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1 Lesson 1 Why Is Food Safety Important? Where Do the Rules Come From?

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1 1 Lesson 1 Why Is Food Safety Important? Where Do the Rules Come From?

2 2 Magnitude of Foodborne Illness Estimated annual occurrence:  76 million cases of foodborne illness  325,000 hospitalizations from foodborne illness  5,000 deaths from foodborne illness (Mead, et al., 1999)

3 3 Activity: What Is Your Theoretical Chance of Getting a Foodborne Illness This Year?  The population of the U.S. is 295 million people.  295,000,000/76,000,000 = 3.9.  This means that approximately 1 in every 4 (3.9) people will suffer from a foodborne illness during the year.

4 4 The Good News...  500 to 900 billion safe meals are served in food service establishments every year.

5 5 Cost of FBI to an Establishment  Loss of customers and sales  Loss of good reputation  Lawsuits resulting in lawyer and court fees  Increased insurance costs  Lowered employee confidence  Increased absence of employees  Need for re-training employees  Embarrassment

6 6 Individuals at Higher Risk for Getting a Foodborne Illness Young children & the elderly Those with weakened immune systems Infants & pregnant women

7 7 Idaho’s Food Safety Rules  Idaho Food Code

8 8 Activity: Using the Idaho Food Code  Does a produce stand selling boxes of apples qualify as a “food establishment?”  No (Answer found in Section 1-201.10(B) 36.c.ii) : The term “food establishment” does not include: (ii) A produce stand that offers only whole, uncut fresh fruits and vegetables.

9 9 Activity: Using the Idaho Food Code  Can potentially hazardous food be thawed on the counter?  No (Answer found in Section 3-501.13): Potentially hazardous food shall be thawed: a. Under refrigeration b. Under running water c. During cooking

10 10 Activity: Using the Idaho Food Code  Is the wearing of jewelry restricted when working in a food service establishment?  Yes (Answer found in Section 2-303.11): “While preparing food, employees may not wear jewelry, including medical information jewelry, on their arms and hands. This section does not apply to a plain ring, such as a wedding band.”

11 11 Rule Enforcement  The Idaho Food Code is enforced by health inspectors who regularly inspect food establishments. Health inspectors can close establishments that are in violation of the Code.  Inspectors work for one of the seven Idaho Health Districts.

12 12 Idaho’s Training Manual  Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual. Available at:

13 13 Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual Table of Contents:  Microbiology  Foodborne Disease Outbreaks  Food Sources and Protection  Destruction of Organisms  Limiting Bacterial Growth  Employee Hygiene and Health  Equipment and Utensil Cleaning and Sanitation

14 14 Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual Table of Contents continued  Water and Sewage Systems  Physical Facilities  Rodent and Insect Control  Poisonous Materials  (Re) Thinking HACCP  Training Employees  What to Do If Outbreak Occurs  Review and Important Areas of Knowledge

15 15 Activity: Using the Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual  Can potentially hazardous food be thawed on the counter?  No (Answer found in Chapter 5, page 36)  “Potentially hazardous foods must be thawed as fast as possible to limit bacterial growth during the process.” Three methods are acceptable.  Under refrigeration  Under running water  As a part of continuous cooking Thawing at room temperature is not acceptable.  No (Answer found in Chapter 5, page 36)  “Potentially hazardous foods must be thawed as fast as possible to limit bacterial growth during the process.” Three methods are acceptable.  Under refrigeration  Under running water  As a part of continuous cooking Thawing at room temperature is not acceptable.

16 16 Activity: Using the Idaho Food Safety and Sanitation Manual  Can someone who has diarrhea work as a food handler?  No, unless the cause of diarrhea has been determined to be not communicable. (Answer found in Chapter 6, page 40)

17 17 Federal Government Recommendations  Food Code (

18 18  Food service employees have the responsibility to deliver safe, quality food to the person eating it.  The Person In Charge also has the responsibility of training employees in correct procedures. Responsibilities

19 19 Understanding Check!  The U.S. has very safe food, yet approximately 1 in every _________ people suffers a foodborne illness each year. 4

20 20 Understanding Check!  If a restaurant causes a foodborne illness the results can be Loss of customers Loss of good reputation Lawsuits Increased insurance costs Reduced employee confidence Need to re-train employees Embarrassment

21 21 Understanding Check!  What is the name of the Idaho food safety rules for food establishments? Idaho Food Code

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