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M AGNETISM N OTES. M AGNETS Magnetic domain – region of a magnetic material where the atoms are groups together and aligned Has uniform magnetization.

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2 M AGNETS Magnetic domain – region of a magnetic material where the atoms are groups together and aligned Has uniform magnetization

3 M AGNETS Poles of a magnet are the ends where objects are most strongly attracted 2 poles called North and South Like poles repel Opposite poles attract If a magnet is broken into 2 pieces, each piece will still have an N and S

4 M AGNETS Iron is the most common magnetic material Unmagnetized iron can be magnetized via conduction (stroking) or induction

5 M AGNETIC F IELD The region of space surrounding a moving charge Is a vector quantity (arrows)

6 M AGNETIC F IELD Attraction Repulsion

7 E LECTROMAGNET Electric current produces a magnetic field Made from current flowing through coils of wire (called a solenoid) Faraday’s Law: More coils = stronger electromagnet (more voltage)



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