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GOING TO ESPLANADE No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "GOING TO ESPLANADE No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOING TO ESPLANADE No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

2 I am going to Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay to watch a show. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

3 When I get to Esplanade, the bus will drop me off at the Esplanade Mall Driveway. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd. ARRIVAL

4 I will walk into Esplanade and go to the Theatre Studio where the show will take place. It is on the fourth level. I can take either the lift or the escalators. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd. GETTING TO THEATRE STUDIO

5 Taking the Lift First to Fourth Level No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd. First floor - Lift Fourth floor – Door to Theatre Studio Corridor

6 Taking the Escalator First Level No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

7 Second Level No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

8 Third Level Third floor escalator No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

9 Fourth Level Fourth F Door to Theatre Studio Corridor Fourth floor No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

10 Fourth Level Corridor Fourth F Door to Theatre Studio Corridor Fourth floor Fourth floor corridor – waiting area No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

11 TOILETS Before I go in to watch the show, I can go to the toilet. To get to the toilet, I will walk up the stairs. If I need to, I can also go to the toilet during the show. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

12 This is a toilet for girls and women. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

13 This is a toilet for boys and men. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

14 Sometimes, there might be a lot of people who will be using the toilet. I will wait for my turn to use the toilet. TOILET No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

15 In the toilet, there is a hand dryer. It makes a loud noise but it will stop after a while. If the noise is too loud for me, I can cover my ears. TOILET No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

16 OUTSIDE THEATRE STUDIO Before I go into Theatre Studio, a friend from Esplanade will greet me. If I have a bag, my Esplanade friend will check my bag before I enter the Theatre Studio. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

17 PIP’S BUDDY IS MY BUDDY When I am at the theatre, more friends will greet me. These friends will have blue aprons on. They are called PIP’s Buddy. They are also my buddy. I can ask a PIP’s Buddy for help. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

18 THE USHER When I walk into the theatre, another friend from Esplanade will greet me. This person is the USHER. The usher is friendly. The usher helps people by showing them where they can sit. Together with my teacher, the usher will show me where I can sit. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

19 SEATING I can sit on the floor where the cushions are… No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

20 SEATING …or I can sit on the bench. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

21 INSIDE THE THEATRE This is the theatre. A theatre is a room where the actors do their work. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

22 INSIDE THE THEATRE The theatre will be dim. Some lights will be turned on to help me see where I can walk. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

23 A performance space is where the actors do their work and move around. The performance space will be all around me. PERFORMANCE SPACE No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

24 This is what the performance space will look like with the actors moving around. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd. PERFORMANCE SPACE (Click on image to play video. Please enable internet connection.) URL:

25 An actor is someone who acts. Actors can become many different characters during a show. During the show, I will see many different characters. ACTORS No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

26 Ojisan (Grandpa) Oba-chan (Grandma) No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

27 Shiro, the Dog Neighbour No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

28 Samurai No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

29 DURING THE SHOW If I need to get up and move during the show, that is OK. If I need to get up and go to the toilet during the show, that is OK too. My teacher, a PIP’s Buddy or an usher can take me to the toilet. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

30 DURING THE SHOW If I need to get up and look for a quiet place, that is OK too. I can go to PIP’s PLAYbox. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

31 PIP’s PLAYbox No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

32 This is PIP. PIP’s PLAYbox is PIP’s favourite place. I will see PIP when I enter PLAYbox. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

33 DURING THE SHOW CLAPPING People may clap during the show when they like what the actors are doing. People don’t clap for a long time. They clap only for a short time. If something makes me happy and I want to clap, that is OK. If the clapping is too loud, I can cover my ears. If the clapping is too loud and I want to leave the theatre during the show, that is OK too. No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

34 After the show ends, the lights will come back on. The theatre will be bright again. People will leave the theatre when the show is over. It might get crowded. I will wait for my turn to leave the theatre. After the show ends, my teacher will take me back to school. AFTER THE SHOW No part of this material may be reproduced in any other form without permission from The Esplanade Co. Ltd.

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