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Welcome to Interdisciplinary PLC Day 1

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Interdisciplinary PLC Day 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Interdisciplinary PLC Day 1
Before we begin, we need to ensure that we are organized in a way that is conducive to our learning. At every table, there is a seating card. Please reference the card to make sure that every table has a member that represents each Special area (PE, Music, Art). Also, each table needs to have a member that is a new PLC facilitator and a member that is an experienced Interdisciplinary PLC facilitator.

2 Table 1: Seating Card Requirements:
Every table needs to have one member that represents each Specials Area (Art, Music, PE) Every table needs to have at least one new PLC facilitator and one veteran PLC facilitator that attended last year’s training. Every Table should have 5 members Art Teacher: __________________________ new or veteran Music Teacher: _______________________ new or veteran PE Teacher: __________________________ new or veteran Member: ____________________________ new or veteran Member: _____________________________ new or veteran

3 Setting up your PLC for today
One goal of the day is for you to interact in a PLC simulation that is similar to that at your school. In order to work through our activities, we will need to assign roles. At your table, consider the following questions: Who will be your group recorder? Who will be your facilitator of conversations? Who will take notes and manage your materials? Who will be your time keeper? Other? 3 minutes Introduce the concept of a HOME Team versus AWAY Groups (specifically the WHY, WHAT, and HOW for this). Trainers should prompt for these activities to occur during first AWAY group activities

4 PLC Types Content-based PLCs Interdisciplinary PLCs (Strategy Study)
Who: Teachers who teach the same subject What: Planning for and responding to instruction  Interdisciplinary PLCs (Strategy Study) Who: Teachers who teach different subjects What: Planning centered on Anchor Standards with collaboration on instructional strategies and student outcomes Secondary Content PLCs (Science & Social Studies) Who: Teachers of High School Science and Social Studies What: Planning centered on Disciplinary Literacy Standards and instructional shifts in response to student data Problem-Solving PLCs Who: Student Support personnel What: Problem solving school wide EWS data and implementing Tier 1, 2 and possibly Tier 3 strategies

5 Interdisciplinary PLCs
Teams of teachers who all teach different content but work together to develop common assessments around universal essential skills. With focus on the skills that they are teaching, teachers can build common assessments despite the vast differences in the content disciplines. Focus on learning must be reduced to common denominators so that meaningful collaboration can occur.


7 Overall Goal: PLC facilitators gain a deeper understanding on the process of determining a common focus and engaging in guiding questions, which leads to data-driven decisions to improve student outcomes. Day 1: Common Focus and Guiding Questions Goal: PLC facilitators will be able to guide their team in determining a common focus and plan for instruction and assessment using the guiding questions. Day 2: Data Analysis and Reflection Goal: PLC facilitators will be able to develop common assessments and analyze data to inform and reflect on instructional practice.

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9 Begin working on the Introductory Activity

10 Day 1 Goal: PLC facilitators will be able to guide their team in determining a common focus and plan for instruction and assessment using the guiding questions. Topics: Interdisciplinary PLC Process Determining a Common Focus Outcome: Understand how to engage in a process that determines an area of focus Table groups will develop their own area of focus to use for the remaining activities of the day Mini Lesson #1



13 Interdisciplinary PLC: Key Actions
Identify the learning goals that the team has in common Focus on what is common and develop goal statements Identify the most important common outcome Develop a method of assessment, a rubric, and anchors Calibrate scoring and evaluate results Come back to the table with common strategies that are designed to improve performance

14 Interdisciplinary PLC Process
Key Actions PLC Guiding Questions Identify the learning goals that the team has in common Focus on what is common and develop goal statements Identify the most important common outcome Develop a method of assessment, a rubric, and anchors Calibrate scoring and evaluate results Come back to the table with common strategies that are designed to improve performance What do we expect students to learn? How will we know if they learned it? How will we design learning experiences? (Individual) What will we do for those who have not learned it? What will we do for those who have learned it?

15 PLC Question 1: What do we want all students to learn?
Determine Common Focus and Goal Statement Review content standards and Identify what essential skills students need to be able Know, Understand, and Do. Review Instructional resources and determine commonalities. Compare common trends of instructional resources to essential skills of content standards. Identify the common learning goals of the team. Build consensus of one common focus area. Identify the most important common outcome. (goal statement)

16 Instructional Resources
Content Standards (Cpalms) Anchor Standards: Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, Language Portrait of Literate Student & Instructional Shifts Marzano Instructional Framework District Priorities and SIP

17 This graphic further represents the organization of the Literacy standards. They were purposely organized with reading and writing as the load bearing walls and speaking and listening and language as constant spirals throughout the learning opportunities. These standards have implications for our K-12 system and all content areas.

