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Pore water profiles of reactants or products can be a sensitive way to estimate OM decomposition rates. Oxic respiration (assuming Redfield ratio): (CH.

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Presentation on theme: "Pore water profiles of reactants or products can be a sensitive way to estimate OM decomposition rates. Oxic respiration (assuming Redfield ratio): (CH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pore water profiles of reactants or products can be a sensitive way to estimate OM decomposition rates. Oxic respiration (assuming Redfield ratio): (CH 2 O) 106 (NH 3 ) 16 (H 3 PO 4 ) + 138O 2 => 106HCO 3 - + 16NO 3 - + HPO 4 -2 + 124H + + 16H 2 O Elemental ratios of OM, and reaction stoichiometry, are central to this approach.

2 Today: - OM flux estimates from sediment traps. -OM composition estimates from plankton, water column, and trap data. - Importance of terrestrial OM (biomarker and 13C data). Thursday: - Electron acceptors for OM oxidation (order of use, relative importance) - Pore water oxygen profiles and benthic oxygen fluxes

3 Particle fluxes in the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment Moored sediment trap array, year- long deployments 1. OM flux estimates from sediment traps

4 Short (1 cup) offset in total mass fluxes w. depth => fast sinking (50 – 200 m/d) Implies packaging / ballasting Strong seasonality in total mass flux Total flux increases with depth (1-2 km)

5 Strong seasonality in biogenic fluxes (note mass units, not moles of C) CaCO 3 flux increases with depth @ 48N (trapping efficiency)

6 Short deployments of floating arrays of sediment traps

7 Dramatic attenuation of the POC flux with depth at each site Fluxes decrease moving offshore Derived similar curves for C, N, P, and O 2 demand -O 2 :P and –O 2 :C > Redfield

8 Lee et al. (1998) JGOFS Arabian Sea Process Study

9 14 C Pri. Prod. 234 Th scavenging model Moored traps %C x Holocene sed rate Strong attenuation Different methods reflect different time scales

10 Primary production roughly constant offshore Attenuation increased offshore

11 14 C Pri. Prod. Shallow drifting traps 234 Th scavenging model Moored traps (one yr, one cup) %C x Holocene sed rate 2. OM composition


13 All compound classes show attenuation; amounts differ Wakeham et al., 1997

14 Little fractionation between compound classes as first 90+ percent of OM flux is consumed (from plankton through 105 m); the residual (deep traps, sediments) is largely uncharacteized.

15 Empirical groupings of biochemicals by “behavior”: I.Selective degradation II.Mid-depth maximum III.Enriched in surface seds IV.Most resistant

16 Redfield ratio (C:H:N in plankton tow; -O 2 assumed): (CH 2 O) 106 (NH 3 ) 16 (H 3 PO 4 ) + 138O 2 => 106HCO 3 - + 16NO 3 - + HPO 4 -2 + 124H + + 16H 2 O C 106 H 263 O 110 N 16 P H:C = 2.48 O:C = 1 (pure carbohydrate)

17 Anderson used typical elemental ratios of compound classes to predict OM composition: C 106 H 175 O 42 N 16 P + 150O 2 => 106CO 2 + 16HNO 3 + H 3 PO 4 + 78H 2 O H:C = 1.65 O:C = 0.4

18 Takahashi et al., 1985 Estimate C:N:P:-O 2 regeneration ratios from thermocline nutrient chemistry

19 Observed slopes reflect decomposition + mixing O 2 :P = -138 O 2 :P = -100

20 O 2 :P = -252 O 2 :P = -551

21 Use potential temperature to account for mixing

22 138 172

23 Anderson and Sarmiento – Similar approach, -O 2 :P ~ 170

24 Hedges et al. 2002 13 C NMR on 5 plankton tow samples; model the proportions of 3 components – protein, carbohydrate, lipid

25 Hedges et al., -O 2 :P ~ 154 “Redfield” stoichiometry probably overestimates the oxidation state of OM, and thus overestimates the C org oxidation rate associated with a given oxygen flux

26 3. Contribution of terrestrial OM? C:N ~ 106:16 ~ 6.6 (N:C ~ 0.15) C:N 10 80 Keil et al., 1994  13 C mar ~ -20 o/oo, terr ~ -27o/oo

27 Deines, 1980 C3 CAM Marine plankton “all” terrestrial plants C4 Grasses, corn, spartina

28 Rau et al. CO 2 availability (pCO 2, growth rate) (Goericke et al.) Plankton  13 C

29 Prahl et al. – Biomarkers on WA margin River sediments, shelf and slope sediments

30 n-alkanes (plant waxes) cutin Total lignin- derived phenols Ratio refractory biomarkers to TOC in river sediments Assumptions?

31 Estimate “end member” isotopic composition Extrapolated marine 13 C River seds

32 % terrestrial Shelf ~ 60% Slope ~ 30% Basin ~ 15%

33 Goni et al. – lignin, bulk  13 C, biomarker  13 C, bulk 14 C Impact of C4 plants on  13 C(terrestrial) and on interpretation of bulk sediment  13 C

34 Lignin composition – terrestrial vascular plants gymnosperm angiosperm non-woodywoody

35 Hedges and Parker, Goni et al. Bulk  13 C near -20 o/oo by 100 m Total lignin near 0 by 100 m Evidence of little terrestrial organic matter in marine sediments?

36 Lignin ratios imply lignin degradation. But can marine microbes degrade lignin?

37 Lignin-predicted  13 C of C3-C4 terrestrial mixture matches observed bulk  13 C of -20 o/oo Measure the  13 C of lignin (known terrestrial) in marine sediments, and use to estimate C3:C4 ratio of all terrestrial OM. Is this correct? Is it widespread?

38 Today: - OM flux estimates from sediment traps. -OM composition estimates from plankton, water column, and trap data. - Importance of terrestrial OM (biomarker and 13C data). Thursday: - Electron acceptors for OM oxidation (order of use, relative importance) - Pore water oxygen profiles and benthic oxygen fluxes

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