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Nehemiah A Strategic Leader by Doug Johnson. Organizational Strategy Process.

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1 Nehemiah A Strategic Leader by Doug Johnson

2 Organizational Strategy Process

3 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Thinker A strategic thinker has three elements: A strategic thinker has three elements: – Makes collaboration a priority – Thinks about the present and the future – Is both creative and analytical

4 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Thinker From the beginning Nehemiah was extremely thoughtful. From the beginning Nehemiah was extremely thoughtful. – Prayer (Neh. 1) – Planning (Neh. 2) – Proper People (Neh. 2,3)

5 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Thinker “Nehemiah’s leadership insight and foresight is an excellent example of how foresight motivated people toward fulfilling the vision. Nehemiah’s vision of a rebuilt wall to protect, secure and rebuild a godly community regardless of the challenges, rallied the entire community to contributing their skills, talents, and abilities to accomplish the vision” ( Faulhaber, n.d.)

6 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Thinker Rebuilding the wall not just about the present. Rebuilding the wall not just about the present. – His vision was much greater than just rebuilding a wall – It was one step in restoring a relationship with his people and God.

7 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Thinker Nehemiah used his quantitative skills to assess the damage of the wall. Nehemiah used his quantitative skills to assess the damage of the wall. Then he was able to create a plan of action. Then he was able to create a plan of action. The need for qualitative thinking skills were just as important as he led his people. The need for qualitative thinking skills were just as important as he led his people.

8 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Thinker Predetermine a course of action Lay out your goals Adjust your priorities Notify key personnel Allow time for acceptance Head into action Expect problems Always point to the successes Daily review your plan (Brookshaw, 2011 Law No. 4 Maxwell's 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

9 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action There are three key acting competencies: There are three key acting competencies: – Decisive action – Quickly and effectively respond to change – Setting clear priorities for alignment

10 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action Nehemiah action was always based on the call and vision God placed on his heart. Nehemiah action was always based on the call and vision God placed on his heart. – Sharing the vision – Delegating responsibility – Empower leaders/families

11 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action “He rallied helpers around him, delegated jobs, and continued to promote the vision for the rebuilding of the walls. (As a leader he created 'buy-in' to the vision or rather support for the vision. As a leader he knew the art of delegation. As a leader he continued to communicate the vision, because as they say, vision leaks” (Brookshaw, 2012)

12 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action Nehemiah action plan included everyone coming together. Nehemiah action plan included everyone coming together.

13 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action There were many uncertainties in which Nehemiah acted upon. There were many uncertainties in which Nehemiah acted upon. – What he would find when he arrived – The resistance External (Sanballat and Tobias) External (Sanballat and Tobias) Internal (Fear, Tiredness) Internal (Fear, Tiredness)

14 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action There were many uncertainties in which Nehemiah acted upon. There were many uncertainties in which Nehemiah acted upon. – What he would find when he arrived – The resistance External (Sanballat and Tobias) External (Sanballat and Tobias) Internal (Fear, Tiredness) Internal (Fear, Tiredness)

15 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Action Warren has said, "When you're small, they'll dismiss you; when you're growing, they'll criticize you; and when you're large, they'll resent you. So ignore 'them' and get on with whatever God has told you to do” (Zempel, 2006).

16 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Influence There are specific skills needed for strategic influence of a leader There are specific skills needed for strategic influence of a leader – Build trust with leaders and workers – Involve others in mission and vision – Connect to the heart of others – Build and sustain momentum (Hughes, Beatty, & Dinwoodie, 2014).

17 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Influence Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the King Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the King – Trusted by the King with his life – Trusted by the leaders in Jerusalem – Trusted by the people building

18 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Influence Nehemiah could not accomplish his mission on his own Nehemiah could not accomplish his mission on his own – The King was needed(his boss) – The city official support was needed – The Jewish families were needed – Most importantly…God’s provision was needed

19 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Influence Nehemiah began his plea with the people in Jerusalem by cutting to their hearts Nehemiah began his plea with the people in Jerusalem by cutting to their hearts – You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.” I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. Nehemiah 2:17-18

20 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Influence Nehemiah built relationships with the people to build and sustain momentum. Nehemiah built relationships with the people to build and sustain momentum. – Protection (Neh. 4:13) – Care (Neh. 5) – Leadership Development (Neh. 13)

21 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Influence “Nehemiah responds by bolstering the confidence of the builders by stationing guards behind the least exposed areas, which also signals determination to complete the task, and also reminds the Jews of God’s hand of protection over them” (Wilson, 2010).

22 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Teams Nehemiah’s top strategic team was between him and God Nehemiah’s top strategic team was between him and God There was a group enlisted to teach the law (Neh 8:7) There was a group enlisted to teach the law (Neh 8:7) He empowered families to take charge. (Neh 3, 8:13) He empowered families to take charge. (Neh 3, 8:13) Leaders moved into the city (Neh 11) Leaders moved into the city (Neh 11)

23 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Leader Nehemiah’s strategy was not just to rebuild a wall around Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s strategy was not just to rebuild a wall around Jerusalem. He desired to restore a disgraced people to their God. He desired to restore a disgraced people to their God. He empowered others, motivated their hearts and maintained the mission and vision. He empowered others, motivated their hearts and maintained the mission and vision.

24 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Leader “Strategic action begets strategic learning which begets strategic thinking, which may beget the creation of strategic teams, which may beget some new strategic relationships in which strategic influencing takes place,

25 NEHEMIAH…Strategic Leader and this may beget a whole new line of strategic thinking” (Davies, n.d.).

26 Nehemiah A Strategic Leader by Doug Johnson

27 Brookshaw, P. (2011, July 13). Law No. 4 - The Law of Navigation. Retrieved from law-of-navigation-john-c-maxwell.html#.VyUFuj_wPOo Brookshaw, P. (2012, July 13). Leadership Snapshot from Nehemiah. Retrieved from from-nehemiah.html#.VyUJVz_wPOq Davies, B. (n.d.). Strategic Thinking - Leadership Solutions: Executive Coaching and Leadership Development specializing in Strategy Development and Implementation. Retrieved from Faulhaber, J. (n.d.). You Have a Choice: Using strategic foresight to lead your organization into the future. Retrieved from haber.htm

28 Holder, M., & Rollins, G. (n.d.). Helping Students Integrate Faith Practice with Business Practice: A Case Study in Nehemiah. Retrieved from Hughes, R. L., Beatty, K. C., & Dinwoodie, D. L. (2014). Becoming a strategic leader: Your role in your organization's enduring success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Nehemiah NIV. (n.d.). Retrieved from sion=NIV Wilson, M. (2010, November 25). Nehemiah: A Visionary Leader. Retrieved from visionary-leader/

29 Nehemiah A Strategic Leader by Doug Johnson

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