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  The year is 1763 and you live in the English colony of Massachusetts.  You live with your spouse and two young children and make your living as a.

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Presentation on theme: "  The year is 1763 and you live in the English colony of Massachusetts.  You live with your spouse and two young children and make your living as a."— Presentation transcript:

1   The year is 1763 and you live in the English colony of Massachusetts.  You live with your spouse and two young children and make your living as a general store owner.  Luckily, the French and Indian War has not hurt your business, but your brother was killed. You are glad to hear the war is finally over. The Spirit of Independence Next Slide

2  It’s only been a month since the end of the war and you miss your brother every day. Today, you found out Britain has forbid everyone from moving into the newly won territory. They say it’s to “protect” you, but do you believe them? YesYes or NoNo Proclamation Line of 1763 Image source

3   I agree with you, it’s important to avoid more conflict with the Natives. We just fought an expensive war, we don’t need another one. Safety First Image Source Hopefully, most people think like us.

4   My brother died for that land. He lost his life fighting for Britain. We won that land fair and square! The British government has no idea what is going on in America. They can’t do that! Image source That's our land, I'll go there if I want.

5 Of course I do OR I have to get back home Of course I do OR I have to get back home Talk around town is that the Proclamation Line of 1763 didn’t sit well with many people. I heard people snuck over there and that they are ignoring the Kings’ orders. I’m headed to a meeting at the church to discuss this more, want to tag along? Have you heard? Heard what? Image Source

6  At the church What is this Sugar Act? It says here..... It says here..... Image Source

7  Back home with the family Come look at what the British have come up with now! Come look at what the British have come up with now! Image Source

8   Passed in 1764, the Sugar Act taxed molasses, or sugar to raise money for the British. Sugar is a fairly common item in your store. You can’t afford to charge more for it, you will lose customers.  I have an idea that just might work…….. I have an idea that just might work…….. Sugar Act Image Source

9   Have you ever snuck something into the movie theater? Maybe a candy bar or box or chocolates? People do this to avoid paying the high prices at the concession stand in the theater. While it may work, the theater is actual losing revenue, or money, and may have to charge higher ticket prices to make up for the lost money.  Watch out, the British know people like you are smuggling sugar to save money and they have their ways of catching you! Smuggling Image Source You're right, I should stopYou're right, I should stop. Or They’ll never catch me!They’ll never catch me!

10   In 1767, the British passed a law allowing officers to enter any location and search for goods.  No search warrant is needed.  No permission is needed.  No reasonable suspicion is needed.  Talk about extreme! The British Parliament means business. I don’t want them going through my house or store. Looks like I better pay the tax. It’s been a long day. I still need to meet up with Michael and Samuel. Writs of Assistance Image Source

11   Be careful out there! The government has passed a law that allows officers to enter your house or store without a warrant or your permission. Are you sure you want to risk it? If they can just tear through your belongings, what’s going to happen if you are caught? It's worth the risk. I know Michael and Samuel feel the same way. The Writs of Assistance Image Source

12  Stamp Act Image Source A tax on paper?!?!?! Now they have gone too far!

13   Colonists soon organized and came up with two plans.  1. Protest the new taxes by burning effigies, or rag figures representing tax collectors, burning houses of royal officials and destroying British goods  2. Boycott all British and European goods I want to PROTEST! Protest or Boycott I want to BOYCOTT!

14 Protesting Hopefully this will get our message across! How do you think Britain will react? Image Source

15 Boycotting Hopefully this will get our message across! How do you think Britain will react? Image Source Here is your shipment of American made items Boycott British goods! This will show them!

16  Click here to start over or play again with different choices. Click here to start over or play again with different choices. It worked! The British Parliament has repealed the Stamp Act! I heard that since we were not buying British goods many British merchants lost money and begged to have the law changed. I’m glad you made the choices you did. It looks like we were able to make a difference. SUCCESS!!! Image Source

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