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Perceptual Abnormalities Illusion Hallucination-Auditory Visual Tactile / Haptic Olfactory Gustatory.

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Presentation on theme: "Perceptual Abnormalities Illusion Hallucination-Auditory Visual Tactile / Haptic Olfactory Gustatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perceptual Abnormalities Illusion Hallucination-Auditory Visual Tactile / Haptic Olfactory Gustatory

2 Types of auditory hallucinations – Second person – Third person including running commentary – Auditory thoughts (thought echo, thought sonorization, Gedanken lautwerden, echo de la penseé)

3 Delusions 1. Persecutory (NB paranoia – persecutory, grandiose, self referential). Delusion of reference Grandiose delusion 2. Primary Delusion Delusional mood Delusional memory Delusional perception 3. Passivity Thought-broadcasting insertionwithdrawal Control-Acts, feelings, impulses Somatic

4 Form of thought Flight of ideas Loosening of associations

5 Catatonia A disorder of motor activity with increased tone in muscles at rest, abolished by voluntary activities. – Posture – Excitement – Stupor – Catalepsy (waxy flexibility) – Negativism, Ambivalence, Ambitendency – Automatic obedience, Mitgehen – Echpraxia, Echolalia

6 Obsession – recurrent, persistent thought, image, impulse that the patient tries to resist. Egodystonic. Compulsion – repetitive, ritualised. Cognitive or motor

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