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Teaching by Parables M ATTHEW 13. Our Week of Study – The Parable of... The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) Josh Cox The Wicked Vinedressers (Matthew 21:33-46)

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1 Teaching by Parables M ATTHEW 13

2 Our Week of Study – The Parable of... The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) Josh Cox The Wicked Vinedressers (Matthew 21:33-46) Brantley Gallman The Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) Amos Long The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) Nathan Quinn The Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) Chip Foster The Kingdom Parables (Matthew 13:31-50) Kris Braddock The Sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23) Caleb Westbrook

3 What is a Parable? Definition – (lit. place beside, cast alongside). Thayer – “a narrative, fictitious but agreeable to the laws and usages of human life, by which either the duties of men or the things of God, particularly the nature and history of God’s kingdom are figuratively portrayed” A parable, simply put, is a story or illustration that is used to teach a lesson and compares one thing to another. Jesus’ parables were used to teach spiritual/heavenly truths and principles

4 Christ’s life serves the purpose of a parable! Jesus became flesh, and dwelt among us. In doing this He made abstract truth visible! 1.We can’t see God’s balance of mercy and judgment, but (John 8:1-12) 2.We can’t see man’s lack of purpose without God, but (Mark 6:34) 3.We can’t see a loving, caring God, but (Romans 5:6-8) Christ’s teaching put the same visible, tactile approachability to kingdom truths

5 The Persuasive Person (James Watkins, 1987) Christ’s life not only revealed God, but His illustrations put flesh on eternal truth. Rather than trying to explain faith, He pointed to mustard seeds and the hills of Galilee. Sin became visible as weeds and infectious yeast. Rather than preaching a five-point sermon on hypocrisy, Christ spoke of whitewashed tombs, filled with dead men’s bones and everything unclean. Hypocrites were poisonous snakes. These “word pictures” pack more truth than thousands of words. We can see whitewashed tombs. We can smell putrid flesh.

6 Why did Jesus Speak in Parables? 1.Jesus taught in parables because of the hardness of many hearts; thus, many truths of the kingdom were concealed from them. (Matthew 13:13-15)

7 Why did Jesus Speak in Parables? 1.Jesus taught in parables because of the hardness of many hearts; thus, many truths of the kingdom were concealed from them. (Matthew 13:13-15) 2.Jesus taught in parables because of the willingness of some to hear and obey; thus, many truths of the kingdom were revealed to them. (Matthew 13:34-35)

8 Suggestions for this week’s study 1.Don’t try to find a spiritual truth in every detail of the parable 2.Try to figure out the central truth to be gleaned from each story 3.Consider carefully the context of each story. To whom written, clues supplied by occasion and details given by gospel writers.

9 A profitable week awaits! “But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; 17 for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” M ATTHEW 13:16-17

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