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Unit 4 Wildlife protection 野生动植物保护 They are many endangered animals. Believe it or not, at present an average of one kind of wild living thing die out.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Wildlife protection 野生动植物保护 They are many endangered animals. Believe it or not, at present an average of one kind of wild living thing die out."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 野生动植物保护

3 They are many endangered animals. Believe it or not, at present an average of one kind of wild living thing die out per day in the world. There are many reasons for wild living things dying out. But the most important one is the part that humans have played. First many animals have been killed for food.Second many of the places these animals used to live have been destroyed. Can you name some of them?

4 The Golden Monkey 金丝猴 1. This is the Golden Monkey and it is very beautiful and smart.

5 The Panda 熊猫 There are pictures of our pandas that are lovely and can be found only in West China.

6 Tibetan antelope 藏羚羊 3. Tibetan antelopes are in danger now because many of them have been killed. It is a kind of deer with white lips.

7 云豹 Yun Bao ( a kind of leopard)

8 4. Picture 4 may be a kind of leopard( 豹子 ). It is called Yun Bao in Chinese, which is one of the first class protected animals.( 一级保 护动物).

9 South China Tiger 华南虎

10 5. As we all know, it is a South China Tiger. In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.

11 糜鹿 Milu deer

12 6. This is a kind of deer called Milu deer. It’s said that although China was the only home for Milu deer, we brought them from England not long ago.

13 Giant Salamanders 娃娃鱼 火蛇

14 7. There are three Giant Salamanders which can swim against the swift current and cry like babies.

15 Acipenser sinensis 中华鲟

16 Rhino 犀牛 The Polar bear 北极熊

17 Can you names some of them? ===The Golden Monkey, Pandas, The Tibetan antelope, a kind of leopard named Yun Bao, South China Tiger, Milu deer, Giant Salamanders, rhino, the Polar bear, etc.

18 Pre-reading Wildlife is human’s friends. They can keep the balance( 保持平衡 ) of nature and make the whole world colorful. In my opinion, to protect wildlife is to protect ourselves. 1.I believe that you are concerned about animals and plants disappearing. Why should you worry about this?

19 2. What do you think we should do to protect wildlife? I think we should treat plants and animals the same as our friends. We shouldn't cut or kill them. We also should protect the environment around us to let them have enough food and good living conditions. We should collect money to protect the endangered plants and animals, too. They are dying out.

20 Reading… A girl called Daisy dreamed a dream of taking a flying chair to have a special journey. She met an antelope, an elephant and a monkey. She talked with them an so learned something about wildlife protection… Main idea of the text

21 Fast reading 2. Why did the antelope look sad? 1. How many animals did Daisy meet? What were they? 3. Why did the the farmers in Zimbabwe kill the elephants? 4. In what way does looking after the rain forest help with the wildlife protection?

22 Let’s check the answers 2. “our fur is being used to…we may all be gone.” 1. Three. They were an antelope, an elephant and a monkey. 3. Because they thought the elephants destroyed their land, and money…in Harare. 4. Looking after the rain forest will five all the wildlife good living conditions and it keeps balance of nature there. No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.

23 3). We should protect our young friends from being polluted in spirit. 1). Will this hat give protection against (=from ) the rain? Language points / page 25 / 1.Protection n. /protect v. 保护 Protect…from/against… 1). Parents try to protect their children from danger.

24 2. enemy 敌人 2). Making friends with people is better than making enemies of people. 3). The enemy was ( were ) forced to surrender( 投降 ). 1). Cancer is a big enemy to mankind.

25 3. as a result / / as a result of + noun/ pronoun/ gerund /what-clause 1).He was ill. As a result he couldn't come. 2). The clerk was late as result of the car that was broken down.

26 4. die out 灭绝 1). An average of one kind of wild living thing dies out per day. 2).Some traditional customs have died out. 3).The fire is dying out.

27 5. loss n. / lose v. / lost adj. pp. 损失 / loose 松的 1). Who will make up the loss? 2). The loss of the football match made us unhappy.

28 1). Where is Wolong Nature Reserve? 2). I have little money in reserve. 3). How many seats must we reserve on the plane? 7… bamboo areas( 范围 ) set up ( 建立 )… 1). What is the area of Meizhou ? 6.Wolong Nature Reserve ( 保护区 / 保存 / 预订 )

29 2). The area of English-teaching is improving. 3). Another company has set up here. 4). Do you want to set up home here ? 5). The monument was set up to honor the people’s heroes on Tiananmen Square.

30 8. too much hunting v.+ing 动名词 1). To much drinking makes you bad. 2). He has three hunting dogs. / a running dog / 3). Knowing English is a must in job-hunting.

31 1). We were very happy after being told the news. 2). After being beaten she didn’t cry. 1). Leave them in peace for a while. 9. … after being left(pp.) in peace… 2). To live in peace is better than to live a cat and dog life.

32 10. in danger / out of danger 1). The doctor helped the boy who was in danger of losing his sight out of danger. 2). They are in danger of losing their lives.

33 Reading /page 26 / 1.get dressed / get+ past participle (See note 4 on page 82)

34 get separated / get lost / get burnt / get killed / get caught / get caught in a rain /get married / get used to doing / 1). His clothes got caught on the nail. 2). Be careful or your bike will get run by a truck. 3. …from under our stomachs…

35 1). How many stomachs does a cow have ? 2). New shoots of bamboo come up (=grow) from around the old roots. 3). A tiger jumped out from behind the stone. 4). The murderer climbed up from under the cave.

36 5. In three years we may all be gone 1). The train will leave in five minutes. 2). We will hold a class meeting after 5:30.

37 7. Or would you prefer a rhino ? 1). Would you prefer some pop music? 2). He would prefer to ride a bike to work rather than drive his car today. 3). I would prefer that he not tell a lie again.

38 8. Farmers used to hunt us and the rhinos (see note 5 on page 82)

39 9. They didn’t want….even though tourists… (see note 7 on page 82) / even though = even if /

40 10. The tour companies applied to …for a fee.. 申请 / 应用 1). I will apply to join the army. 2)This invention has been applied to production. 3). They may be applied to this case.

41 1). The English teacher suggested us (our) paying more attention to spoken English. 2). Has the doctor suggested that your father not smoke? 3).A half-smile on the boy’s pale face suggested( 暗示 ) that he was glad to have given his life for his country. Suggest v. Suggestion n. 建议

42 experience v. n. 1) 经历.( 可数名词 ) 2) 经验.( 不可数名词 ) E.g I had an experience in talking with a foreigner. I have much experience in doing cloze exercises. affect v. 影响, 感动, 侵袭 effect n. 影响, 结果, 作用

43 Step IV. Listen again and fill the blanks! One day, Daisy _______a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ____to____with an _______in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their __which can be used to make_________like hers. In three years,they may all be_____. Later she____to Zimbabwe where she talked with an________and got to know the farmers finally there no longer _____ them. That’s because the_________ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _____. At last, she ______at the thick rain______ where a monkey told her “No rain forest, no animals and no ____. Although finally everything was_____, she had _______ so much. dreamed chairtalkantelope fur sweaters gone flew elephant hunted government money arrivedforest drugs gone learned

44 Homework: 1. Comprehending on P27 EX1- 2; P28 EX1-2 2. 制定计划搞好复习

45 Goodbye everyone Goodbye everyone

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