer is...

35 False

36 True or False? The body recovers from vestibular injury by simply having the part of the brain that controls balance compensate for the matching signals being sent from both vestibular systems. and the answer is...

37 False

38 True or False Patients with vestibular damage should be encouraged to avoid moving about to generate sensory motor mismatches. and the answer is...

39 False

40 True or False? All that is required for a patient to compensate for a vestibular injury is that the balance areas of the brain must be capable of change. and the answer is...

41 False

42 True or False? Patients that have a relatively active life style recover more quickly from vestibular insult than patients that lead a more sedentary lifestyle. and the answer is...

43 False

44 True or False? When the balance system is damaged it generally repairs itself with assistance from other sensory input systems. and the answer is...

45 True

46 and the answer is... Vestibular decompensation occurs when the brain remembers the fine tuning procedure it developed during the chronic compensation phase of the vestibular injury.

47 False

48 Patients who do not demonstrate a spontaneous resolution of symptoms of dizziness and disequilibrium at least one year or more from the onset of symptoms may benefit from vestibular rehabilitation therapy. and the answer is...

49 False

50 Vestibular suppressant medications have been found to be beneficial during the acute phase of vestibular injury. and the answer is...

51 True

52 Test results may incorrectly suggest that the patient has damage to both sides of the vestibular system when balance testing is performed during the acute phase of a vestibular injury. and the answer is... True or False?

53 True, but why?

54 and the answer is... Only patients with peripheral vestibular disorders are most likely to experience vestibular decompensation?

55 False

56 True or False? When the vestibular system is stimulated by movement, loss of signal from one semicircular canal results in slow phase movement away from the ear with the vestibular lesion. and the answer is...

57 False

58 True or False? The proprioceptors that provide somatosensory system information related to body position are located only in the muscles of the body. and the answer is...

59 False

60 True or False? In cellular recovery, symptoms of dizziness can resolve 30 days or more following a vestibular deficit because of the recovery in the resting firing rate of the vestibular neurons. and the answer is...

61 False

62 True or False? The concept of substitution in vestibular rehabilitation therapy refers to the use of only visual cues to improve gaze and postural stability? and the answer is...

63 False

64 Good luck !

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