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Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 1 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Abuse Identification and Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 1 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Abuse Identification and Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 1 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Instructor Name

2 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 2 of 20 Learning Objectives Recognize indicators of the four types of child maltreatment Respond to allegations of child abuse and neglect Report suspicion of child abuse and neglect to the appropriate Reporting Point of Contact (RPOC) Family Advocacy Program

3 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 3 of 20 Statistics Army wide child abuse and neglect statistics for FY_____ Local installation child abuse and neglect statistics for FY ______ Family Advocacy Program

4 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 4 of 20 Definition of Child Abuse and Neglect The physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negligent treatment of a child. It does not include discipline administered by a parent or legal guardian to his or her child provided it is reasonable in manner and moderate in degree and otherwise does not constitute cruelty. (AR 608-18) Family Advocacy Program

5 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 5 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Four Types of Child Maltreatment Child Physical Abuse Child Emotional Abuse Child Sexual Abuse Child Neglect

6 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 6 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Physical Abuse Intentional, non-accidental injury to a child Pattern bruising, welts, scratches Dislocations, sprains, fractures Internal injuries, poisoning Burns, scalds, blisters Shaking, twisting of an infant or toddler Suffocation, choking

7 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 7 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Common Sites for Bruises

8 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 8 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)

9 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 9 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Emotional Abuse Intentional berating Disparaging remarks Insults Threats Name calling Rejecting of child Withholding of affection Exposure to domestic violence

10 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 10 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Sexual Abuse Sexual exploitation Sexual intercourse, oral genital contact, sodomy Incest or prostitution of a child Fondling or touching of a child’s breasts or genitals Adult exposes self to child

11 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 11 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Neglect Lack of appropriate supervision/unattended Inadequate clothing and shelter Unsanitary conditions in the home Poor personal hygiene Delaying/Denying medical/dental care Chronic truancy

12 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 12 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Risk Factors For Child Abuse and Neglect History of Family violence Marital or Family problems Increase in individual/family/job stress Financial problems Poor coping skills Social isolation or a limited support network Multiple deployments Alcohol or drug abuse Inappropriate expectations of children (AR 608-18)

13 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 13 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Mandated Reporters Law Enforcement Physicians and Nurses Social workers School personnel FAP and CYSS personnel Psychologist Other Medical Personnel

14 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 14 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Reporting Point of Contact (RPOC) Use this slide to personalize reporting procedures

15 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 15 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Responding to Disclosure Control your emotions Believe the child Don’t become the investigator Respect the child’s privacy Listen to the child Report the allegation to the RPOC - IMMEDIATELY

16 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 16 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Institutional or Out-of-Home Child Abuse and Neglect DOD operated or sanctioned activity Suspicion VS Proof Call the RPOC at XXX-XXXX

17 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 17 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Case Review Committee (CRC) Reviews reports of abuse Makes determinations on reports Recommends treatment (if report met criteria of abuse) Enters substantiated cases into Army Central Registry

18 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 18 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Local Resources Family Advocacy Program XXX-XXXX  New Parent Support Program  Safety Education  Stress and Anger Management  Respite Care  Couples Communication Class Victim Advocacy Program XXX-XXXX Army Community Service XXX-XXXX Military and Family Life Consultant XXX-XXXX Social Work Services XXX-XXXX Family Life Chaplains XXX-XXXX Customize this slide for your installation needs

19 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 19 of 20 Learning Objectives Recognize indicators of the four types of child maltreatment Respond to allegations of child abuse and neglect Report suspicion of child abuse and neglect to the appropriate Reporting Point of Contact (RPOC) Family Advocacy Program

20 Name/Office Symbol/(703) XXX-XXXX (DSN XXX)/email address300800RJUN2011 UNCLASSIFIED 20 of 20 Family Advocacy Program Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Instructor Name

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