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Why oh Why Do People Drink Alcohol? 1. Get in Groups 2. Each person present your thoughts on Why people drink. Then as a group discuss: a. Is this a bad.

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Presentation on theme: "Why oh Why Do People Drink Alcohol? 1. Get in Groups 2. Each person present your thoughts on Why people drink. Then as a group discuss: a. Is this a bad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why oh Why Do People Drink Alcohol? 1. Get in Groups 2. Each person present your thoughts on Why people drink. Then as a group discuss: a. Is this a bad reason why …why not b. Is this an acceptable reason why …why not c. What is the biggest danger related to this choice.

2 Four Theories of Alcohol Use 1. Anxiety Theory… use to escape. 2. Power Theory…use to show power over self or others. (putting on a show that they are better than others because they are drinking) 3. Counter Culture…Do the opposite of what authority wants. 4. Social Setting…Peer Pressure Alcohol: A drug that is found in beer, wine and liquor that causes intoxication. Intoxication: The physical and mental changed produced by drinking alcohol.

3 Effects of Alcohol 1 Alcohol is Bi-Phasic 1 Alcohol is Bi-Phasic  A. Depressant to CNS (the brain)  B. Stimulant to digestive system. (the stomach and the liver) 2.Alcohol is a Vasodilator.. -Hands and feet lose heat. 3.Alcohol is an effective Tranquilizer -Why people feel numb, and no pain

4 Different Types of Alcohol 1. Fermentation …. Wine (14-28% alcohol) 2. Brewing….Beer (4-8% alcohol) 3. Distillation…Whiskey (40% and higher) If I have 1 - 12oz beer, 1 – 2oz Shot, and 1 – 5oz Glass of wine sitting on the table which has more alcohol in it? THEY ALL HAVE THE SAME!

5 Short-Term Effects Nausea Nausea Vomiting Vomiting Dehydration Dehydration Loss of judgment and self control Loss of judgment and self control Reduced reaction time Reduced reaction time Poor vision Poor vision Blackout Blackout Coma Coma Death Death

6 Alcohol irritates the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach Alcohol irritates the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach It makes the heart work harder It makes the heart work harder It makes the body lose heat It makes the body lose heat Causes the liver to work harder Causes the liver to work harder Causes dehydration Causes dehydration Slows down the nervous system Slows down the nervous system After just 2 drinks a person loses the ability to make good decisions, pay attention, follow complex thoughts and cope with difficult situations After just 2 drinks a person loses the ability to make good decisions, pay attention, follow complex thoughts and cope with difficult situations

7 Long-Term Effects of Alcohol Heart – Irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart Heart – Irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart Immune system- diminished immune system function Immune system- diminished immune system function Small intestine- decreased ability to absorb vitamins Small intestine- decreased ability to absorb vitamins

8 Alcohol causes a anemia, or a decrease in red blood cells (their job is to carry oxygen to the body) Alcohol causes a anemia, or a decrease in red blood cells (their job is to carry oxygen to the body) Brain Damage Brain Damage Cirrhosis of the liver Cirrhosis of the liver –Cirrhosis is a disease that replaces healthy liver tissues with scar tissue, making it harder for the liver to filter properly Shrunken brain and damaged brain cells Shrunken brain and damaged brain cells Hepatitis Hepatitis Liver cancer Liver cancer Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for those who drink while pregnant Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for those who drink while pregnant Hangovers – your bodies recouperation stage to the alcohol intake. What cures a hangover? Hangovers – your bodies recouperation stage to the alcohol intake. What cures a hangover?


10 B A C (Blood Alcohol Concentration) BAC – is the amount of alcohol a person has in their blood, commonly expressed as a percentage. BAC – is the amount of alcohol a person has in their blood, commonly expressed as a percentage. What is the legal limit for those over 21 to drive? What is the legal limit for those over 21 to drive?.08.08 What is the limit for those under the age of 21? What is the limit for those under the age of 21? ZERO TOLERANCE (nothing in your system!!!) ZERO TOLERANCE (nothing in your system!!!) What effects a persons BAC as they begin and continue to drink? What effects a persons BAC as they begin and continue to drink?