18 How are these attributes connected across contents?

19 Instructional Shifts & Deeper Learning
Deeper Learning Competencies: Master Core Content Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Work Collaboratively Communicate Effectively Learn how to learn Develop academic mindsets ELA Shifts: Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational Regular practice with complex text and its academic language Math Shifts: Greater focus on fewer topics Linking topics and thinking across grades Rigorous pursuit of conceptual understanding

20 The Art and Science of Teaching Framework Domains 2-4
Domain 2 is Design Question 10




24 PLC Question 1: What do we want all students to learn?
Determine Common Focus and Goal Statement Review content standards and Identify what essential skills students need to be able Know, Understand, and Do. Compare common trends of instructional resources to essential skills of content standards. Identify the common learning goals of the team. Build consensus of one common focus area. Identify the most important common outcome. (goal statement)

25 Determining a Common Focus

26 Activity: Determining a Common Focus
Canvas: a-common-focus Process: Review content standards and Identify what essential skills students need to be able Know, Understand, and Do. Compare common trends of instructional resources to essential skills of content standards. Identify the common learning goals of the team. Build consensus of one common focus area. Identify the most important common outcome. (goal statement)

27 Day 1 Goal: PLC facilitators will be able to guide their team in determining a common focus and plan for instruction and assessment using the guiding questions. Topics: PLC Guiding Question #2 Common assessments Outcomes: Gain understanding in types of common assessments for Interdisciplinary PLCs Teams will discuss examples of common assessments that address Interdisciplinary PLC goals Mini Lesson #2

28 The Most Powerful Strategy for Improving Student Learning
Teachers collaborate to: Clarify what students must learn Gather evidence of student learning Analyze that evidence Identify the most powerful teaching strategies

29 PLC Question 2: How will we know if and when they’ve learned it?
Developing a Common Assessment Determine method in assessing the essential skill (rubric, scale, performance task, etc.) Determine the specific timing of assessment (make sure to establish specific dates) Develop a specific description of criteria for success

30 Defining Common Assessment
“Common Formative Assessments are the lynchpin of the collaborative team process in a PLC” – Richard DuFour Team Discussion What are common assessments? Characteristics Same Instrument or Process Given using the same way using the same protocol Administered in a similar time frame or window Planned collaboratively for purpose and use

31 Interdisciplinary Common Assessments
Measures skill development Assessments will be common but the ways to teach the skill will be different Can span across grade levels Team Discussion: What are some challenges and/or misconceptions for Interdisciplinary PLCs in using common assessments?

32 Formative Assessments
Questions to Consider: What is the purpose for the assessment? What are you attempting to discover, and whom will the assessment inform? What essential skill are you addressing? What specific knowledge leads to proficiency? How can you plan to gather the information that is most important to you? How will you choose items and questions? What must students score to be deemed proficient?

33 Sources and Types of Data
Examples of Types of Data Results on an assessment (80%, 70%, 50% …) # of students who attain a Level 3 on a scale # of students who successfully complete a task or answer an embedded classroom question Number of instances something occurs (20 times) # of students who attain a proficient score on a rubric Sources of Data: Assessments Rubrics Learning Scales Observations Performance Tasks

34 Activity: Common Assessments
How can we design a common rubric to evaluate students understanding of how they are to support their claims with evidence? Example PLC Goal Statement: Students will generate a claim and support their claim with relevant and sufficient facts from available resources. Art – In your notebook, identify an artist that has made an impact on the community. Support your choice by using the resources provided for you. (VA.3.F.2.1) PE – On an index card, state why it is important to have control of the ball while dribbling against a defender. Support your claim using the list of provided resources. (PE.3.M.1.5) Music – In your journal, identify the musical form of a song that you like. Support your thoughts using the resources provided for you. (MU.3.O.1.2) Supporting claims with evidence is a shift and common as a school wide focus area. Using the example “Argument/Opinion Writing” rubric, discuss: How the skills are being taught differently How using an interdisciplinary rubric is a type of common assessment

35 Activity: Common Assessments
Sources of Data: Assessments Rubrics Learning Scales Observations Performance Tasks As a PLC, review your goal statement and the possible sources of data. Think about what type of assessments could be used to meet the needs of every PLC member. Remember: The assessment is common but not the activities.

36 First: Take a few minutes to revisit the learning scale for the day. Second: To assist your thinking on how you will go about sharing with your PLC, we have embedded time for you to create an action plan.   The action plan focuses on two ideas: Ideas for Implementation (Barriers and Strategies) Planning for Implementation (Meeting schedule and plan) Task of the Day

37 Bring Back for Day 2 Goal of your PLC Common Assessment for the Goal
Samples of Student Work Current reflective thoughts on the implementation

38 Thank you for your time and great, hard work today!
Course Evaluation Please click the “Evaluation” button on the front page and complete the form on canvas. Thank you for your time and great, hard work today!

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