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Published byWinifred Carr Modified over 8 years ago
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna1 Observation Software based on BOSS General Overview Details/Demo Dr Eszter Pozna Instrument SW workshop Garching 6 Oct 2008
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna2 Content GENERAL OVERVIEW The observation software (OS) Common Framework (BOSS) –Users and requirements –Software architecture –Three examples of BOSS Applications FLAMES, AMBER and VISTA DEMO PART with details
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna3 Observation Software Instrument OS is responsible for the toplevel coordination of : 0..N Intrument subsystems 0..N Detector subsystems 0..N Special subsystems 0..N OS subsystems 0..1 Telescope
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna4 Generic OS Framework (BOSS) BOSS - A general purpose observation software making all OS and SOS at ESO look alike
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna5 Requirements Users astronomer, operator, instrument software developer archive system, SOS Main Generic objectives Executing Exposure Optimised exposure sequence Monitoring and error handling Specification of the system Allow specification of instrument specific properties Instrument Specific objectives Additional actions Additional image handling
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna6 Exposure control basics START PHASE END PHASE RUNNING PHASE Operation SETUP PHASE Exposure life cycle
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna7 Allow setup and start of a new exposure at given stages of the running phase and during the end phase Overlapping exposures using the same detectors Increased Complexity of Synchronisation START PHASE END PHASE RUNNING PHASE SETUP PHASE START PHASE RUNNING PHASE SETUP PHASE Generic Optimised Exposure Sequence Exp-1 Exp-2
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna8 Specification of subsystems Configure system with standard subsystems Overload system with special subsystems BOSS Application
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna9 Instrument specific properties The general algorithm is saved in one place but the concrete steps may be changed by the subclasses.
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna10 APPLICATIONS VLT,VLTI VISTA La Silla
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna11 UVES on the Nasmyth platform B OzPoz during commissioning phase at Paranal (March 2002) GIRAFFE during integration at Paranal. FLAMES SOS Kueyen Telescope Archive
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna12 VLTI- instrument - AMBER BOSS- Support of VLTI instruments
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna13 VISTA instrument DET OS INS TEL BOSS- Support of multiple image handling - Performance test VISTA requirement: Rate: 256MB/10 sec Upto 1.2TB data/night
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna14 Size of BOSS based OS-es Non BOSS- based OS BOSS BOSS based OS applications
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna15 DETAILS and DEMO XXXX OS TEL FIERA IRACE TCCD ICS1 Is it true I don’t have to write any code? No code necessary (at least at the beginning) But you still have to configure the system
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna16 Specification of subsystems Configuration of subsystems OCS.INS1.NAME "ICS"; OCS.INS1.DICT1 "XXXX_ICS"; OCS.INS1.ENVNAME "RTAPENV"; OCS.INS1.PROCNAME "xxiControl"; OCS.INS1.KEYWFILT "INS.*.*.*.*.*.*"; OCS.INS1.TIMEOUT 60000 POINT bossSERVER :Appl_data:XXXX:OS BEGIN ALIAS "xxo" ATTRIBUTE bossINTERFACE_LIST subsystems BEGIN ATTRIBUTE bossINTERFACE_TCCD tccd ATTRIBUTE bossINTERFACE_IRACE irdcs ATTRIBUTE bossINTERFACE_FIERA fiera ATTRIBUTE bossINTERFACE_ICS ics ATTRIBUTE bossINTERFACE_TCS tcs END Database branch for each subsystem OCS.DET1.NAME "IRDCS"; OCS.DET1.DICT "IRACE"; OCS.DET1.ENVNAME "RTAPENV"; OCS.DET1.PROCNAME "iracqServer"; OCS.DET1.KEYWFILT "DET1.*.*.*.*.*.*"; OCS.DET1.TIMEOUT 1000 ; OCS.DET1.DBROOT " iracq"; OCS.DET1.TYPE "IRACE“ Default values associated with the name of the subsystem: OCS..DBIFROOT OCS..DBROOT OCS..DBSTATE OCS.DETi.DBSTATUS
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna17 Configuration of MODES OCS.MODE1.NAME "IR_IMAGING"; OCS.MODE1.SETUP "-function INS.FILT1.NAME FREE INS.LAMP1.ST F "; OCS.MODE1.SUBSYST "IRDCS UT0 ICS"; OCS.MODE1.PATH "INFRARED"; It is compulsory to specify the INS.MODE for each exposure. What is the mode? 1.OS mode is associated with ICS mode 1.Associated with setup keywords that are forwarded to the subsystems 2.Associated with subsystems from which the OS collects header information Specification of mode in the configuration: ICS OS INS.MODE,INS.PATH
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna18 Ready to start the default OS For manual startup use the name of the instrument, associated with the configuration. % bossControl XXXX & % bossArchiver XXXX & Name of the processes associated with the INS.CON.PREFIX: xxoControl bossArchiver_xxo Check the global state of the OS It is the minimum state of its subsystems. Ignore subsystem if not available. Telescope during DayTime are typically ignored. AVAILABILITY of subsystems configurable : OCS..ACCESS IGNORE # or NORMAL can be set: ACCESS –subsystem <> -mode IGNORE
