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Presentation on theme: "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM TEACHER ACADEMY By teachers, for teachers."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scenario 1 Teacher A has to attend 2 or 3 PDs in a day.. INEIS Training SBC Professional Development Mind Mapping Workshop at PTET

3 Scenario 2 Teacher B teaches the same way for different classes and is not aware that some of her students struggle in their learning.

4 Scenario 3  Teacher C thinks he is good in his teaching. Does he need TPD? I’m fully confident in teaching my subject. I’m an expert.

5 Scenario 4 The same teacher has to attend PDs throughout the school term. 1 Mar: Training at CDD 3 Mar : PD at JSS 7 Mar : Workshop at DE 10 Mar : Induction at BDTA 17 Mar : LD Workshop 3 Feb : BTS Workshop 6 Feb : INEIS Training 8 Feb : IBSE Workshop 11 Feb : NIPS Master 18 Feb : Badminton Coach Workshop

6 Scenario 5 After teacher D attended a TPD, her SL did not notice any changes in her teaching practice. Still teacher-centered teaching

7 Scenario 6 Teacher E found out that he was not able to attend BDTA’s TPD of his choice on the dates he chose. I cannot come this Saturday’s TPD…is it possible if I join the other group?

8 Teacher Professional Development Framework (TPD)

9 Teacher Professional Development Framework Professional Development on Enhancing Teaching and Learning Quality School Based Cluster Based BDTA Based

10 Teacher Professional Development Framework General TPD Guidelines Fixed daysFocus on teacher learning outcomes Action plans (Schedules)Focus on student learning outcomes Aligned to BTS & LNSModel on learner-centred approaches/instructions On-going and embedded in teacher’s practice

11 How do we ensure the effectiveness of TPD ? Shared understanding Accountability Support & monitoring Outcome Clear objectives DS, HOCs, BDTA, School Leaders and Teachers DS, HOCs, School Leaders Improved teaching & learning quality

12 School Leader & Teacher- Led BDTA or Experts-Led HOCs-Led Monday School Based Wednesday Cluster Based Thursday and/or Saturday National Based Teacher Professional Development: Framework

13 Wednesday HOCS led For SLs & MM PLC or PD Example: Sharing best practices SBC Thursday Saturday BDTA, Teacher or Cluster led (teacher - teacher) PD Example: Workshop Courses Monday School led By SLs or MM or Teachers Cascading (multiplier effect)


15 A Centre of Excellence for Teacher Professional Development Vision

16 Brunei Darussalam Teacher Academy is established to ensure teachers are provided with the required competency standard through the provision of continuous professional development Rationale

17 Roles and functions  To contribute to the development of teacher competency to strengthen their teaching and learning processes.  To provide an avenue for the professional network of educators in relation to teaching and learning.  To strengthen partnership with stakeholders and collaborators on teaching and learning quality.

18 Brunei Darussalam Teacher Academy Journey BDTA was establishe d in 2013 BDTA soft launched in Feb 2014 at the Rizqun International Hotel Enrollment for BDTA second cohort in March 2015 BDTA courses running from 2 nd March – 30 th May 2015 Changing of BDTA format courses where registration are open to ALL Teachers in May 2015 BDTA courses (new format) running from 03 rd August 2015 – November 2015 2013 2014 2015 Enrollment for BDTA first cohort intake (new teachers induction program) in February 2014. Courses running from Feb – November 2014 2016 Approx. 60 BDTA courses running from January 2016 – November 2016 Learning Design implementation nationwide to improve PSR results in May 2015

19 Activities Include:  To organise events in the form of, for example, workshops or conferences for teachers;  To provide regular professional development programmes for teachers;  To provide online teaching resources and information on upcoming events through BDTA website.

20  Job-embedded  Differentiated linked to learning needs  Collaborative in nature  Sustained over time  Reflective & Monitored Professional Development Programmes offered:


22 BDTA Courses  Running since 2014:  General Courses  Technology Enhanced Learning Environment (TELE)  Malay  Mathematics  IRK  English  Counseling  Special Education  Assessment

23 Procedure for Registration of Courses  School Leader Form (SLF) to be filled in by School Leaders  Once completed fax SLF to BDTA  BDTA will notify teachers via email to register online for selected course


25 Contact  Address: Spg.240, Kg Pintu Malim, Bandar Seri Begawan, BD1517 Brunei Darussalam  Telephone/Fax: 2222040  WhatsApp: +673 8373040  Email:  Website:  Facebook: BDTA Brunei

26 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM TEACHER ACADEMY Learning Design (LD) Learning Design (LD)

27 Quality Teaching Quality teaching is a goal-driven instructional process that employs well- designed content and strategies to challenge learners intellectually and empower them to apply the knowledge, skills and values acquired to real life NEF 2015

28 Transition from drilling to concept-based teaching Personal Experience Other Resources Learning Design Website such as: edutopia Teacher collaboration Workshops: NIP IBSE NELL (TIARA) 21CTL Learning/Lesson study

29 Definition of Learning Design A method that enable teachers to design learning activities and interventions, which is pedagogically effective and using appropriate resources and technologies. The key principle is to make the design process more explicit and shareable. (Conole, 2013)

30 Definition of Learning Design Learning Design is a representation of teaching and learning practice documented in some notational format so that it can serve as a guideline and adaptable by a teacher to suit his/her context Agostinho (2006)

31 History of Learning Design To help pupils with poor basic knowledge To help teachers with less experience Identify weakest items Formation of G30s Common Lesson Plan template Teacher Collaboration Why? How?

32 Sequence of Learning Tuning in Finding out & Sorting out Making Conclusions Going Further Determine prior knowledge and prepare the students Locate, gather information, organize and process ideas Provide other activities to apply the new knowledge Draw conclusions, articulate and validate new understandings

33 Overall Process Develop Learning Design (through collaboration) Review & Refine the Learning Design Moderate (vetting) Implementation in schools

34 Scenario 1 Teacher A uses the LD template. For Tuning in stage, he gives a short test. For Finding and Sorting out stage, exercises are given using textbooks. Is this making use of LD? YesNo

35 Scenario 2 Teacher B downloads the available LD and adapts it into her own version or existing lesson plan. Is this making use of LD? YesNo

36 Scenario 3 Teacher C downloads the available LD and uses it without making any changes. Is this making use of LD? YesNo

37 Scenario 4 Teacher D downloads the available LD and enhances it with some changes. Is this making use of LD? YesNo

38 Scenario 5 Teacher E does not use LD but he uses concept-based teaching in his lesson. Is this acceptable? YesNo


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