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Sharps, Flats and Naturals Music just got a little more complicated…

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Presentation on theme: "Sharps, Flats and Naturals Music just got a little more complicated…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharps, Flats and Naturals Music just got a little more complicated…

2 The Basics… All notes are either: SharpFlatNatural Think of Natural as “Neutral”

3 Naturals If the note isn’t marked as sharp or flat, we assume it is natural. Sometimes, you will see the natural sign (below), which explicitly states that the note is natural.

4 All of these notes are natural… They are neither marked “sharp” nor “flat,” so we know they are natural.

5 Sharps A sharp raises the note a half step. To play a sharp note on the keyboard, you go to the key immediately to the right.

6 C Natural Where is C Sharp?

7 C Sharp Where is C Sharp?

8 F Natural Where is F Sharp?

9 F Sharp Where is F Sharp?

10 B Natural Where is B Sharp?

11 B Sharp Where is B Sharp?

12 Flats A flat lowers the note a half step. To play a flat note on the keyboard, you go to the key immediately to the left.

13 E Natural Where is E Flat?

14 E Flat Where is E Flat?

15 G Natural Where is G Flat?

16 G Flat Where is G Flat?

17 F Natural Where is F Flat?

18 F Flat Where is F Flat?

19 Enharmonic Notes As you can see, a key on the keyboard can have multiple names. These names are said to be “enharmonic equivalents”.

20 D Flat Give another name for D Flat:

21 D Flat IS ALSO KNOWN AS C Sharp Give another name for D Flat:

22 B Flat Give another name for B Flat:

23 B Flat IS ALSO KNOWN AS A Sharp Give another name for B Flat:

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