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GTT vs ILT. Diabetes  Type I: Beta cells produce little or no insulin.  Type II: Fat, Liver, and muscle cells do not respond to insulin (insulin resistance)

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Presentation on theme: "GTT vs ILT. Diabetes  Type I: Beta cells produce little or no insulin.  Type II: Fat, Liver, and muscle cells do not respond to insulin (insulin resistance)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GTT vs ILT

2 Diabetes  Type I: Beta cells produce little or no insulin.  Type II: Fat, Liver, and muscle cells do not respond to insulin (insulin resistance)  Gestational Diabetes: High sugars in Preg.

3 Pathophysiology of Diabetes When you eat, your body breaks food down into glucose. Glucose is a type of sugar that is your body’s main source of energy. 6

4 Pathophysiology of Diabetes As blood glucose rises, the body sends a signal to the pancreas, which releases insulin. 7

5 Pathophysiology of Diabetes Acting as a key, insulin binds to a place on the cell wall (an insulin receptor), unlocking the cell so glucose can pass into it. There, most of the glucose is used for energy right away. 7

6 Blood glucose regulation Blood glucose goes up and down throughout the day: 8  As your blood glucose rises (after a meal), the pancreas releases insulin.

7 Type 2 diabetes Your cells don’t use insulin properly. The insulin can’t fully “unlock” the cells to allow glucose to enter (insulin resistance). Your pancreas may not produce enough insulin (insulin deficiency). 13

8 Natural History of Diabetes

9 GTT and ILT Let’s clarify/review

10 Homework Work on today’s packet First 2 pages are matching (word bank on 3 rd page, fill in # for any boxes with “?”), last page has questions to answer Due tomorrow We will stop for Exit Ticket at last 12 minutes of class

11 Exit Ticket Take out a sheet of paper I will give you 3 patients’ data of GTT and ILT. You must diagnose as normal, prediabetic, type 1, or type 2. Then explain why using both tests. Work independently, talking=0 Turn it in when finished Counts as quiz score

12 Normal, Pre, Type 1, or Type 2? Time of Blood Collection (minutes after drinking glucose solution) Patient 1Patient 2Patient 3 Blood Glucose Level Insulin Level Blood Glucose Level Insulin Level Blood Glucose Level Insulin Level 0 (fasting) 150100150100150 0 30 2003002003002000 60 2004002504002500 90 1503002504002500 120 1501002003002000

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