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Milk Tray Mondelēz International The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made.

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1 Milk Tray Mondelēz International The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

2 Topic Designing – Technology (Author Gary Drabble – Mondelez International) Aims  To engage young people in STEM  Demonstrate link between enterprise and STEM  To develop design skills in an industrial context  Note: This resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International, that no profits are made from selling this on and that schools are not charged for its use Level Entry 1, Entry 2, Level 1 and Level 2 Method PowerPoint Slides, fun and informative, background of Milk Tray, ALL are hand-outs, Slide 5 is a challenge this can either be done as a Group/Groups or Individuals Equipment  Laptop  Pencils  Coloured Pencils  Cardboard  Projector  A3 Paper  Coloured Paper  Pens Duration 10 to 20 Minutes The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

3 Boxes of chocolates have been produced since the 1860s. But they were expensive, sold in small quantities and would only have been bought for very special occasions. Milk Tray was different: a chocolate assortment, affordable enough to be an everyday treat. To start with, the chocolates were sold in 5 1/2 lb boxes, which would be put out in trays to sell to customers, which is where the name originated from. One was Milk Tray and one was Plain Tray. Then, in 1916, Cadbury produced a half-pound box of chocolates, followed by a 1Ib box in 1924. By the mid 1930s it was outselling all its competitors. Later, in 1961, it was made more sophisticated, while in 1971 a William Morris-style pack was introduced. In 1978 it changed again, to an elegant pack with a white orchid on the purple background. Milk Tray of course became hugely famous for its 'Milk Tray Man' TV commercials, featuring a daring, dark and handsome action hero who dives off cliffs, pilots helicopters through storms and speed boats over waterfalls, 'All because the lady loves Milk Tray’. Today, over eight million boxes are sold every year in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, New York City, South Africa and the UK The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

4 Over time the selection of chocolates found in a Milk Tray box have changed, the current range is: Exotic Delight: Milk chocolate with a Turkish delight jelly filling. Caramel Softy: Milk chocolate matched with its caramel sweetheart. Hazelnut Swirl: A whole roasted hazelnut in a whirl of milk chocolate. Strawberry Sundae: Milk chocolate with a smooth strawberry filling and a layer of vanilla creme. Fudge Duet: Vanilla flavour fudge covered with milk chocolate Orange Truffle: Orange segment-shaped chocolate truffle with a hint of orange flavour, enrobed in milk chocolate. Perfect Praline: Milk chocolate with a soft, luxurious praline centre. Caramel Charm: Chewy caramel enrobed in milk chocolate and finished with a drizzle of white chocolate. Nutty Heart: Milk chocolate with a soft caramel centre hiding a whole roasted hazelnut. Surprise Parcel: Milk chocolate with a surprisingly smooth white chocolate truffle centre. The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

5 In order to celebrate 100 years of Milk Tray, we are challenging you to: Design a new chocolate for Milk Tray Selection Design a new box celebrating 100 Years Produce an advert, it could be a poster, video or radio jingle This may help you in the above task: Milk Tray Advert The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

6 Group Evaluation Each participant then needs to put forward their presentation to the group, and their suggested ideas in answer to the three questions: Answering the following points: Tell the group why you chose: The new chocolate The new design for the box The storyboard for advert or poster The group then votes on the ideas and chooses a WINNER The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

7 For further information please contact The STEM Alliance or visit The following presentation/resource remains the intellectual property of Mondelez International No profit is to be made from selling this presentation/resource on and that Schools are not charged for their use

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