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IEEE Computer Society Category A Liaison to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7: Status Report Annette Reilly IEEE Computer Society Liaison Representative to ISO/IEC JTC.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE Computer Society Category A Liaison to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7: Status Report Annette Reilly IEEE Computer Society Liaison Representative to ISO/IEC JTC."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE Computer Society Category A Liaison to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7: Status Report Annette Reilly IEEE Computer Society Liaison Representative to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 (Annual Report for Standards Activities Board) June 2014

2 Goals and Objectives of the Society Representative to SC 7 The goal is to support the Computer Society as the “owner” of a single, globally relevant characterization of the scope and content of systems and software engineering, with the following specific objectives: –Ensure that the SC7 adoption of the SWEBOK Guide, ISO/IEC TR 19759, remains consistent with the IEEE CS SWEBOK Guide as it evolves. –Ensure that any SC7 activities related to professional certifications are supportive of the CS certification programs. –Under the terms of the PSDO and in cooperation with IEEE-SA, improve the degree of alignment between IEEE S2ESC standards and SC7 standards. –Seek improvement of standards to provide additional rigor for situations of high consequence. (Revised wording approved by SAB, February 2013.) June 20142

3 Why Does the Computer Society Do This? Throughout the Computer Society, we are undertaking efforts to make the Society the “go to” place for software engineering. The role of its Standards Activity Board (SAB) and Systems and Software Engineering Standards Committee (S2ESC) is to deal with the standards collection. One of the strengths of the CS systems and software engineering program is the standards collection of the S2ESC. One of its weaknesses is inconsistency between these standards and other international standards (from ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7) on the same subject. Differences reduce the credibility of both standards on a given subject. CS and SC 7 have undertaken a program to make the two collections completely consistent using the PSDO. We use two approaches: –Adoption: One organization adopts the standard of the other. –Joint projects: Either to merge two standards, develop a new one serving both organizations, or revise an existing one. Where there is no overlap, we encourage revision of our standards in a manner that avoids contradiction with those of the SC 7 collection. June 2014 3

4 Liaison representatives Annette Reilly, lead, Jim Moore, founding lead, Pieter Botman, focusing on certification and BOK standards, Terry Doran, focusing on process standards, Paul Joannou, focusing on system integrity standards, Typically, the Computer Society provides the editor for joint standards projects (see remaining charts) June 20144

5 IEEE-CS involvement in SC7: People Doran and Moore: named editors of 12207. Roedler and Bearden: named editors of 15288. Moore: editor of 90003 Reilly: named editor of 15289, 23026. Joannou: named editor of 15026-3. Doran: named editor of 24748-4, and member of SWG5. Botman: named editor of 24773 Hilliard: member study group on architecting. Reilly: resolutions drafting committee. June 20145

6 Portfolio status As of April 2014, there are 58 IEEE S2ESC standards –25 IEEE-unique –16 IEEE-adopted from ISO/IEC SC7 –17 Joint ISO/IEC/IEEE Projects for 19 standards are underway (Note: Some projects are both completed and underway, i.e. initial completion followed by revision) June 20146

7 SWEBOK v3 published 2014 by IEEE Computer Society The SWEBOK Guide: –characterizes the contents of the software engineering discipline –promotes a consistent view of software engineering worldwide –clarifies software engineering's place with respect to other disciplines –provides a foundation for training materials and curriculum development, and –provides a basis for certification and licensing of software engineers Available at Offered as a USNB contribution for ISO/IEC adoption as a technical report June 20147

8 Recent standards from C-S2ESC IEEE 730:2014: IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes. –This standard establishes requirements for initiating, planning, controlling, and executing the Software Quality Assurance processes of a software development or maintenance project. This standard is harmonized with the software life cycle process of ISO/IEC 12207:2008 and the information content requirements of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2011. IEEE 828:2012 IEEE Standard for Configuration Management in Systems and Software Engineering IEEE 1012:2012 IEEE Standard for System and Software Verification and Validation June 20148

