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7 Digital Trends for 2011 Hashtag for Twitter: #econtrends Ashley Friedlein, Linus Gregoriadis, Research Director

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Presentation on theme: "7 Digital Trends for 2011 Hashtag for Twitter: #econtrends Ashley Friedlein, Linus Gregoriadis, Research Director"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Digital Trends for 2011 Hashtag for Twitter: #econtrends Ashley Friedlein, CEO @ashleyfriedlein Linus Gregoriadis, Research Director (UK) @linusgreg Stefan Tornquist Research Director (US) @MarketingStefan

2 Source: Joined-up marketing

3 #Trend 1 Joined-up marketing... still the Holy Grail Marketers try to get to grips with complexity of marketing landscape Implications for budgets and planning Renaissance of old media

4 Source: Boston Consulting Group Report “The CMO’s Imperative: Tackling New Digital Realities”

5 Jump 2011... 12th October 2011

6 Organisational change Source:

7 Impact of Digital on different business functions How would you describe the ongoing impact of digital on the following areas of your organisation? Source: Econsultancy / BlueLatitude Report: The Impact of Digital Beyond Sales and Marketing

8 Impact of digital beyond sales and marketing New paradigm for organisational framework On-going dissolution of silos Social 'becomes part of job description not job title' #Trend 2 Organisational structures, teams and infrastructure


10 Social media business Source:

11 #Trend 3 Social Media Business Online customer service through social media becomes key conversion rate optimisation tool Social permeates commerce (e.g. F-commerce)

12 51% of companies use social networks for customer support improvement, up from 36% last year. Source: Econsultancy / cScape 2011 Customer Engagement Report

13 Source: Content as marketing

14 #Trend 4 Content as marketing... the King is back Content marketing strategy more important than ever Bought media to earned media Video, apps, tools etc. Content creation and curation

15 Source: Data is the new oil

16 Metadata as important as ever Attribution modelling Online to inform offline Social CRM Retargeting Sentiment analysis APIs, semantic and Web 3.0 #Trend 5 Data is the new oil... Let’s work on refining it

17 Case study: Tealeaf Netflights use Tealeaf to capture what customers are doing in real-time. Customer journey insights are passed to the contact centre so Netflights agents can proactively help those in need of assistance. The outbound call centre team now delivers more revenue per hour than any other part of the business.

18 Source: Continued comeback of display advertising

19 Display engine marketing DSPs and SSPs Real-time bidding and exchange #Trend 6 Continued comeback of display advertising Relevant reports Online Media Report: Coming soon: DSPs Buyer’s Guide 2011

20 Source: Localisation

21 #Trend 7 Localisation Increased Google focus on local Facebook Places, Foursquare, Gowalla etc.

22 Case study: Hiscox Hiscox partnered with JiWire to serve prospects with targeted insurance adverts. Targeting was concentrated on those hotspots regularly used by prospects on the move, such as hotels, coffee shops and airports. JiWire has launched Compass, which provides mobile app and public Wi-Fi users with interactive location- related ads.

23 Other trends Connected TV Tablets and smartphones Gamification

24 Resources 17 digital marketing trends for 2011, by Econsultancy CEO Ashley Friedlein ceo-ashley-friedlein Customer Engagement Report 2011 Online Media Report Econsultancy Trends Briefings The Innovation Report 10 digital predictions for 2011

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