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DocuSign – Online Signing Service Steve Woodworth Account Executive September 13, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "DocuSign – Online Signing Service Steve Woodworth Account Executive September 13, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 DocuSign – Online Signing Service Steve Woodworth Account Executive September 13, 2005

2 Agenda »Who is DocuSign »What is an Electronic Signature? »Is it Legal? »Who is using it? »So What?

3 Company Overview »The Company Founded in Seattle in Jan ’03, 26 employees Venture backed by two of the largest VCs in Seattle Acquired assets of an early pioneer in Esignature market Holds numerous patents on the online signing process »Products DocuSignPro for Salesforce DocuSign Desktop – Sign up online DocuSign Gateway – Integrate into Applications »Pricing Per page pricing depending on volume »Distribution Direct sales via Web, enterprise Available through distributors who build it into their software »ZipForm, Settlement Room, NetUPDATE, Cyence, Pipleline Solutions, Delphi, SC2S, Reveal Systems, AutoRealty.. »Customers Over 1000 customers spanning many industries

4 Problem.. The Last Step is Paper Paper creation, delivery, management and storage cost Billions annually...

5 Trends pushing towards electronic signatures »Email everywhere.. 31 billion emails per day (IDC) 1-3 billion attachments DECREASING overnight express documents »Need for speed… It is a business decision, not a technology decision. Business decides to go faster. Always We sign faxes… »Need for efficiency Electronic signatures reduce paper shuffling expenses »Waste of natural resources.. 786 million trees per year Fuel – 100,000 trucks, 2,500 airplanes »ID Theft – 54 billion in losses in 2004

6 What needs to be signed? »Signatures close deals! Mortgage process »20 million loans per year »Many different people need to review/sign »100 different documents Real estate/Home builders »1.43 million homes sold each month High-tech sales »550,000 ‘high-tech sales reps’ in the U.S. »Purchase orders, contracts, NDAs, etc. Equipment leasing …

7 What is an Electronic Signature »‘I agree’ on a software license agreement »Trade on Charles Schwab »PIN for your Tax Return Check at H&R Block »Typing in your name on Hotmail Terms and Conditions »Digital Pad at Target

8 E-Signing Approaches Compared »4 ‘types’ of electronic signing »Different types address different needs »DocuSign’s approach enables broad market use

9 Is it Legal? »Pre- 2000 State-level laws governing electronic signature technology »Very technology centric »PKI Public Key Infrastructure/Digital Certificates »Every state had different rules »10/2000 – President Clinton signs new legislation Federal E-Signature Law »ESIGN (Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce)

10 ESIGN Details »Extends ordinary contract law to electronic records “Electronic Signature” is defined as an electronic sound, symbol or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record A contract may not be denied legal effect or enforceability solely because of its electronic form; Technology Agnostic Cases supporting e-signatures

11 Who is using it?

12 The Solution –DocuSign Online Signing Service Step 1: Load any document requiring a signature Step 2: Drag and Drop “sign here” tabs Step 3: Send for Signing - Recipients sign online

13 Product Line »DocuSign Pro for Salesforce Send documents for signature directly from Salesforce Appforce certified »DocuSign Desktop Integrated desktop tool Converts any print output to DocuSign system Enables instant online signing »DocuSign Gateway SOAP API Enables 3 rd party applications to send documents for signature Co-branding options ‘Powered by DocuSign’

14 Introducing DocuSign Pro for Salesforce



17 DocuSign Gateway Service »Web Service API »XML Based SOAP/WSDL Interface »Enables automation of all document submissions

18 So What? - Who Cares? »Sales Operations Cycle Time - Days to minutes 75% reduction in postage costs No missed pages or signatures Documents can’t be changed by customer Original Signatures and Audit Control (Sarbannes-Oxley) Attach executed contract directly to Salesforce »Sales Representative (Field and Call Center) Better visibility into the client’s contract signing process Increase the number of contracts signed Service takes care of internal countersigning workflow »Customer Email and Browser to Sign Have instant access to their contract

19 What Customers Say »“Sending our contracts for electronic signature out of Salesforce using DocuSign has reduced the amount of time to close key contracts. We now get legally binding and tamper proof contracts signed by our customers within minutes for less than the cost of postage.” Kevin Kosche Vice President, Customer Operations. Myrio A Siemens Company »“At Mosaix, most of our customer documentation requires signatures – sales agreements, service orders, and change orders – all requiring quick turn around time. DocuSign’s Online Signing Service has enabled us to extend the capabilities of Salesforce by keeping the contracts electronic throughout the entire sales process.” Patrick Murphy VP of Business Development Mosaix Communications

20 DocuSign Delivers Faster »2005 Document Delivery Statistics: »350,000 signings in 2005 so far. »Average time to sign graph 70.5% complete in day ZERO 19.2% complete in day 1 6.4% complete in day 2 3.2% complete in day 3.6% complete in day 4+ »Hours 28% complete in first 60 min 29% in first 120 minutes 9% in first 180 minutes 80% complete in 6 hours or less, 20% complete in 24hrs

21 DocuSign Patents »Patent # 6,289,460 – Document Management System US/Japan Repository-based online signing service There are competitors violating this IP »Patent # 8,xxx – System and Method for Managing Transferable Records US Granted 4/05 »Several pending patents

22 The fastest way to get a signature.™

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