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Ways of Seeing ‘everything in the history of the world is hidden in it’s art’

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Presentation on theme: "Ways of Seeing ‘everything in the history of the world is hidden in it’s art’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways of Seeing ‘everything in the history of the world is hidden in it’s art’

2 What influences art? What makes art look the way it does? What causes art styles to change? How does art go from this, to this?

3 Task: Arrange the cards in chronological order from earliest to latest

4 B EH A G I C L J D F K

5 Discuss: 1. What date is the oldest painting? 2. What date is the most recent painting? 3. Identify the first painting with abstract elements? 4. List three reasons to support your answer to number 3 5.Which is the first entirely abstract painting?



8 Cubism What were the influences on cubism? Why did it happen? Look at the worksheet: circle the things that you think influenced Cubism

9 Darwin's Theory of Evolution 1859, telephone 1876, phonograph 1887, filament light bulbs 1879, machine gun 1882, first synthetic fibre 1882, steam turbine 1884, coated photographic paper and first sky scraper 1885, first DC electric motor 1873, Kodak box camera, Dunlop pneumatic tyre and movie camera 1888, diesel engine 1893, cinematograph and grammar phone 1889, x rays and rocket drive 1895, Wright brothers first powered flight 1903, Einstein's theory of relativity 1905









18 Population of London 1750 650,000 1851 2,651,939 1901 6,506,889 2001 7,172,036

19 Age of Discovery

20 New Art

21 New Society

22 New Rules

23 New Perspectives


25 What have you learned?

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