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3.1.2010. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences FACULTY Photo: Petteri Kivimäki.

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Presentation on theme: "3.1.2010. Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences FACULTY Photo: Petteri Kivimäki."— Presentation transcript:

1 3.1.2010

2 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences

3 FACULTY Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

4 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences JYVÄSKYLÄ ► 1963: a course in physical education started ► 1968: became an independent faculty of Physical and Health Education ► 1998: named as the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences ► degrees in both Sport and Health Sciences ► number of staff: some 200 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences

5 Department of Biology of Physical Activity Department of Health Sciences Department of Sport Sciences Departments Neuromuscular Research Center Research Centre of Sport and Leisure Planning The Finnish Centre for Interdisciplinary Gerontology Research Center for Health Promotion Research Centres

6 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Locations Photo: Hannu Puupponen Photo: Tarja Vänskä-Kauhanen Main building, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences  Faculty office  ICT support facilities  Department of Sport Sciences  Department of Health Sciences  Sports facilities Research Laboratory, Hippos  Technical unit  Department of Biology and Physical Activity  Department of Health Sciences  Research Laboratories Viveca Building, Hippos  Department of Biology of Physical Activity  Department of Health Sciences  Department of Sport Sciences  Research Laboratories  Viveca-unit

7 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Faculty organisation in January 2009 Dean Faculty Council Department of Sport Sciences Department of Health Sciences Faculty Office Department of Biology of Physical Activity Personnel affairs Study affairs Financial affairs ICT affairs Technical Unit

8 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Professors27 Lecturers31 Senior assistants 9 Assistants13 Docents43 Other 100 (Researchers, assisting research personnel, administrative personnel) Faculty Staff

9 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Temporary Professorships Professor in Clinical Physiotherapy Professor in Gerontological Rehabilitation Professor in Health Promotion In Co-operation with Central Finland Health Care District Professor in Health Science and Technology Donated by Amer Foundation Professor to study the physical capacity of recruits Donated by National Defence University Professor in Sport Technology Donated by Sotkamo Municipality

10 RESEARCH Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

11 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Various research projects at our departments cover the entire human life span. Separate research institutes, which co-operate closely with the departments, carry out additional research. Special characteristics of the research: - multidisciplinary -long-span -combines basic and applied research -international -applicable in practice Principal approaches

12 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Neuromuscular research in the biology of physical activity Internationally outstanding areas in research Internationally significant areas in research Health sciences; particularly physical activity and health, ageing, and health promotion Source: PR and Information

13 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Sport Sciences – specific research areas Physical activity of children and youth Physical education Motor learning Adapted physical education Support of growth and development of children and youth Civic activities in physical education Sports planning and administration Sport ethics and physical culture Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

14 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Biology of Physical Activity – specific research areas Basic neuromuscular function during human movement Neuromuscular fatigue and muscle damage Adaptation to strength and power training Sports-related performance profiles and technique analyses Acute exercise responses and training adaptations in different patient groups Effects of exercise on muscle in obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

15 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Health Sciences – specific research areas Multidisciplinary perspectives on ageing Functional capacity and health Role of physical activity in health promotion, illness prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation Health and well-being of children and youth School health education Health counselling as health care practice Methods of physiotherapy and their evaluation Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

16 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Source: PR and Information Collaborative (inter-departmental) research in multidisciplinary clusters Research methodology in human-centered sciences Children, young people and their growth environments Ageing and well-being

17 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Technology profile Human-centered information and communication technology Paper manufacturing technology Nanotechnology Accelerator-based technology Environmental technology Wellness technology ICT in learning Music technology Source: PR and Information

18 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Source: PR and Information Research, Technology and Development Centres Agora Center Nanoscience Center Accelerator Laboratory Viveca Gerocenter (regional cooperation)

19 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Source: PR and Information Ageing and Wellness Technology Aims at developing technical and scientific solutions to improve well-being, quality of life, and physical activity Target groups vary from challenged to elite athletes Master’s Programme in Wellness Technology at the Department of Biology of Physical Activity trains professionals and promotes business solutions Dissemination of know-how through the Gerocenter

20 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Source: PR and Information Multidisciplinary research into human well-being based on international research expertise at the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Wellness Technology Center Viveca Research Gerontology Sport psychology Biology of physical activity

21 STUDY Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

22 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Adapted Physical Education Biomechanics Exercise and Sport Psychology Exercise Physiology Gerontology and Public Health Health Education Occupational Therapy Physical Education Physiotherapy Science of Sports Coaching and Fitness Testing Sport Sociology Sports Medicine Sports Planning and Administration Academic subjects

23 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Unique Majors at the University of Jyväskylä Speech Communication Art Education Economic History Sport Sciences Physiotherapy Health Education Gerontology Public Health Management Source: PR and Information

24 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Sport Sciences – physical education Most students who complete their Master’s Degree at the Department of Sport Sciences have physical education as their major. Post- graduate studies lead to the degree of Licentiate in Sport Sciences or PhD in Sport Sciences. Other subjects at the Department include psychology of exercise and adapted physical education, as well as the specialist orientation in dance pedagogy. Graduates have careers as: P.E. teachers in comprehensive schools, high schools, vocational institutes, and polytechnics Other kinds of teachers and instructors promoting physical activity and fitness Researchers Experts in sports organisations Kuva: Petteri Kivimäki

