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Industrial America. The United States will transform its economy after the Civil War Factories, manufacturing, large-scale agriculture and big business.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial America. The United States will transform its economy after the Civil War Factories, manufacturing, large-scale agriculture and big business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial America

2 The United States will transform its economy after the Civil War Factories, manufacturing, large-scale agriculture and big business will replace the old economy This will create vast wealth for some, and devastating poverty for others

3 Industrial America The economy will expand through new business practices Corporation- a business formed by many people to limit liability

4 Corporation

5 Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made

6 Henry Bessemer

7 The Bessemer Process

8 Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb

9 Thomas Edison and the Light Bulb

10 Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- the telephone

11 Alexander Graham Bell and the Telephone

12 Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- the telephone The Wright Brothers- the airplane

13 The Wright Brothers and the Airplane

14 Industrial America The United States will also lead the world in new technology Henry Bessemer- developed the Bessemer process which made steel cheaper and easily made Thomas Edison- the light bulb Alexander Graham Bell- the telephone The Wright Brothers- the airplane Henry Ford- the assembly line

15 Assembly Line at Ford Plant

16 Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel


18 Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan- financier

19 J.P. Morgan

20 Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan- Financier John D. Rockefeller- Oil

21 John D. Rockefeller

22 Industrial America Several industrial leaders will emerge to create large corporations: Andrew Carnegie- U.S. Steel J.P. Morgan- Financier John D. Rockefeller- Oil Cornelius Vanderbilt- Railroad Tycoon

23 Cornelius Vanderbilt

24 Industrial America The United States government rarely interfered with large corporations –Land grants –Railroad Builders Laissez Faire- economy where government does not get in the way of capitalism Immigration will give big business a never ending supply of cheap labor The United States will enter the 1900s as a industrial and technological leader

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