11 Effect Factors Body Weight Body Weight Gender : Females process alcohol up to 15% slower than males. Gender : Females process alcohol up to 15% slower than males. What the person is drinking What the person is drinking The time in which it consumed The time in which it consumed Food in the body Food in the body Medication that the person might be on Medication that the person might be on

12 BAC Mathmatics You take in specific BAC points based on weight and gender. (numbers on the board) You take in specific BAC points based on weight and gender. (numbers on the board) Every drink you need to then add those points up and continue to do so for every drink after that Every drink you need to then add those points up and continue to do so for every drink after that Your body (liver) will metabolize or get rid of.015 BAC points naturally every hour. Your body (liver) will metabolize or get rid of.015 BAC points naturally every hour. LET’S DO THE MATH!!!! LET’S DO THE MATH!!!!

13 Alcohol and the Brain Outer Layer:.01 -.06 Anxiety Reduced Loss of Inhibitions Emotions Surface.001 BAC for DUI under 21 years of age..03 BAC Restraint and Judgment impaired.04 BAC Skin Flushed.06 BAC uncoordinated and Giddy

14 Back of Brain: Motor Center.06-.16 – Increased Physical performance impaired – Thinking skills impaired – Increased Speech Impaired – Reaction time decreases – Vision Blurred –.08 BAL DUI level in Illinois

15 Mid Brain:.16 -.29 BAC –Double Vision – Staggering and loss of Balance Center of the Brain.30-.50 BAC –Sleep-Coma- No Pain sensation – Skin clammy – Pupils Dilated –Binge Drinking – Alcohol poisoning or Death

16 What is Binge Drinking? Binge Drinking Binge Drinking –The act of drinking 5 or more drinks in one sitting –8 or more drinks in 1 hour can negatively effect the areas of the brain that control breathing and heart rate. If the brain and heart stop to work as a result we have what is called alcohol poisoning or alcohol overdose. (this can be fatal) Where do you think Binge Drinking is most prevelant and why? Where do you think Binge Drinking is most prevelant and why?

17 Alcoholism An illness in which there is a preoccupation with and a loss of control over the consumption of alcohol. An illness in which there is a preoccupation with and a loss of control over the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol abuse – Drinking too much alcohol, drinking it too often, or drinking it at inappropriate times. Alcohol abuse – Drinking too much alcohol, drinking it too often, or drinking it at inappropriate times. Alcoholism – a disease that causes a person to lose control or his or her drinking behavior. Alcoholism – a disease that causes a person to lose control or his or her drinking behavior. 1-10 Drinkers 1-10 Drinkers 4-10 Adults have problems related to Alcohol 4-10 Adults have problems related to Alcohol 6-10 Teens have problems related to Alcohol 6-10 Teens have problems related to Alcohol

18 Alcoholism Effects Families Guilty Feelings as if it is their faults Guilty Feelings as if it is their faults Unpredictable Behavior by the alcoholic Unpredictable Behavior by the alcoholic Violence Violence Neglect or Isolation kids feel left out Neglect or Isolation kids feel left out Protecting the Alcoholic, we enable them or help them out of negative consequences Protecting the Alcoholic, we enable them or help them out of negative consequences Ignoring one’s own needs to sacrifice for the alcoholic Ignoring one’s own needs to sacrifice for the alcoholic

19 Alcoholism Effects Others Alcoholism affects society Alcoholism affects society –Car wrecks, drownings, other accidents that kill both drinkers and NON-DRINKERS –Violence (murder, family violence child abuse, rape and assault) Alcohol and alcoholism does not just affect that person it affects everyone! Alcohol and alcoholism does not just affect that person it affects everyone! With the right support and treatment alcoholics can be treated to help beat ALCOHOLISM! With the right support and treatment alcoholics can be treated to help beat ALCOHOLISM!

20 Alcohol Treatment A.A. The person with the drinking problem. ALA-NON : Family and friends of the drinker. ALATEEN: Teens who have family or Friends with a drinking problem.


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23 Types of Alcohol 1. Ethyl …Grain alcohol…alcoholic drinks 2. Methyl…wood alcohol…causes blindness and death.

24 Effects Continued How Fast it is consumed How Fast it is consumed How Fast it leaves the stomach How Fast it leaves the stomach Hangover-*Withdrawal Hangover-*Withdrawal –Time –Anesthetic effect

25 Alcohol and the Body 1. Absorption…alcohol passes from the digestive tract to the circulatory tract. Alcohol is NOT digested 2. Oxidation…in the liver liver filters about 1 drink per hour

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