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Coat Of Arms The current Canadian Flag was adopted in the year 1965. “Maple Leaf”-another name of the Canada National Flag. The red and white colors are.

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Presentation on theme: "Coat Of Arms The current Canadian Flag was adopted in the year 1965. “Maple Leaf”-another name of the Canada National Flag. The red and white colors are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coat Of Arms The current Canadian Flag was adopted in the year 1965. “Maple Leaf”-another name of the Canada National Flag. The red and white colors are the national colors of Canada. Maple- a national tree Anthem: “O CANADA”- since 1 July,1980.

2 Map of Canada

3 Canada is a country of 32 million inhabitants that occupies the northern part of the North American continent and is the world’s second largest country in the world.

4 Canadian Parliament Building

5 The capital is Ottawa in the province of Ontario. The capital is Ottawa in the province of Ontario. Ottawa War Monument Ottawa from McKenzie King Bridge Flag Coat of Arms

6 The National Gallery in Ottawa Chateau Laurier at night Christmas Lights on the Parliament Building Elgin Street in Ottawa Sparks Street

7 Ottawa is the home of government organizations such as the Government of Canada, Parliament, the Senate, and the Supreme Court of Canada. With the highest-educated workforce in Canada, Ottawa has more engineers, scientists than any other city in the country. Canada’s Capital region welcomes over 7,3 million visitors per year, who spend over $1.18 billion. According to Statistics Canada, families in Ottawa had the highest median incomes of any Canadian city in 2006. Languages spoken include English(50%),French(32%) and a host of other languages including significant capabilities in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese and Arabic.

8 Supreme CourtCanadian Museum of Nature Ottawa from Marriott Hotel The Peacekeeping Monument in Ottawa

9 Vancouver is the third largest city and major seaport in the country. Vancouver is the third largest city and major seaport in the country. Clock Tower in Vancouver The Vogue Theatre On Granville Street Vancouver Public Library on Georgia Street

10 Population-587,891 Vancouver City Hall Vancouver Art Gallery Sky Train crossing the Fraser River on the Sky Bridge Chateau Laurier /hotel/ Sunset beach at English Bay in the West End

11 Hockey Hall of Fame The CN Tower

12 The Toronto – Dominion centre Royal Ontario Museum

13 Victoria College in the University of Toronto Queen’s Park Toronto Eaton centre /shopping center/

14 The Hospital for sick children Spring in High Park Toronto City hall

15 The Canadian dollar (C$) is a The Canadian dollar (C$) is a paper currency of 100 cents. There are coins of 1,5,10 25, and 50 cents,1 dollar and 2 dollars, and notes of 2,5,10,20,50, 100,and 1,000 Canadian dollars. US currency is usually US currency is usually accepted,especially in major cities and along the border. and along the border.

16 1.New Year’s Day,1 January 1.New Year’s Day,1 January 2.Good Friday 2.Good Friday 3.Easter Monday 3.Easter Monday 4.Victoria Day 4.Victoria Day 5.Canada Day,1 July 5.Canada Day,1 July 6.Labor Day,1 st Monday in September 6.Labor Day,1 st Monday in September 7.Thanksgiving Day,2 nd Monday in October 7.Thanksgiving Day,2 nd Monday in October 8.Remembrance Day,11 November 8.Remembrance Day,11 November 9.Christmas Day,25 December 9.Christmas Day,25 December 10.Boxing Day,26 December. 10.Boxing Day,26 December. Other holidays observed in some provinces.

17 Canadian culture has historically been influenced by European culture and traditions, especially British and French. Canadian culture has historically been influenced by European culture and traditions, especially British and French. Over time, elements of the cultures of Canadian’s Aboriginal peoples and imigrant population have become incorporated into Canadian culture. Over time, elements of the cultures of Canadian’s Aboriginal peoples and imigrant population have become incorporated into Canadian culture.


19 Waterfalls in Canada The highest waterfall in Canada is Della Falls. But it is not regarded in world literature as a major waterfall. We know Niagara Falls as the biggest because they flow of 6000 cubic metres per second.

20 A great range of plant and animal life characterizes the area of Canada, with its varied geographic and climatic zones. A great range of plant and animal life characterizes the area of Canada, with its varied geographic and climatic zones. We can see white pine, hemlock, sugar and red maples, yellow birch, and beech trees. In the east are found the balsam fir, white cedar, tamarack, white birch, and aspen, with jack pine in the drier areas. We can see white pine, hemlock, sugar and red maples, yellow birch, and beech trees. In the east are found the balsam fir, white cedar, tamarack, white birch, and aspen, with jack pine in the drier areas. Many types of grasses grow on the plains. The great Arctic region is covered with low- growing grasses, mosses, and bushes. Many types of grasses grow on the plains. The great Arctic region is covered with low- growing grasses, mosses, and bushes.

21 Nature in different seasons




25 Canadian Hockey Association is the official national governing body of ice hockey in Canada and is a member of the International Ice Hockey Federation. Canadian Hockey Association is the official national governing body of ice hockey in Canada and is a member of the International Ice Hockey Federation. COLOURS: red, white, black COLOURS: red, white, black BASED IN: Calgary, Alberta, Canada BASED IN: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Other popular team sports include baseball, basketball, curling, field hockey,rugby, and softball.

26 Popular individual sports include auto racing, boxing, cycling, golf, hiking, horse racing, ice skating, rodeo, skateboarding, skiing, swimming, tennis triathlon, track and field, wrestling, and water sports. Popular individual sports include auto racing, boxing, cycling, golf, hiking, horse racing, ice skating, rodeo, skateboarding, skiing, swimming, tennis triathlon, track and field, wrestling, and water sports. Clara Hughes

27 Презентация выполнена учителем Петра - Дубравской СОШ муниципального района Волжский Самарской области Презентация выполнена учителем Петра - Дубравской СОШ муниципального района Волжский Самарской области АВВАКУМОВОЙ ТАТЬЯНОЙ ИГОРЕВНОЙ АВВАКУМОВОЙ ТАТЬЯНОЙ ИГОРЕВНОЙ Тема : ”Canada” Тема : ”Canada” Цель: создание информационно-иллюстративного пособия по теме «CАNADA»,используемого для знакомства и изучения самой большой страны изучаемого языка Цель: создание информационно-иллюстративного пособия по теме «CАNADA»,используемого для знакомства и изучения самой большой страны изучаемого языка Задачи : познакомиться и отработать лексику по теме; научить читать тематические тексты с новыми словами; составить диалоги и поработать в парах (диалогическая речь); составить описание картин, используя новую лексику; написать письмо сверстнику из Канады (задать интересующие вопросы) Задачи : познакомиться и отработать лексику по теме; научить читать тематические тексты с новыми словами; составить диалоги и поработать в парах (диалогическая речь); составить описание картин, используя новую лексику; написать письмо сверстнику из Канады (задать интересующие вопросы) Контроль: 1.викторина о Канаде;2.лексический тест;3.монолог по теме;4.диалог «В Оттаве»;5.письмо сверстнику и ответ на письмо канадца;6.аудирование текста о Канаде и выполнение заданий;7.чтение текстов с извлечением полной информации. Контроль: 1.викторина о Канаде;2.лексический тест;3.монолог по теме;4.диалог «В Оттаве»;5.письмо сверстнику и ответ на письмо канадца;6.аудирование текста о Канаде и выполнение заданий;7.чтение текстов с извлечением полной информации.

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