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Conformity Assessment Requirements to Access the U.S. Market - An Overview - Steven Bipes Program Manager – Regional & Bilateral Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Conformity Assessment Requirements to Access the U.S. Market - An Overview - Steven Bipes Program Manager – Regional & Bilateral Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conformity Assessment Requirements to Access the U.S. Market - An Overview - Steven Bipes Program Manager – Regional & Bilateral Policy

2 Components of Conformity Assessment Metrology and measurement capabilities Sampling Testing Inspection Declaration of conformity Certification (products, services, personnel) Management system registration/certification Accreditation Enforcement

3 Who Conducts Conformity Assessment in U.S.? First Party – Manufacturer or Supplier (Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity) Second Party – Buyer Third Party – Party Independent from Buyer or Seller

4 Key Characteristics of U.S. System In the United States, conformity assessment activities are not centrally organized Activities are a mix of government (regulations) and private sector (market activities) Approaches vary among sectors

5 Product Certification in the United States Largely a private sector activity - based on customer and market demand There are many industry programs Government agencies can also play a variety of roles Direct Certification (FDA, USDA) Recognition of Third Party Certifiers (FCC) Recognition of Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity (FCC)

6 Federal Government Certification Programs Programs fall into several general categories: Programs to Certify Products which affect Health / Safety of User / Public (Mandatory) Programs to test products to avoid necessity for retesting prior to each procurement (Procurement) Programs to provide a uniform basis for trade by accessing the quality / condition of products offered for sale (Voluntary)

7 Federal Government Certification Programs There are about 30 Federal programs in various agencies: Department of Agriculture: food safety, grain inspection, etc. EPA: drinking water, vehicle emissions, etc. NIST: laboratory accreditation required by FCC, HUD, DOE, EPA, NRC, etc. HHS: Drug testing, Safety Data, Milk Safety, etc.

8 State and Local Government Programs There are many state, local and municipal programs building/construction environmental electrical/electronic food and agriculture consumer products

9 INDUSTRY PROGRAMS DESIGNED TO Enhance industry reputation Provide Manufacturers with some assurance on Safety, Environmental Impact, or Compliance with Requirements Establish Minimum Level of Safety / Quality / Environmental Performance for some products Avoid need for Government Involvement

10 Private Sector Programs Approximately 200 non-government organizations operate product certification programs: many organizations certify products to meet government requirements programs may be operated by trade associations, professional societies, independent testing/inspection bodies, consumer organization, and sector- specific organizations may operate domestically, internationally, or both

11 ACCREDITATION of CERTIFIERS  U.S. Accreditation system for certification programs is less complex  Only a few major programs  ANSI operates the largest private sector accreditation program for certifiers  ANSI-RAB National Accreditation Program (NAP) is the U.S. accreditation body for ISO 9000/14000

12 ACCREDITATION of LABORATORIES  Historically no central organization and no recognition among programs  Most U.S. programs designed to meet specific sector or regulatory needs  About 60 State / Local / Federal programs  Also roughly 38 private sector programs  Great deal of variability among different programs

13 Quality Management System Registration Significant marketplace factor for some sectors Registration not mandatory for any U.S. government regulatory program Used by some U.S. government agencies internally, i.e., NASA, FAA procurement function

14 Streamlining Laws passed by US Congress in 1996 – Regulatory Streamlining – NTTAA (DoD, FCC) FCC Streamlined by retaining responsibility but delegating actions to private sector in: – Laboratory Testing – Product Certification – Determination of Administrative Procedures – Standards Development (changed federal regulations to pointers to a voluntary consensus standards (ANSs from ANSI Accredited SDO)


16  ISO/IEC Guide 65  ISO/IEC Guides 62 & 66  ISO/IEC 17024 ANSI Accreditation Programs

17 Verification (Self-approval) Verification (Self-approval) Certification (Approved by FCC or TCB) Certification (Approved by FCC or TCB) Declaration of Conformity (Self-approval using an accredited lab) Declaration of Conformity (Self-approval using an accredited lab) FCC Equipment Authorization Program The type of approval is specified in the rules for the particular type of device

18 Equipment Authorization Application Trend Private Certification Bodies FCC Trends – TCB vs. FCC grants Applications Private CBs: conduct routine testing FCC Lab: resources devoted to technically complex certification and support of Commission items.

19 CONCLUSION  U.S. System is complex and uses industry sector approach  Conformity Assessment system, like Standards system, evolved in decentralized manner  Based largely on Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity for Products / Services sold in U.S. Marketplace  Also relies on industry self-regulation  Government agencies and private sector both very involved in U.S. system  Is generally effective, open, and transparent

20 More information:

21 Obrigado!

22 For more information: Headquarters 1819 L Street, NW Sixth Floor Washington, DC 20036 Tel: +1 202.293.8020 Fax: +1 202.293.9287 American National Standards Institute | |

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