9 Summary of Effectiveness IEEE CS has created a coherent, consistent collection of standards, recognized world- wide, that supports and is supported by: –An agreed body of knowledge –An agreed vocabulary database –Certification programs –Training programs … making IEEE CS the international go-to place for codified knowledge of systems and software engineering. June 20149

10 Current and completed projects - 1 WGProject IEEE POC Notes 215289, LC dataAnnette ReillyJointly published. 22651x, User documentationAnnette ReillyJointly published 26511, 26512 and 26515. IEEE adopted 26513 and 26514. 223026, Internet practicesAnnette ReillyISO/IEC revision/ of IEEE 2001/ISO-IEC 23026. DIS ballot underway. 226531, Content management Annette ReillyDIS ballot underway. 414102, 14471, CASE toolsIEEE adopted ISO/IEC 14102 and 14471. 6SQUARE seriesIEEE project to adopt 25010 has been initiated. There have been clerical delays. 614143-1, FSM conceptsIEEE has withdrawn its obsolete edition, leaving the ISO/IEC standard as the single standard. 625051, SW product qualityIEEE has withdrawn its obsolete edition (which was an adoption of ISO/IEC 12119). June 201410

11 Current projects - 2 WGProject IEEE POC Notes 715288 and 12207, LC Processes Garry Roedler, Terry Doran, Jim Moore Published jointly. Balloting is underway for revisions of both. 715939, Measurement; 16085, Risk management; 16326, Project management; 29148 Requirements management Cheryl Jones, Bob Charette, Mark Henley Published jointly. 714764, MaintenanceTom PigoskiPublished jointly. IEEE may initiate joint revision. 715026-x, Systems and software assurance Jim Moore, Paul Joannou IEEE adopted 15026-1 as Trial Use Standard. IEEE adopted 15026-2, -3, -4. Revision of -3 underway. 7IEEE 828, Configuration management IEEE revision has been provided to WG 7 for study and use in 12207/15288 revision. 724748-1,2,3, LC management guides 24748-1, -2, -3 adopted as IEEE Guides. Revision is underway. 724748-4, Systems engineering process Terry Doran, editor ISO/IEC 26702 is fast-track of IEEE 1220. Joint revision is underway as 24748-4. 724748-5, SW Dev PlanJ. Amsenga, editor IEEE has formed balloting group for joint revision. However, it appears that SC 7 will cancel project. 724774, Process descriptionIEEE adopted 24774. 7IEEE 1012, V&VAnatol Kark, SG chair IEEE revision has been provided to WG 7 for study. June 201411

12 Current and completed projects - 3 WGProject IEEE POC Notes 1931320-1,-2, IDEFISO/IEC fast-track of IEEE 1320.1 and 1320.2 was successful. 2019759, SWEBOK Guide V3Pieter BotmanPrevious version adopted by ISO/IEC. SWEBOK V3 published; result is submitted (as US NB contribution) for ISO/IEC fast-track. 2024773, Certification of SW professional; 29154; Guide to 24773 Pieter Botman, editor IEEE CS has two conforming certifications. 2224765, VocabularyAnnette Reilly, convener Published jointly. IEEE CS hosts web site for free public access. 2390003, SW quality management Jim Moore, editor IEEE adopted it. SC7 is revising and IEEE will ballot adoption. 2429110-x, LC profiles for VSEClaude Laporte, editor IEEE will consider publishing derivative documents to suit end-user needs. June 201412

13 Current and completed projects - 4 WGProject IEEE POC Notes 2629119, TestingJon Hagar, editor IEEE contributed base documents. Parts 1-4 have been jointly published. Part 5 is in ballot 4242010, Architecture description Rich Hilliard, editor Original was fast-track of IEEE 1471. Revision was published jointly. June 201413

