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NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Level 3: Specialist Community Based Diabetes Service 2016/17 Dr Sanjay Singh, Chief GP Commissioner Dr Andrew.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Level 3: Specialist Community Based Diabetes Service 2016/17 Dr Sanjay Singh, Chief GP Commissioner Dr Andrew."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Level 3: Specialist Community Based Diabetes Service 2016/17 Dr Sanjay Singh, Chief GP Commissioner Dr Andrew Roxburgh, GP Clinical Lead: Diabetes PPG Chairs Meeting: 12 th May 2015

2 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group West Kent CCG West Kent: 470,000 Population Sevenoaks Maidstone & Malling Invicta Weald Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells

3 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Key Facts Increase in prevalence of diabetes in the UK from 2.4% in 1994 to 5.8% in 2012; Rising trend is predicted to continue from the current 3 million to nearly 5 million diabetic patients by 2025; For West Kent it will mean a rise from 20,485 to 34,140 with diabetes in the next 10 years; Diabetes and its related disorders consumed nearly £23.7 billion from the NHS budget (18.3%) in 2014 and is set to rise to £39.8 billion by 2035, For west Kent CCG this relates to nearly £87 million spent on diabetes alone (with its related conditions and complications) in 2014.

4 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Current Provision Level 4: Specialist team within MTW – complex cases Level 3: Specialist team within Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (MTW) Level 2: Local Enhanced Service delivered by 26 accredited General Practices Level 1: Delivered through the General/Personal Medical Services contract as part of the Quality & Outcomes Framework (QOF)

5 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Case for Change Lack of a comprehensive obesity strategy; Current programmes (e.g. Vascular checks) for early detection of Diabetes have had variable impact; Significant variance in Primary care (Level 1 and Level 2); No increase in Primary care capacity to meet rise in prevalence; Lack of ‘workforce planning ‘ for Diabetes in West Kent; Services like specialist nursing, diabetic podiatry, dietetics are mainly secondary care based - both expensive and fails to reach patients who need these services in the community;

6 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Case for Change continued Diabetic related preventable non-elective admissions are on the rise and consuming a lot of resources; Most secondary care based diabetes services are based on activity rather than outcomes; The financial risks to the CCG related to the above points are worsening each year with the rise in planned, unplanned and Prescription costs; It is estimated that only 15% of Diabetic patients meet the 3 ‘Best Practice Targets’ (Hba1c 6.5, Cholesterol <4mmol & BP < 135/80).

7 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Commissioning Proposal Provide a more local, specialist led service to include: Access to community specialist services for housebound diabetics; Specialist dietetics including psychological support; Specialist podiatry; Insulin pump service; Education and support for patients; Multidisciplinary assessment and case management (specialist, nurse, dietician and podiatry); Education, training and closer communication between this new service and GPs/Practice Nurses; Services would be provided face-to-face as well as via email and telephone as appropriate. Level 3: Specialist team within Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (MTW) Level 3: Moving services typically provided at hospital to community settings

8 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Questions for the PPG Chairs: Prevention: Are you aware of information for patients to prevent them being at risk of diabetes? How can the PPGs help in providing messages to patients on the risks?

9 NHS West Kent Clinical Commissioning Group Thank you for your time

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