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Teaching excellence for over 100 years Time to Reflect….. Nola Stair, BSc MBA Principal Lecturer - International Collaborations and Learning Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching excellence for over 100 years Time to Reflect….. Nola Stair, BSc MBA Principal Lecturer - International Collaborations and Learning Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Time to Reflect….. Nola Stair, BSc MBA Principal Lecturer - International Collaborations and Learning Technology Systems Management and Strategy Department

2 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Teaching and Learning International Collaborations

3 Teaching excellence for over 100 years SMS International Collaborations Programs Offered: BA BS Direct Entry Year 3 -Managing Strategy, International Business Mgmt, Small Biz Development, and Thematic Independent Studies (or Consultancy) BA BS Years 1-2-3 (in Greece) MBA (Netherlands, Greece, Cyprus) # of Partners = 10, including: Cyprus Hong Kong Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia Welcome GIPS in Botswana Goodbye South Africa, Syria and Singapore Prepared by Nola Stair – July 2013 Zambia – BABS (50 students) NEW BABPSCM (50 students) Hong Kong - Videoconference Induction – Sept/April (100 students)

4 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Student Liaison Meetings –Increased Awareness of Student Voice –Provided Data for Critical Review Documents –Enhanced Teaching/Learning (UoG/Overseas) ZambiaHong Kong Kenya

5 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Wondering what some of your courses might be like? Why did some students select one elective vs another elective? Confused about which programme might best suit you?

6 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Thematic Independent Studies (PPD3) & SAP Results 2012- 2013 2011- 2012 2010- 2011 2009- 2010 2008- 2009 2007- 2008 2006- 2007 Total Number of Students: 220180490*172135131215 Course Mean:6157 56495355 Factors > Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): –Increased Interaction with Personal Tutors –Enhancement to Learner Experience –Organizational Efficiencies

7 Teaching excellence for over 100 years “I found the discussion board to be another useful process as it has proven beneficial to me when I am in need of help during struggling times. I used it to contact my tutor, seeking help and she responded promptly with clear advice and direction which helped me a great detail.” “The tutorial was another important place of learning as students were well delighted in sharing views regarding any essay topic of their interest and feedback was given immediately.” “I should have been more willing to discuss my topic with my tutor on the discussion board as it could have prevented my first essay from suffering.”

8 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Wondering what some of your courses might be like? Why did some students select one elective vs another elective? Confused about which programme might best suit you?

9 Teaching excellence for over 100 years BUSI 1319 at HKMA (Hong Kong) Videoconference with Rob Robson, UoG Course Leader Issue: HKMA (52 students : 1 tutor) vs UoG (10-12 students : 1 tutor) Group students according to the type of consultancy project to facilitate small group interaction with HKMA course leader Create activities for small groups to complete while the HKMA course leader is meeting with other student groups

10 Teaching excellence for over 100 years National Student Survey 2011-12: Assessment & Feedback

11 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Building Learning Communities Rethinking Learning Resources

12 Teaching excellence for over 100 years

13 2010 Dragon’s Den Project – UoG Portal Channel

14 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Multimedia – Podcasts and Video Oshwal College in Nairobi, Kenya: Download/listen on mobile phones

15 Teaching excellence for over 100 years Tutor Tips For Student Engagement Expressing enthusiasm for initiative Using passport activities as basis for reflective PPD assignments Attending Big Picture lectures with students Reviewing Passport submissions a few times during terms Highlighting student champions Video

16 Teaching excellence for over 100 years National Student Survey 2011-12: Personal Development

17 Teaching excellence for over 100 years MOOC Madness: To Play or Not To Play?

18 Teaching excellence for over 100 years MOOC > MOCC “Midsized Open Closed Course” Online groups were created for each of the 10 centres in South Africa (approx 200 students).. Assignment submission links for each center for online marking by UoG tutors. “Specific group discussion boards were only visible to students in each center.

19 Teaching excellence for over 100 years

20 Thank you for your attention

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