25 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Sport Sciences – social sciences of sport The Department also houses the unit of Social Sciences of Sport, where students complete their Master’s degree with either sports planning and administration or sport sociology as their main subject. Post-graduate studies lead to the degree of Licentiate in Sport Sciences or PhD in Sport Sciences. Graduates qualify as: Experts in sports administration and work in municipalities, organisations, or associations as managers of physical and leisure activities planning officers service providers researchers Kuva: Petteri Kivimäki

26 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Kuva: Petteri Kivimäki Department of Biology of Physical Activity Masters of Sport Sciences graduating from the Department of Biology of Physical Activity have majored in biomechanics, sports physiology, or testing and coaching science. Post-graduate studies lead to the degree of Licentiate in Sport Sciences or PhD in Sport Sciences. Coaching careers in sports organisations Researcher positions Positions in rehabilitation centres Management positions in testing units Graduates qualify for:

27 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Department of Health Sciences Teachers of physiotherapy or health science Experts and researchers in physiotherapy with positions in occupational health, rehabilitation, and hospitals, as well as research and development positions in rehabilitation centres and organisations for the disabled Experts in gerontology and public health in positions involving training, management, research and development in the fields of health and social care, and in research institutes and organisations operating in these fields Experts in health education working in administrative management positions (health promotion), public health organisations, and as researchers and teachers in health care institutes. Graduates qualify as: Kuva: Petteri Kivimäki

28 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Master’s Degree Programme in Biology of Physical Activity Master’s Degree Programme in Sport Science and Management Master’s Degree Programme in Sport and Exercise Psychology Master’s Degree Programme in Gerontology and Nordic Master’s Degree Programme in Gerontology International Master’s Degree Programmes Hyvinvointiteknologian liikuntabiologinen maisterikoulutus (HyVoTek) (programme in wellness technology) Liikuntateknologian muuntokoulutus (Vuotech) (programme in sport technology) Master’s Programmes in Finnish Kuva: Petteri Kivimäki

29 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Sport Sciences829 Health Sciences441 Number of Students on 31 December 2010 Postgraduate Students 156 Students supplementing their degrees 14 Basic Degree Students1 270 Total1 440

30 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Completed Master of Science Degrees 31.12.2010 Number of Degrees

31 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Completed Doctoral Degrees 31.12.2010 Number of Degrees

32 INTERNATIONALITY Photo: Petteri Kivimäki

33 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences IRLANTI International Scientific Congresses arranged at the Faculty 2006 18th Nordic Congress of Gerontology 28.-30.5.2006 ”Innovation for an Aging Society” 3rd EASS Conference (European Association for Sociology of Sport) 2-5.7.2006 ”The Changing Role of Public, Civic and Private Sectors in Sport Culture” 2006 AIESEP World Congress 5-8.7.2006 “The Role of Physical Education and Sport in Promoting Physical Activity and Health” International Congress on Science and Nordic Skiing 18.-20.6.2006 Vuokatti 2007 12 th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science 11.-14.7.2008 2008 FIEP World Congress 2008 6.-10.8.2008 Vierumäki ”Physical Education in Change” In Co-operation with other organizations and colleges

34 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences IRLANTI International Symposiums and Intensive Courses at the Faculty 2005 Advanced intensive course: Biology of Muscle and Tendon in Health, Disease and Exercise. Jyväskylä, 8-10.12.2005 2007 Body, Mind & Physical Activity Symposium 6.6.2007 Interaction between Nervous Control and Musculoskeletal Loading in Normal and Abnormal Locomotion and Training, 29.11.-1.12.2007 2008 Motoristen taitojen opettamisen ja oppimisen haasteet –symposiumi 24.- 26.4.2008 (In Finnish) Measurement of energy metabolism in humans - theory and applications, 20.-22.11.2008 2006 Movement Control, Human Performance and Training Adaptation, International Symposium 9.-16.10.2006 2009 The Third International Scientific Symposium on learning and teaching of motor skills - Motoristen taitojen oppimisen ja opettamisen symposium 1.-3.10.2009 Physical Fitness and Training Adaptations: Mechanisms and Practical Applications -symposium 19.- 21.11.2009

35 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences ERASMUS STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENTS 2008-2009

36 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences ERASMUS TEACHER EXCHANGE AGREEMENTS 2008-2009

37 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Master’s Degree Programme in Biology of Physical Activity Master’s Degree Programme in Sport Science and Management Master’s Degree Progamme in Sport and Exercise Psychology European Maser’s in Sport and Exercise Psychology (MUNDUS) Master’s Degree Programme in Gerontology and Nordic Master’s Degree Programme in Gerontology International Master’s Degree Programmes Kuva: Petteri Kivimäki

38 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Students’ home countries in the Master’s Degree Programme in Sport Science and Management 2008-2009 Africa: Cameron, Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania Europe: Finland, Germany, Great-Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, The Netherlands, Romania

39 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Students’ home countries in the Master’s Degree Programme in Sport and Exercise Psychology 2008-2009 Israel Belarus India USA Canada Europe: Finland, Germany, Great-Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia,

40 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Students’ home countries in the Master’s Degree Programme in Biology of Physical Activity 2008-2009 Canada Iran India China USA Finland Europe: Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Spain Singapore Bangladesh

41 Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences Students’ home countries in the Master’s Degree Programme in Gerontology (GerPro) 2008-2009 USA China Russia Finland


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