14 June 201414 TopicStatusRemarks Terminology & ConceptsGreenIEEE CS SWEBOK = ISO/IEC 19759. Identical vocabulary, 24765, hosted by IEEE CS. Quality managementGreenIdentical standard, 90003. Revision is underway. TestingGreenFirst four standards of joint s29119 series are published. One remains. Architecture descriptionGreenIdentical standard: 42010 Product qualityGreenIEEE withdrew its conflicting standard and may adopt 25010 Life cycle processesGreen12207, 15288 under revision. IEEE is adopting associated guides: 24748. Systems engineering processGreenISO/IEC 26702 = IEEE 1220. Joint revision is underway. SW maintenanceGreenIdentical standard: 14764. MeasurementGreenIdentical standard: 15939. Risk managementGreenIdentical standard, 16085, but revision is needed. Project managementGreenIdentical standard: 16326. Verification and validationYellow  IEEE 1012 is broadening to systems. SC 7 has a study group on V&V. Configuration managementYellow  12207 and 15288 revisions will try to align with revised 828. SW process assessmentHarmlessNo related IEEE standards Requirements engineeringGreenIdentical standard, 29148 replaced IEEE 830, 1233, 1362. SW life cycle dataGreenIdentical standard, 15289 User documentationGreenIdentical standards, 26511 through 26515 CASE toolsGreenIdentical standards, 14102, 14471 NotationsGreenDistinct standards for distinct notations. SC 7 recently adopted IDEF standards. InternetGreenJoint project underway to revise ISO/IEC 23026 aka IEEE 2001 Specialty Engineering (Safety, Security)GreenIEEE has adopted ISO/IEC 15026 (4 parts). Revision of parts 1 and 3 is underway. Professional certificationGreenIEEE CSDA and CSDP were the first to conform to ISO/IEC 24773 Consistencies in the two collections today

15 June 201415 Inconsistencies in the two collections, circa 1995 TopicStatusRemarks Terminology & ConceptsRedDifferent vocabulary standards Quality managementOrangeISO: Driven down from ISO 9001. IEEE: traditional QA approach. TestingOrangeIEEE standards unrelated to SC7 processes. Architecture descriptionHarmlessSC7 didn’t have architecture standards. Product qualityYellowUnrelated standards Life cycle processesRedIncompatible standards Systems engineering processYellowUnrelated standards SW maintenanceRedIncompatible standards MeasurementYellowUnrelated standards Risk managementHarmlessNo standards at all Project managementRedIncompatible standards Verification and validationRedFundamentally different approaches; minor incompatibilities in details Configuration managementRedIncompatible standards SW process assessmentYellowNothing in IEEE. ISO process assessment incompatible with ISO LC. Requirements engineeringOrangeIEEE standards unrelated to SC7 processes SW life cycle dataRedIncompatible standards User documentationRedIncompatible standards CASE toolsYellowMinor incompatibilities NotationsHarmlessDistinct standards for distinct notations InternetHarmlessNo standards IT Services, Management, GovernanceHarmlessNo standards Specialty Engineering (Safety, Security)OrangeUnrelated approaches Professional certificationHarmlessNone

16 Background IEEE Computer Society is a Category A Liaison to SC 7. –The Computer Society does not vote. –But it does get to participate, offer comments, and contribute documents (via a standing agreement with the US National Body). –The liaison relationship provides SC 7 access to Computer Society expertise around the world. –The liaison represents Computer Society interests in BOK, certifications, curricula and professional activities. –As provided by the Bylaws of the IEEE, the liaison operates in accordance with the provisions of the Partner Standards Development Organization (PSDO) agreement. In IEEE, the liaison reports to Computer Society Standards Activities Board (SAB) and coordinates with Software and Systems Engineering Standards Committee (S2ESC) and IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA). In SC 7, the liaison provides reports to the Secretariat. The liaison also represents the Computer Society’s membership in the US Technical Advisory Group to SC 7. June 201416

17 PSDO Agreement The IEEE Standards Association and ISO Central Secretariat have concluded a PSDO (Partner Standards Development Organization) agreement. The agreement provides uniform procedures for joint development and maintenance of standards by IEEE and designated TCs of ISO and SCs of JTC 1. June 2014 17

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