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The European KnowARC Project Péter Stefán, NIIF/HUNGARNET/KnowARC TNC2009, June 2009, Malaga.

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Presentation on theme: "The European KnowARC Project Péter Stefán, NIIF/HUNGARNET/KnowARC TNC2009, June 2009, Malaga."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European KnowARC Project Péter Stefán, NIIF/HUNGARNET/KnowARC TNC2009, June 2009, Malaga

2 2 Agenda Nordugrid community introduction; KnowARC introduction; KnowARC objectives and distinguishing features; Available ARC services; In the focus: ARC Generic Architecture; In the focus: the HED component; Current status of development; Work to be done; Conclusions.

3 3 Nordugrid community introduction Nordugrid: grid research and development collaboration mostly, but not exclusively among Northern European data centers. Runs since 2001. Objectives (among many):  to develop and to coordinate the development of free grid middleware solutions;  to support data centers in grid integration;  to contribute to grid standardization. Nodugrid’s main product is Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) having been used in production since 2002 on large nordic data centers (74 sites, ~38000 CPUs).

4 4 KnowARC introduction Initiated since ARC had been a successful product and had become wide-spread. Official name: Grid-enabled Know-how Sharing Technology Based on ARC Services and Open Standards. STP - Specific Targeted Research Projects (aka STREP). Call: FP6-2005-IST-5. Duration: June 2006 – August 2009. 7 WPs. Currently 9 partners involved.

5 5 KnowARC introduction University of Oslo, Norway (Project Coordinator) Lund University, Sweden University of Copenhagen, NBI, Denmark Uppsala Unversity, Sweden NIIF, Hungary University of Geneva, Switzerland P.J.Safarik Uniersity in Kosice, Slovakia University of Luebeck, Germany Emergence Tech Limited, UK (since February 2009) science+computing ag, Germany (until December 2008) SUN Microsystems Hungary Kft (until February 2008)

6 6 KnowARC objectives Distinguishing ARC objectives: to significantly contribute to the improvement of the former ARC middleware both in terms of the number of services (new components) and in quality (code, documentation, ease of using clear, standardized interfaces); to follow grid technology take-up; to follow and participate in grid-related standardization wrt. OGF and Oasis activities; to promote ARC on multiple platforms.

7 ARC components Hosting environment, HED (TCP, HTTP, XML); Execution service, A-REX (BES, JSDL); Information system, ISIS (XML); Storage system; ARC client side library, arclib:  interop abstraction layer (JD translator+access);  resource broker; Security (XAML, SAML, X509); 7

8 ARC Generic Architecture 8

9 The HED Component 9

10 Current achievements The six services shown before have extensively been tested in pre-production environment. Due to its interoperability abstraction layer arclib is able to submit jobs to gLite CREAM2 nodes. ARC complies to OGF, IETF, Oasis standards and recommendations noted earlier (has standardization roadmap!). ARC is available on Linux, Solaris, MacOS X, MS Windows. One piece of good news for developers: ARC allows service development in C++, Java and Python. 10

11 Current achievements Full support for IPv6 in HED. ARC supports dynamic RTE and virtualization. ARC supports job persistence. ARC is distributed along with one of the famous Linux distributions. ARC is in UMD and there is intensive work in PGI. Production release 0.8 in May, technology preview release 0.9.x in Q3 2009. 11

12 Work ahead Finalizing the project. Develop native GUIs for arclib. Certify the code. Evaluate next generation ARC in terms of quality and usability. Exploit and disseminate the results. Write case studies for the numerous scenarios ARC can be used in. Getting more and more involved in UMD and PGI. To document, to document and to document. 12

13 Conclusions ARC is a next generation, powerful grid middleware that carries the strength of the pre-KnowARC middleware components, while improving it significantly. The distinguishing features of our solution are standards compliance, interoperation capability, web service capability, multi-platform nature, IPv6 capability, multiple language bindings. Currently there is a pre-certified ARC branch available for trial. 13

14 Thanks & Questions 14

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