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna19 Exposure control from command line START PHASE END PHASE RUNNING PHASE Operation SETUP PHASE Exposure life cycle % SETUP -expoId 0 –function “INS.MODE OPT_IMAGING OCS.DET.IMGNAME myfilename” Returns: %START “” % WAIT “” Returns: Default command parameters:last expoId, detector if only one. %START -expoId -detId FIERA %WAIT-expoId -detId FIERA
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna20 Check the result- image The OS has changed the imagefilename according to standard. –Filename_dayOfYear_fourDigitSerialNumber.fits OCS.DET.NAMING “Standard-Naming” OCS.DET.NAMING “Request-Naming” OCS.DET.NAMING “Sequence-Naming” –The filename not allowed to exceed32 character –Many partial header files are created during the observation. In normal operation mode all deleted. History of exposures Check the exposure table in the database
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna21 When the INS.MODE can be omitted Repeate exposure (after successful exposure) % SETUP -expoId 0” %START “” % WAIT “” One mode case % SETUP -expoId 0 –function OCS.DET.IMGNAME myfile” %START “” % WAIT “”
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna22 Multiple image handling How to tell the OS if there are more then one image is created during the exposure ? Configure or setup: OCS.DETi.ARCMODE “MERGEALL” Default is: OCS.DETi.ARCMODE “NORMAL” Is sorting extention slows done the Merging? No See example : IRACE in mosaic mode
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna23 Add keywords to FITS header Add new keywords by using the command ADDFITS after exposure has been setup and while the exposure is running. ADDFITS "-extnum 1 -info OCS.DET.WCS \"world_coord_1\" TEL.TARG.ALPHA 111111.123456 OBS.OBSERVER myself" Whenever possible refer to extention by its name (-extname ) Optionally overload OS, (See User manual’s frequently Asked questions).
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna24 Setup the first exposure on FIERA.. % SETUP -expoId 0 –function “INS.MODE OPT_IMAGING OCS.DET.IMGNAME myfilename” And start it.. %START “” Wait till integration finished.. % WAIT “-expoId 1 -detId FIERA –cond CanSetupNextObs” Setup the second exposure on FIERA.. % SETUP -expoId 0 ” Wait till headers collected.. % WAIT “-expoId 1-detId FIERA –cond CanStartNextObs” %START “” … Wait till all Merging queue finished. WAIT “-all” - (see DEMO) START PHASE END PHASE RUNNING PHASE SETUP PHASE START PHASE RUNNING PHASE SETUP PHASE Generic Optimised Exposure Sequence Exp-1 Exp-2
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna25 BYPASSING the OS Forward command Typically used to control Looping TCCD: FORWARD –subsystem TCCD –command STARTLP FORWARD –subsystem TCCD –command STOPWAIT Exposures carried out diretctly via Detectors are ignored by the OS Events from Detectors controlled separately from the OS are ignored. (No,erging take place)
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna26 END/ABORT exposures Interrupt exposures.. Aborted exposures are lost, after ABORT a error is returned to WAIT commands. End shortens the exposure time but save the exposure.
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna27 SOS example XXXX OS XSOS YYYY OS TEL FIERA IRACE TCCD ICS1 NGC IRNGCOPT ICS2
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna28 SOS Hierarchical subsystem names Hierachical setup keywords FITS hdr: Configure ICS hdrkw category :OCS.INS1.HDRCAT “INS2”; Otherwise acts the same way… XXXX OS XSOS YYYY OS TEL FIERA IRACE TCCD ICS1 NGC IRNGCOPT ICS2 Command –subsystem XXXX.TCCD Setup:OCS1.DET1.*.*, OCS2.DET1.*.*,OCS1.DET3.*.* DET3.*.*.* DET1.*.*.*
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna29 OVERLOADS Instrument specific code Many reason for overloads, –Additional commands –Additional configuration keywords –Additional header keywords –Additional database events –Additional keywords –Additional special subsystem –VLTI system (as ISS is not part of the VLTROOT, the VLTI interface available in a separate module - bossvlti) –Sending additional commands 3 ways – –send wait for first reply –Send wait for last reply (hangs!) –Forward command
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna30 Help –User manual, VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-2265 see also ‘Frequently asked questions’ –See examples in the Template instrument OS –Your contact person –I’m happy to help you.
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna31 Guide lines/Recommendation -All command should go through OS -Communication between subsystems are not allowed -Verify what are instrument specific functionalities -Collect as much information as possible before the implementation -Verify if requirements might be of general interest, to be considered to place it in the common software (BOSS). Check if someone has already dealt with similar problem. -Avoid reimplementation of existing functionalities in BOSS. -Add debug logs and error logs to your overloads. -Report errors via SPR (check if error regards BOSS) -Record the output in verbose mode -Do not hang the OS
InsSw WorkShop 2008Observation SW by Eszter Pozna32 THANKS for YOUR Attention Enjoy the LAB exercise Have a Good OS development
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