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INTRODUCTION TO AUTONOMIC PHARMACOLOGY: Part VI Interaction of drugs with the autonomic nervous system.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO AUTONOMIC PHARMACOLOGY: Part VI Interaction of drugs with the autonomic nervous system."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRODUCTION TO AUTONOMIC PHARMACOLOGY: Part VI Interaction of drugs with the autonomic nervous system

2 SYMPATHOMIMETICS: Drugs that facilitate or mimic some or all of the actions of the sympathetic nervous system. Direct Acting Indirect Acting Drugs that facilitate NE release Drugs that block NE uptake  -adrenergic agonists  -adrenergic agonists

3 Ganglionic blocking drugs Centrally acting sympatholytics NE depleting drugs Drugs that inhibit NE synthesis Adrenergic neuronal blocking drugs  -adrenergic antagonists  - adrenergic antagonists SYMPATHOLYTICS: Drugs that reduce or inhibit some or all of the actions of the sympathetic nervous system.

4 PARASYMPATHOMIMETICS (CHOLINOMIMETICS): Drugs that facilitate or mimic some or all of the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system. Muscarinic receptor agonists Anticholinesterases

5 PARASYMPATHOLYTICS (ANTICHOLINERGICS): Drugs that reduce or inhibit some or all of the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system. Muscarinic receptor antagonists Ganglionic blocking drugs

6 Predicting Responses of Drugs that Interact with the Autonomic Nervous System

7 Baroreceptor Reflex

8 BP (mmHg) SNA (Units) PSNA (Units) HR (bpm) Time (minutes) Phenylephrine Histamine

9 Predicting Responses  1 &  2  1,  2,  1 &  2  1,  1 &  2

10 ACH (2  g) ACH (5 mg) ACH (50  g) ACH (5 mg) Heart RateBlood Pressure (Atropine: Muscarinic Receptor Antagonist) ( Hexamethonium : Neuronal Nicotinic Receptor Antagonist)

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