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CEN Workshop on ICT Skills Setting European Standards for ICT Skills & Qualifications And Professionalism Dudley Dolan Chairman of the CEN Workshop on.

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Presentation on theme: "CEN Workshop on ICT Skills Setting European Standards for ICT Skills & Qualifications And Professionalism Dudley Dolan Chairman of the CEN Workshop on."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills Setting European Standards for ICT Skills & Qualifications And Professionalism Dudley Dolan Chairman of the CEN Workshop on ICT Skills

2 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills 1) to provide a platform for ICT-Skills stakeholders... and develop a common view... 2) to enable them to contribute... by promoting the views of the workshop's members... 3) to undertake development work on required standards... with relevant sources funding... 4) to seek means of collaboration with other relevant bodies... Workshop Objectives

3 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills 2003-04 CWA 14925: Generic ICT Skills Profiles for the ICT supply industry - a review by CEN/ISSS ICT-Skills Workshop of the Career Space work CWA 15005: ICT Curriculum Development Guidelines... 2005-06 CWA 15515: European ICT Skills Meta-Framework - State-of-the-Art Review, Clarification of the Realities, and Recommendations for Next Steps 2007-08 CWA 15893-1: European e-Competence Framework CWA 15893-2: e-CF user guidelines for ICT sector players Previous Achievements

4 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills 2009 CWA 16052: ICT Certification in Europe CWA 16053: Interoperability of European e-Career Services Expected in autumn 2010 CWA xxxxx: End-user e-Skills Framework Requirements CWA xxxxx: European e-Competence Framework in Action Expected in autumn 2011 CWA xxxxx: e-Job Profiles CWA xxxxx: ICT Certification in Action CWA xxxxx: Implementing e-CF into ICT SMEs Recent & Current Projects

5 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills Two current projects could converge and result in a comprehensive formal standard: – End User e-Skills Framework – e-Competence Framework in Action Innovation and e-business skills are yet to be explored and defined Towards a comprehensive EN standard on ICT skills ?

6 Presentation Title Here 30pt Arial CEPIS Professionalism

7 CEPIS Established 1988 37 Members in 33 countries across greater Europe Covering a broad range of ICT professionals From mobile services, databases, information systems, security, service management to gaming, web design and more Secretariat in Brussels

8 CEPIS Mission and Goals  To be the main network of European IT Professionals  To raise the profile and promote the views of the European Informatics Societies and Informatics Professionals, to the European Commission and European Institutions  To promote the development of the Information Society through digital literacy, skills, education & research, and professionalism. Networking Lobbying Promote and support

9 Why is Professionalism important for IT? Factors of IT: – Disasters – Data Protection and Retention – Social Responsibility – Confidence and Quality – Societal and Economic Development – Cyber warfare More scrutiny needed in: – Safety-critical systems – Innovation and Improvement – Fitness for Purpose – Personal/Sensitive data

10 CEPIS on Professionalism Acknowledges special position of IT in Society Supports a convergent, evolving definition, based on Common Characteristics Obliges CEPIS to – Champion; Consult with Members; Operate a supportive Programme; Publish progress regularly

11 Programme for Professionalism Stage 1: Member Society Engagement – Understand local view; First draft “Common Characteristics” Stage 2: Positive Help – To Societies able to subscribe to core aspects Stage 3: Continued Encouragement – Continued Support – Special support for societies not in Stage 2 Continuous programme

12 Multi-stakeholder partnership approach Leverage advantages of stakeholders – Member Societies, Industry organisations – Academia, EU Important linkage to EU skills strategy – e-competence framework (e-CF) – European e-Skills Association (EeSA)

13 Current outcome of Stage 1 To elicit concepts of professionalism Survey of Member Society, Academic and Industry stakeholders Input to Expert Panel workshop – Output, based on core characteristics derived from survey – Draft “definition” of Professionalism – Draft “definition” of IT – Statement on role of Professional Institutions – Challenges

14 Professionalism “Professionalism is defined by the exhibition of these Common Characteristics: Knowledge Quality Ethics Accountability Experience Derives Living”

15 IT “IT, or Information Technology, is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of digital information systems (particularly software applications and computer hardware), and by them, solving stakeholders’ problems through the management, manipulation, storage and processing of data and information by technological and methodological means”

16 Role of Institutions Public Awareness – Promotes, fosters and supports characteristics Peer Endorsement – Protect “consumers” Validation – Enforcement?

17 Challenges Draft “definitions” Model Validation and Enforcement Broader participation Professional and Practitioner

18 Vision and Action International, valued and respected, IT Professionalism – Quality, innovation, and universal benefit Further development through multi-stakeholder partnership Continued facilitation of discussion by EU Promotion of benefits and value of Professionalism Development of pan-European understanding to facilitate mutual recognition of Professionals for mobility and transparency

19 CEN Workshop on ICT Skills Setting European Standards on ICT Skills & Qualifications And Professionalism Dudley Dolan Chairman of the CEN Workshop on ICT Skills

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