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Community action + knowledge exchange (CAKE) community engagement within and beyond the undergraduate curriculum UWE Teaching & Learning Conference 26.

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Presentation on theme: "Community action + knowledge exchange (CAKE) community engagement within and beyond the undergraduate curriculum UWE Teaching & Learning Conference 26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community action + knowledge exchange (CAKE) community engagement within and beyond the undergraduate curriculum UWE Teaching & Learning Conference 26 April 2012 Nick Plant University Learning and Teaching Fellow and Associate Head (Student Experience), Department of Computer Science and Creative Technologies

2 Objectives Summarise academic context Present a vignette of “Consultancy Project” Explore a community engagement spectrum Outline “CAKE” project goals + progress Suggest other forms + developments (if time) Stimulate discussion and critique

3 Background/interests/roles Community and voluntary sector practitioner SL Information Systems –> Information Science Practice education in and around the curriculum – BA Systems Analysis, BA Business Information Systems (historically) – BSc Information Technology Management for Business, BSc Web Design and others (now) Faculty Leader of Teaching & Learning Projects UWE Learning & Teaching Fellow AHoD (Student Experience), CSCT Department

4 Academic drivers for Student Consultancy Information science = eclectic socio-technical field with immature theory base Integrative requirements for success in embedding IT in human contexts for business/social advantage Application of knowledge to pro practice Live projects in community organisations “Learning on the job” in real world situations – values experiential epistemology Knowledge exchange => theory up for grabs, student as producer and co-creator

5 Sustainable communities focus "Sustainable communities meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents, their children and other users, contribute to a high quality of life and provide opportunity and choice. They achieve this in ways that make effective use of natural resources, enhance the environment, promote social cohesion and inclusion and strengthen economic prosperity.” (Egan, 2003, cited at ory/0,,2176901,00.html ) ory/0,,2176901,00.html

6 Student Consultancy scheme Learn + do (“service learning”) Live socio-technical information systems consultancy in/with/for local community and voluntary sector organisations Win – win – win partnership goals 30 credit level 3 project module UFCEWW-30-3 Culmination of practice education theme Est. 1985! Many variants over the years Uncertainty and risk management key

7 Curriculum-embedded case studies Windmill Hill City Farm 2010/11 Student business/web consultancy team developed online room booking system to develop and apply integrative skills in an unfamiliar environmental charity context Viva vegetarian recipe club 09/10


9 Modes of real world experience/WBL – a spectrum Curriculum Embedded Extra Curricular Extra Curricular Curriculum Associated “Community Action + Knowledge Exchange: proving the concept, critiquing the pedagogy” UWE LTFS Conference 26 May 2011 “Curriculum Associated Knowledge Exchange”? or… “Having your CAKE and eating it: Community Action + Knowledge Exchange in sustainable communities” UWE ESD Conference 10 May 2011

10 Multiple forms of community engagement/ work-based learning …ie episodes of experiential learning in external real world situations that contribute to the student experience …include, in my world:- – embedded + accredited project modules – embedded + non-accredited placement modules – “Professional Practice” WBL module – student community volunteering – community action + knowledge exchange (CAKE)

11 Extra-curricular case study (elsewhere) Community Action Day at Glenfrome Primary School Volunteer team rejuvenated a growing space as a volunteering ‘taster’ and to get to know the city, its people and places

12 Curriculum-associated case study (elsewhere) Degree Tree Project Aims for every graduate to plant a tree, to engage students with sustainability issues within communities, both locally and globally

13 Proof of concept/pilot ‘curriculum-associated’ Demonstrate contributions to employability Enrichment of holistic student experience Partnership in practice – global/civic/ sustainability awareness, public & community engagement Recognition via HEAR? …accreditation? …alternative to legacy industrial placement? …threat to (propositional) programme content? Student as producer – crucial constructivist push? CAKE project goals and issues

14 ‘Silver surfers’ ICT skills training scheme Leading Edge project – BSc ITMB (e-skills accredited) national Race Online challenge – digital inclusion Bristol Civic Day – digital media contributions to celebrating public spaces Unmet community demand + committed student volunteers => ‘win-win-win’ benefits via schemes – eg community webfest for BSc Web Design – Hewlett-Packard CSR-driven partnership – Trainee teachers and music tec in schools (with Edu) Local instances, activities, plans…

15 Brokering service fronted by placements office IT learning centres reusing redundant PCs? WBL option in MSc Sustainable Development in Practice (from 2012/13) Proposed community partner network (with NCCPE/Brighton/UoB) – community voice …and on further horizons

16 Nick Plant – University Learning and Teaching Fellow and Associate Head (Student Experience), Department of Computer Science and Creative Technologies x83170 room 3P19 k.Plant k.Plant Further info

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